Reddit desktop version 2022

EDIT: The admin responded below. On the new mobile browser site:

You can request the desktop site under “Settings”.

You can collapse comment threads on the mobile website by tapping to the right of usernames.

Praise be.

On mobile I use the desktop version of old reddit in chrome. It's the only way I can use this website. Normally if you go to through your mobile browser there is an option in the top right where you click the 3 lines and then click "Desktop Site". Just now this option randomly disappeared for me. In Preferences I have "Use new Reddit as my default experience" turned off. This new mobile site was forcing me into new reddit regardless. I have never needed to use As long as I have new.reddit turned off in preferences and switch over to the desktop site, has always shown as old.reddit for me on mobile.

Thankfully it reverted back to the original when I cleared my browsing history/cookies. But others are reporting the same thing happening to them. Examples:

Unable to go into desktop mode

Hello all, I’m a mobile user and beginning yesterday I was no longer able to switch to desktop mode. Making Reddit practically unusable.

Can it Opt Out of New Reddit

Any time I click a link it opts me back in. I’ve tried to opt out [and save settings], but any time I open the site or click a link it takes me to new Reddit and I’m opted back in on my settings page. This occurs on my mobile device.

Opting out of the redesign no longer works on the main page

No option for desktop version on mobile browser

How to change back to desktop version on mobile browser?

Can't switch back to old reddit

Is this going to be a permanent change? Will it soon revert me back to this new mobile site? WHY are you doing this?

Edit February 2: It just randomly reverted me back to the new mobile layout. So it took about a day since I cleared my browsing history/cookies for it to revert me back. I've cleared my browsing history/cookies again and now it gives the original mobile layout where I can switch back to the desktop site. So its good that clearing history seems to work, but it's definitely going to keep bumping me back every day or so. Pretty annoying.

Edit February 3: Now clearing my browsing history/cookies doesn't work. I'm stuck with this new mobile site. You can't even collapse comment threads. Makes absolutely no sense. I can still access the old reddit desktop site on mobile by using old.reddit, but it's liable to switch over, especially when clicking non old.reddit links. Who thought this new mobile browser site was a good idea? I don't get it. So many poor layout decisions in the last few years.

Stuck in old desktop view after requesting desktop site. How do I get back to mobile web? from mobileweb

When I go to it redirects me to the app, is there a way to prevent this?


Idiot gives me the finger then slams on his brakes. I get hit from behind. He tried to tell the police he stopped because I hit him, got real sheepish when I said I had video. Please enjoy me yelling and the fact that my car turned on classical music when I got hit lol.[]

17.3k points17.3k points submitted 3 hours ago by troyseff to r/IdiotsInCars


Where is the option to go to the desktop site on the new mobile layout? I use to have the option on the top corner that brought down the the dropdown menu to go to the desktop site.

The mobile site is straight up awful, I never want to see it again. If I hit "request desktop" in the Reddit menu, it reverts shortly after. If I hit "request desktop" on the actual browser, using that tab becomes annoying since I don't want desktop versions of anything except Reddit.

Is there any option to permanently opt out of the mobile site?

There seems to have passed an update like 3 days ago?? I am no longer able to view Reddit desktop site on my cellphone. I used to be able to click the 3 dots up right and there was an option " desktop site" it's no longer there.

Is there another fix?

Reddit mobile is so poor and not userfriendly, a clusterfuck to be honest, if I can't view it as if I was using a computer I honestly can't continue using reddit

I always use desktop but now it's all mobile site. Previously if it accidentally loaded as mobile there was an option to change it back to desktop, but now that option is gone? How can I force desktop mode?

I detest mobile reddit and prefer to use the desktop site while browsing on my phone. Over the past few months it has been defaulting to mobile increasingly often. As of today the look and feel is different and there is no longer a button to use the desktop site. How do I go back?

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