Professional cv writing co uk review năm 2024

I’ve been with the same organisation for seven years, slowly progressing with promotions, increased responsibility etc. I’ve been able to gain experience in different areas and contexts. I’m starting to reach a stage where I don’t have further to go, which my boss fully acknowledges, and, despite a desire for me to stay, we both know that the time has come for me to look elsewhere.

My question is connected to looking for a new role. I’m finding a lot of interesting posts advertised that I think I would be good at, but know that my CV and accompanying letters don’t always reflect the skills I have or adequately describe my achievements.

Writing is not my strongest point and I’m interested to hear your thoughts on whether it’s worth paying one of the frequently advertised CV writing services.

What advice would readers who have employed one recommend I look for?

Jeremy says

I would be as interested as you are to hear from Guardian readers about any experiences they may have had with professional CV-writing services. My own instinct is one of caution. A CV that is too obviously the work of someone other than the subject of that CV can be counter-productive. Every individual is different. No two people have exactly the same personal characteristics, enthusiasms or even acquired skills. CVs that are constructed from impersonal templates can eliminate just those particular features that may make a candidate seem an interesting human being.

The University of Kent generously posts its considered advice on the presentation of CVs and you will find it well worth studying. As you’ll see, it doesn’t recommend a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s more a helpful guide to allowing your own qualifications, experience and ambitions to come through in a way most likely to engage the interest of a potential employer.

If you’re successful in putting together an effective CV, you’ll soon be faced with the prospect of an interview or two. And having been out of the job market for the past seven years, you may well find that prospect a daunting one.

A few years ago, I was happy to endorse a book called Job Interview Success: Be Your Own Coach. It’s by Jenny Rogers and is published by McGraw-Hill Education. I believe you will find it full of thoroughly down-to-earth wisdom. It’s distilled from many years of successfully coaching hundreds of people for these sometimes nerve-wracking occasions. The emphasis is on allowing the person being interviewed to be seen at his or her natural best, rather than adopting some over-rehearsed and unconvincing persona.

One final point. All advisers stress the absolute importance of accuracy in everything you submit, and they’re right. You may believe that a couple of tiny spelling errors shouldn’t be enough to penalise a promising candidate – but remember that those responsible for evaluating multiple applications are often looking for objective reasons to reject them. Evidence of carelessness about detail may be enough to cancel out all the hard work you’ve done to get this far. Make sure you check and double check; then ask someone else to proofread for you.

Readers say

I work as a CV writer, both for myself and for some of the largest UK and US companies. I would avoid a large CV writing company – their standards for accepting writers are low. I’d use a platform like PeoplePerHour or Bark to find a CV writer with good reviews. Ask for as many revisions as necessary and an initial phone call to clarify your needs. You’d look to pay anywhere from £50-£70 for this, with a cover letter either thrown in for free, or charged at £10-£15. ID0191535

Don’t send out the same CV in every application. Go through the list of desired attributes in the job advert and make sure that they are clearly reflected in the CV and cover letter. Rewrite your CV for every job you apply for. That will take a lot more time but, speaking as someone who has read thousands of CVs, it really makes a big difference. Woodchopper

I improve my CV each time I am interviewed by sending it out to my referees and at least one person who has experience working in or interviewing others for the job I’m angling for. Experience is a valuable resource. Use it. Coffeeisgood

I want to put coaching at the heart of my work – how can I do that?

I’m a mid-50s employee working for a company that has terminated a successful internal coaching programme due to “lack of resources and funding”. Having graduated from a European Mentoring and Coaching Council approved coaching course, I had been an important part of this programme for seven years, and am left feeling that my efforts at transforming careers are undervalued and unappreciated. Sadly, I have no strategic influence so feel ready to move on.

My work background is in aviation but I would like a change in direction, with coaching at the core of my work. Should I set up as an independent coach, or seek employment with an organisation offering coaching?

Jeremy says

If you have been part of an established organisation all your working life, you should approach the thought of going solo with considerable care and caution. The freelance life has lots to offer – but it can also be extremely scary. You’re suddenly responsible for absolutely everything. Not only do you need to find your own work, but you need to find your own office space, pay all your bills and taxes, make sure you’re insured, do all your invoicing … and so on. It can be lonely and time-consuming. The internet has made marketing yourself and working from home more practical – but it’s still a huge difference from working in a traditional office.

If you have good contacts, references and reasonable expectations of coaching work, at least initially, you may want to take the plunge. Otherwise it could make much more sense for you to apply to join an established group, possibly a small one, offering similar service. You will find many listed online – but you will need to show that you can bring business and additional expertise with you.

Readers say

I’d hang on grimly to any permanent full-time job at the moment. At the very least wait for a good pay-off. Oofocus

I used to work as a self-employed coach and I can tell you that it’s not easy! Few people who complete coach training succeed. As with counselling, the money is in training people wanting to be coaches, supervision or corporate sector. It may be worth exploring if your company might want to buy in a more limited service from outside, which could give you your first step on the ladder if you choose to pursue this as a career option. DavidBates

Unless you are a highly specialised or sought-after coach working for or targeting the City of London, it is unlikely you will make much of a living from coaching. Lifes2short

Do you need advice on a work issue? For Jeremy’s and readers’ help, send a brief email to Please note that he is unable to answer questions of a legal nature or to reply personally.

Is professional CV writing worth it?

One of the main advantages of hiring a professional CV writer is that it significantly reduces the amount of time and effort you need to spend in creating a job-ready CV. Your hired CV writer will need to obtain information on your work history and education, which requires some communication on your part.

Is it worth hiring a professional CV writer?

They'll shine the light on your best self, highlighting transferable skills and peppering your CV with keywords to ensure it makes it into the hands of the recruiter. A professional CV writer has the skills and know-how to format and tailor your CV to fit the new role, giving you your best chance at job-search success.

Should I pay to have my CV written?

Think of hiring a CV writer as an investment in your career. If you are having a hard time crafting your CV, are in a time crunch or could use the help of a 3rd party to help you identify what is most important to highlight, working with a CV writer can be a great option.

How much does a professional CV cost UK?

For entry-level job seekers or recent graduates, a professional CV writing service may charge between £100 to £300 to create a CV from scratch. If you're a mid-level professional with some experience, the cost of a professionally written CV might range from £200 to £500 or more.

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