Unlike development, the goal of training is to ___.


Read the full fact sheet

  • Resistance training increases muscle strength by making your muscles work against a weight or force.
  • Different forms of resistance training include using free weights, weight machines, resistance bands and your own body weight.
  • A beginner needs to train two or three times per week to gain the maximum benefit.
  • Complete the adult pre-exercise screening tool and consult with professionals, such as your doctor, exercise physiologist, physiotherapist or AUSactive registered professional before you start a new fitness program.
  • Rest each muscle group for at least 48 hours to maximise gains in strength and size.
  • Varying your workouts can help you push past a training plateau.

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Related information

  • Aerobics injuries are usually caused by trauma and overuse, but can be prevented by using the right techniques and equipment.

  • Exercise can reduce some of the symptoms of arthritis, and improve joint mobility and strength.

  • Asthma triggered by exercise can be prevented with medication and by preparing for exercise and physical activity.

  • Australian rules football is a physical contact sport that often results in injuries from tackling, kicking, running and constant competition for the ball.

  • A kilojoule is a unit of measure of energy, in the same way that kilometres measure distance.

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Content on this website is provided for information purposes only. Information about a therapy, service, product or treatment does not in any way endorse or support such therapy, service, product or treatment and is not intended to replace advice from your doctor or other registered health professional. The information and materials contained on this website are not intended to constitute a comprehensive guide concerning all aspects of the therapy, product or treatment described on the website. All users are urged to always seek advice from a registered health care professional for diagnosis and answers to their medical questions and to ascertain whether the particular therapy, service, product or treatment described on the website is suitable in their circumstances. The State of Victoria and the Department of Health shall not bear any liability for reliance by any user on the materials contained on this website.

After mastering your badminton footwork, it's time to learn the different types of shots and when best to use them. Before we begin, it is good to understand the difference between a shot and a stroke.

Badminton Shots vs Badminton Strokes

While many may be confused with the difference in a shot and stroke, a badminton stroke is the swinging motion performed before you take a shot. In a nutshell, the strokes you execute is fundamental in producing a good shot in a game of badminton.

As a beginner, do not rush into learning all the different types of badminton shots. Learn and practice till you’re good with one then move on to learn new types of shots.

All shots in badminton can be classified broadly into either offensive or defensive shots. Here are some of the most popular ones.

Defensive badminton shots

The Clear Shot

Also known as lobbing, the clear shot is the most important badminton shot especially in a Singles Game. It is commonly used when you need to buy more time for yourself to return to base before the next return. It is also strategic to use when your opponent is near to the fore-court, forcing him to retract to the back to retrieve the shuttle. If the clear sends the shuttle right to your opponent’s baseline, it’s considered a good defensive clear.

In this stroke, contact the shuttlecock around the middle of your racket head. The aim of the clear shot is to cause the shuttle to go up high in the air and land at your opponent's backcourt.

The clear shot is one of the easiest badminton techniques; beginners should aim to master the Defensive Clear Shot to play longer rallies against your opponents.

The Drive Shot

The drive shot is a basic flat shot, directly hit over the net. It is a powerful, quick counter-attacking shot that is easy to execute. If the shot is played correctly, it will force your opponent to hit an upward return, giving you opportunities to counter-attack. It is widely used in a Doubles Game as players would like to keep the shuttle low.

The Drive Shot can be played both on the forehand or backhand. To execute the shot, your racket should be held with the head facing straight ahead locking your wrist as the shuttle comes in contact with your racket.

The aim is to deliver a flat and fast drive to get the shuttle behind your opponent causing them to make a weak return. Although sometimes it can be strategic to aim the shot at your opponent who will be unable to react or shift his body in time as their natural reaction will be to duck the shot.

Offensive badminton shots

The Drop Shot

The drop shot is best used when the shuttle is heading towards you in the first half of your court. To perform this stroke, the player must hit the shuttlecock downwards towards the opponent's fore-court, aiming for it to go just over the net. There are two types of drop shots, Fast Drop Shot: where the shuttlecock travels down steeply and lands further away from the net, Slow Drop Shot: the shuttle does not travel down steeply but lands nearer to the net.

When executing a drop shot, you want to make it look like a drive, but instead, you only use a little force to push the shuttle over the net. This shot is strategic to use when the opponent is near to the backcourt, anticipating your stroke to be a clear or drive.

For more advanced play, if you are in the mid-court, you can try slicing the shuttlecock so it will bounce nicely over the net. If the opponent is in the backcourt, this shot will make the opponent dash forward.

The closer the shuttle drops to the net, the harder it is to return. However, it also becomes riskier for you as it may not cross the net and cost you the rally.

The main objective of the drop shot is to force your opponent out of his position or the variate the pace of the game.

The Smash Shot

The badminton smash is considered the most powerful shot in badminton and is usually played on the forehand. It is often difficult to return because of the pace and the downward angle of the shot, think of it as a downwards drive. It is best used when the shuttle is high in the air so that it can be angled downwards.

When the shuttle comes in from a high angle, it will allow you enough time to arch and get in position to strike. At the highest point of contact, with a flick of the wrist aim the shuttle downwards in a steep gradient.

You ideally want to aim for spots furthest from your opponent, but another tactic is to aim it towards his upper torso, making it hard for him to defend.

Tips on improving your smash shot

  • Raise your non-racket arm to aim for the shuttle before you execute the smash.
  • When you extend your arm to reach out for the smash, make sure you fully utilise your thumb, wrist, forearm and shoulders.
  • Hit the shuttlecock when it is at the highest point, this creates a steep angle for your smash.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale as you swing your racket forward. Remember to follow through and complete the swing to give your smash more power.
  • There are other types of shots in badminton like the more advanced spinning shots, lifts and net kills. But the shots mentioned above are the core shots you should first learn to master.

Lastly, it is always important to disguise your shots so it will not become too easy for your opponent to predict. For example, your offensive shots should look like either a drive or a drop shot until the very last second. This will make it hard for your opponent to react.

To receive the latest updates on the happenings in the Singapore sports scene, or to find out more about some of the latest programmes on offer at ActiveSG, like our Facebook page here.

Whether you would like your child to experience badminton or embark on a pathway to excel in it, the SBA Badminton Academy @ ActiveSG is the right place for you! Helmed by professional coaches, they will be on hand to guide your child every step of the way to instill values and character development. From fundamental movement skills to core badminton skills, the programmes are designed to be fun, yet challenging.

What is the difference between training and development quizlet?

Training is short term, task oriented and targeted on achieving a change of attitude, skills and knowledge in a specific area. It is usually job related. Development is a long term investment in human resources. Feedback: ask for it and adjust training methods to audience.

What is the overall goal of the training and development process?

From the point of view of the individual employee, there are three main aims of training: Improve the individual's level of awareness. Increase an individual's skill in one or more areas of expertise. Increase an individual's motivation to perform their job well.

Which of the following is a true difference between training and development?

Training is the act of learning basic skills and knowledge necessary for a particular job or a group of jobs. Development, on the other hand, means growth of the individual in all respects. An organization works for the development of its executives in order to enable them to gain advanced knowledge and competence.

What is the purpose of training and development quizlet?

A major purpose of training and development is to remove the performance deficiencies, whether current or anticipated, that cause employees to perform at less than desired levels. Training for performance improvements is particularly important to organizations with stagnant or declining rates of productivity.

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