Profitable personal brands for entrepreneurs review

From the number one international best-selling author Chris J Reed, "The Only NASDAQ CEO with a Mohawk!", comes his new book - Personal Branding Mastery for Entrepreneurs. In it, Chris will tell you all about how you, as an entrepreneur, can develop your personal brand beyond LinkedIn.

You are an entrepreneur, your personal brand is what everyone is buying into. Your clients, your shareholders, your employees, your partners, the media...future clients, employees, investors...they are all buying into the power and values of your personal brand. That's why you need to start working on it now.

In this new book, Chris will talk from his own personal experience on how he created a personal brand from nothing and knowing no one when he left the UK and came to Singapore to become an Asian entrepreneur. Chris will show how he became the "Only NASDAQ CEO with a Mohawk!" and how this personal brand has transformed his businesses.

Chris covers all aspects of personal branding for entrepreneurs including what it is, why you should have it, his personal brand story, ups and downs of having a personal brand, why you need to be more American and less English or Asian in your personal branding.

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The motivational book “Crushing It!: How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence — and How You Can, Too” by Gary Vaynerchuk aims to teach readers how to harness the power of the digital age to create successful businesses and personal brands. Vaynerchuk shares insights, anecdotes, and practical advice from a variety of entrepreneurs who have achieved notable success in their respective industries, with a focus on social media platforms and the idea of personal branding.

In the opening of “Crushing It!” Gary Vaynerchuk [also known online as Gary Vee] discusses the rapid development of the internet and social media. According to him, the digital age presents individuals with previously unheard-of opportunities to start and develop their businesses and personal brands, but doing so requires commitment, authenticity, and strategic use of social media platforms.

The Importance of Personal Branding

The importance of personal branding is one of the book’s main themes. Vaynerchuk emphasizes that creating a strong personal brand can be just as valuable as creating a strong business brand in the connected world of today. He contends that using social media to connect with and engage your target audience, being authentic, and showcasing your skills and passions are all important components of personal branding.

The Vaynerchuk Approach

Vaynerchuk’s strategy for entrepreneurship and personal branding can be summed up in a few key ideas:

  • He encourages readers to pursue their passions persistently in his essay “Passion is Everything.” You’ll find the drive to put in the hard work necessary for success if you align your personal brand with your interests.
  • Vaynerchuk emphasizes the significance of consistently producing and disseminating valuable content under the motto “Content is King.” Content is how you can add value to your audience, whether it be through blog posts, videos, podcasts, or social media updates.
  • Authenticity is Key: Personal branding is built on the foundation of authenticity. Trying to be someone you’re not or chasing trends that don’t fit with your values and interests are both things Vaynerchuk advises against.
  • Building a community and communicating with your audience are important. Create a sense of community among your followers by being genuine in your responses to comments, messages, and emails.

Vaynerchuk advises using a variety of social media platforms to broaden your audience. Each platform has its own advantages, and by becoming proficient on several of them, you can reach a wider audience.

By using a variety of social media platforms, you can reach a much wider audience.

Success Stories

Vaynerchuk shares a lot of success stories in “Crushing It!” about people who have used his principles to create successful personal brands and businesses. Some of these success stories are:

  1. Casey Neistat: A filmmaker and YouTuber who gained fame by creating authentic and engaging video content.
  2. Lewis Howes: A former professional athlete who turned to writing and hosting podcasts after sharing his knowledge of entrepreneurship and personal development.
  3. Emily Heyward: Founder of Red Antler, a branding and design agency. She made use of her personal brand to draw customers and expand her business.
  4. The Rubin Report: This political talk show, hosted by Dave Rubin, became a huge success by offering in-depth, thoughtful discussions in a divided media environment.
  5. Amy Schmittauer Landino: A YouTuber and productivity expert who built a personal brand around her expertise in video marketing.
  6. Chef Lizette: A chef who used Instagram to showcase her culinary creations and ultimately turned her passion into a thriving business.

These people from various backgrounds and professions have successfully used the ideas presented in the book to accomplish their objectives and gain significant influence.

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Realistic Advice

In addition to success stories, “Crushing It!” provides useful guidance on utilizing social media platforms for self-promotion and business expansion. Key platform-specific insights include the following:

  • Instagram: Through Instagram Stories and the use of hashtags to improve discoverability, Vaynerchuk emphasizes the value of storytelling.
  • Facebook: He emphasizes the effectiveness of Facebook Live for fostering in-the-moment interaction and close-knit connections with your audience.
  • YouTube: According to the description, consistency in content creation is important on this platform, as is improving the searchability of video titles, descriptions, and tags.
  • Podcasting: Vaynerchuk offers advice on how to make engaging audio content as well as discusses the importance of podcasting in establishing authority in your niche.
  • LinkedIn: He underscores the potential for professional networking and personal branding on LinkedIn, emphasizing the importance of sharing valuable insights.
  • Twitter: Vaynerchuk promotes engaging in Twitter discussions and using trending topics to gain visibility.

Legacy and Long-Term Thinking

Vaynerchuk exhorts readers to adopt a long-term perspective throughout the entire book. He stresses that it takes time and consistent effort to develop a successful personal brand and business. He promotes patience and commitment to one’s craft over chasing quick gains or overnight success.


Gary Vaynerchuk’s “Crushing It!” is a practical and inspirational manual for people who want to use the power of the digital age to create successful personal brands and businesses. He offers a road map for achieving influence and financial success in today’s interconnected world with a focus on personal branding, authenticity, and strategic use of social media platforms. The book inspires readers to follow their passions, produce worthwhile content, interact with their audience, and adopt a long-term mindset on their path to “crushing it” in their chosen fields through real-life success stories and helpful advice.

“Crushing It!” by Gary Vaynerchuk is a must-read for anyone aspiring to thrive in the digital age. Vaynerchuk’s enthusiasm for entrepreneurship and personal branding is contagious, and his advice is inspiring and practical. The book demonstrates the value of authenticity, content creation, and social media in establishing businesses and personal brands through compelling success stories and helpful advice. This book offers a road map to success whether you’re an aspiring business owner, a content creator, or someone looking to improve your online presence. If you take its advice to heart, you’ll be motivated to reach your full potential and, as the book’s subtitle promises, “crush it.”

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Is personal branding profitable?

It can help increase the sales, revenue and growth of your business or products, and assist in manifesting you as an authority in your industry ². However, the income generated from personal branding varies widely depending on the individual's niche, audience size, and the type of products or services they offer.

How do you make money from personal branding?

Sponsored Content. You can earn money by partnering with brands and creating sponsored content. ... .

Affiliate Marketing. I bet you're always telling your clients about new and handy tools they should use. ... .

Digital Products. ... .

Coaching. ... .

Speaking Engagements. ... .

Brand Partnerships. ... .

Write a book. ... .

Host Workshops..

Is it better to build a personal brand or a business brand?

Business brands are easier to sell when compared to personal brands. If you decide to move on from your brand and want to sell it to another owner, it will be easier to do so if the business name is associated with its products rather than the person behind it.

What is Oprah's brand?

Oprah's personal brand is rooted in her purpose: to inspire, educate, and empower people to live their best lives. She has a clear mission and vision that guides her decisions and actions. She also aligns her brand with causes and values that she cares about, such as education, women's rights, and wellness.

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