Shell_exec php not working windows

I have the following code which doesn't seem to work, however it works when I open up a command prompt and run the command:

Provide target PC names [separate with ":"]: 

How come it works in the command prompt but not when I execute it via PHP? I am trying to restart a Windows PC remotely.

[PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8]

shell_execExecute command via shell and return the complete output as a string


shell_exec[string $command]: string|false|null


On Windows, the underlying pipe is opened in text mode which can cause the function to fail for binary output. Consider to use popen[] instead for such cases.



The command that will be executed.

Return Values

A string containing the output from the executed command, false if the pipe cannot be established or null if an error occurs or the command produces no output.


This function can return null both when an error occurs or the program produces no output. It is not possible to detect execution failures using this function. exec[] should be used when access to the program exit code is required.


An E_WARNING level error is generated when the pipe cannot be established.


Example #1 A shell_exec[] example

See Also

  • exec[] - Execute an external program
  • escapeshellcmd[] - Escape shell metacharacters

trev at

10 years ago

If you're trying to run a command such as "gunzip -t" in shell_exec and getting an empty result, you might need to add 2>&1 to the end of the command, eg:

Won't always work:
echo shell_exec["gunzip -c -t $path_to_backup_file"];

Should work:
echo shell_exec["gunzip -c -t $path_to_backup_file 2>&1"];

In the above example, a line break at the beginning of the gunzip output seemed to prevent shell_exec printing anything else. Hope this saves someone else an hour or two.

smcbride at msn dot com

1 year ago

proc_open is probably a better solution for most use cases as of PHP 7.4.  There is better control and platform independence.  If you still want to use shell_exec[], I like to wrap it with a function that allows better control.

Something like below solves some problems with background process issues on apache/php.  It also

public function sh_exec[string $cmd, string $outputfile = "", string $pidfile = "", bool $mergestderror = true, bool $bg = false] {
  $fullcmd = $cmd;
  if[strlen[$outputfile] > 0] $fullcmd .= " >> " . $outputfile;
  if[$mergestderror] $fullcmd .= " 2>&1";
  if[$bg] {
    $fullcmd = "nohup " . $fullcmd . " &";
    if[strlen[$pidfile]] $fullcmd .= " echo $! > " . $pidfile;
  } else {
    if[strlen[$pidfile] > 0] $fullcmd .= "; echo $$ > " . $pidfile;

alexandre dot schmidt at gmail dot com

6 years ago

To run a command in background, the output must be redirected to /dev/null. This is written in exec[] manual page. There are cases where you need the output to be logged somewhere else though. Redirecting the output to a file like this didn't work for me:

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