Tick off bucket list sentence

Use tick off in a sentence | tick off example sentences

1- That ticks off rangers and land managers.

2- He goes through and puts circles round everything and ticks off .

3- Thatll really tick off the independents.

4- Then tick off carefully your list of comparisons and priorities.

5- Thats why you should tick off these 10 things immediately.

6- He regularly reviewed products..certainly ticking off some manufacturers.

7- She straightened up and began ticking off on her fingers.

8- Sophie ticked off items on her fingers.

9- The questionnaire contains 22 different activities that the organisations could tick off .

10- I excused myself but was ticked off for trying to slim.

11- He believes such an outcome would only tick off independent software companies.

12- It silently, relentlessly ticks off its measured, irretrievable increments.

13- She ticked off the possibilities in her mind.

14- The countdown chronometer ticked off the remaining minutes and seconds.

15- She lifted her hand and ticked off on her fingers.

16- She then ticked off several points she wished to make.

17- Who can be ticked off by anything else you mentioned ?

18- That could be another box ticked off for me.

19- Thanks the third point ticked off rather nicely , so onto herding.

20- Ensure you have ticked off the Learning objectives.

21- And then tick off what theyve done in the gaps.

22- Sort of things we can tick off as we need them.

23- Black vultures have sometimes been seen to pick ticks off resting capybaras.

24- Closing her eyes, she ticked off her list of patients.

25- Reply Forms should have been ticked off as they came in.

26- Fans were ticked off with that, and I agree.

27- When you might have ticked off all the other things.

28- Now is the time to tick off your bucket-list!

29- I am also a ticked off UOP former student.

30- Melton ticks off the pluses and minuses at this early stage .

31- There is a good sense of accomplishment in ticking off those completed tasks!

32- Lady Alys smiled shortly, and ticked off the item.

33- Got a thorough ticking off by the DC though and no mistake.

34- Mother nature is getting ticked off .

35- I went through your list and I could have ticked off many.

36- One cant blame Baldwin for being ticked off about the story.

37- At least she could tick off the years now without bursting into tears.

38- Wed ticked off this outlying 4000 metre peak by a superb traverse.

39- This is one ticked off lady.

More Sentences:
Related Words:
tick ticks ticking the clock is ticking tick away tick by tick past tick off tick over tick the box tick all the right boxes what makes me tick tick box tick-tock on tick

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