twin towers là gì - Nghĩa của từ twin towers

twin towers có nghĩa là

towers bush knocked down
In fifteen seconds the huge permanent steel structure disintegrated from top to bottom into a growing cloud of dust. Do buildings really fall through themselves like that, turning to dust in seconds? Is that really supposed to happen to a steel structure because of impacts and fires near the top? Perhaps not too many people were asking such questions because none of the series of events leading up to that were supposed to happen. We witnessed an increasingly improbable series of events, from a hijacking with knives, to a jet hitting a World Trade Center tower, to multiple hijackings, to a second jet hitting the other tower, to yet more hijackings, and a plane hitting the heart of the nation's military establishment. Each event in this series was more improbable than the last. So by the time we got to the collapsing skyscrapers part, we were conditioned to expect the unbelievable.
A rational look at the Twin Tower collapses reveals that the official story contradicts the laws of physics and the most basic knowledge of the behavior of steel structures, and matter itself.
The towers were designed to survive jet impacts of the type that happened on September 11th.
The fires were not very severe in the South Tower and were diminishing. Even severe fires would not have initiated a collapse.
The towers underwent explosive disintegrations that didn't look anything like the way such buildings would fall.
There are relatively simple proofs that the buildings did not fall of their own weight.


bush knocked down the twin towers

Frank A. Demartini, on-site construction manager for the World Trade Center, spoke of the resilience of the towers in an interview recorded on January 25, 2001.
---The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door -- this intense grid -- and the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting.
----No one had anticipated the towers being hit by jumbo jets.
IN FACT: The 767-222s that impacted the towers were similar in size to the 707-340s whose impact the towers were designed to survive.
--The jets spilled 24,000 gallons of jet fuel into each tower.
IN FACT: The 767-222s had no more then 10,000 gallons of fuel when they hit the towers, and the impact fireballs consumed much of that in seconds.
--Engineers failed to anticipate the fires following the impacts.
IN FACT: It's the job of an engineer to consider all such possibilities. They would have considered fuel loads based on a 707-340's capacity of 23,900 gallons.
--Damage to insulation was fatal to the steel structure.
IN FACT: Fires have never damaged a vertical column in a steel-frame highrise, with or without insulation.
--We are fortunate the towers stood as long as they did.
IN FACT: Since the towers withstood the crashes they should have stood indefinitely. The structural steel -- an excellent conductor of heat -- would have regained most of any strength lost once the jet fuel burned out in about five minutes.

twin towers có nghĩa là

Formerly a large world trading center in the middle of Mannhatan, New York. Often times these towers had been used to give a sense of patriotism to those who dwell in the city. On September 11, 2001, planes, hijacked by terrorists, crashed into these towers and destroyed them, leading to the loss of about 3000 innocent lives. This major world event has sparked an ongoing political debate on fear of Islam; whether it is rational to fear an ongoing spread of terrorism or whether the event is being exploited by the U.S. government. Right-wingers pick the former, claiming that the war in Afghanistan and Iraq are justified for preventive security reasons and the removal of potentially dangerous tyrannical dictators. Left wingers claim that the war is nothing but an attempt to gain more oil, and that the Bush administration is corrupt. Some also claim that 9/11 was a conspiracy by the U.S. government.


The destruction of the twin towers has begun a large political war between liberals and conservatives.

twin towers có nghĩa là

when two guys are having sex with one girl, one guy doing her between the legs and one guy receiving oral sex, the girl is lying on her back. The two guys meet up top and high five when they're finished


Hey andy, john and me gave linda the twin towers treatment last night!

twin towers có nghĩa là

When two basketball players on the same team are extremely tall, and dominant players.


Tim Duncan and David Robinson are the best twin towers of all time.

twin towers có nghĩa là

The trademark and much loved feature of the old Wembley Stadium in London. Sadly demolished to make way for a new facility


Yes we all know Wembley needed to be redeveloped, but did they really have to demolish the twin towers as well?

twin towers có nghĩa là

A nick name for the Los Angeles County Prison.

L.A. County Prison aka. Twin Towers


Yah the homie Roberto is locked up at the twin towers.

twin towers có nghĩa là

1/ not to be confused with "twain towers", a research institute dedicated to the study of the life and times of Huckleberry Finn

2/ Also not to be confused with the string superstore located in new hampshire see Twine Towers

3/ Not to be confused with the second Lord of the Rings movie see overhyped shit

4/ Formerly the worlds tallest building, now renowned as being the most expensive hole in the ground ever created.

5/ an example of how NOT to land an aircraft [unless you hate americans] see rest of the world


"aim for the one on the left mohammed, don't worry if you miss, there are two of them"

"excuse me sir, do you have a copy of Microsoft flight simulator with the Twin towers in, dont worry about the landing, i just need to know how to take off."

"excuse me maam, do you know the way to Twine towers? I need a new shoelace. for my shoe-bomb"

twin towers có nghĩa là

when one man and another man have sexual intercourse with a woman by scissoring each other in a way that their penises are parallel to the other's. Then the woman proceeds to ride both penises; either both in the vagina or one in each hole.


Dude i can't wait for this weekend. Me and you are totally give that girl the twin towers!

twin towers có nghĩa là

When two gents are hitting it from the back of two girls who are facing each other and they high five. When climax is achieved they collapse to the ground just like the twin towers collapsed.


Yes, Daniel and I did the twin towers on those two hot girls last night, the best experience of my life.

twin towers có nghĩa là

means big ugly two front teeth


hi twin towers

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