What are the four major growth strategies that marketers typically utilize select all that apply?

The marketing mix is the set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that a company uses to produce a desired response from its target market. It consists of everything that a company can do to influence demand for its product. It is also a tool to help marketing planning and execution.

The four Ps of marketing: product, price, place and promotion

The marketing mix can be divided into four groups of variables commonly known as the four Ps:

  1. Product: The goods and/or services offered by a company to its customers.
  2. Price: The amount of money paid by customers to purchase the product.
  3. Place [or distribution]: The activities that make the product available to consumers.
  4. Promotion: The activities that communicate the product’s features and benefits and persuade customers to purchase the product.

Marketing tools

Each of the four Ps has its own tools to contribute to the marketing mix:

  • Product: variety, quality, design, features, brand name, packaging, services
  • Price: list price, discounts, allowance, payment period, credit terms
  • Place: channels, coverage, assortments, locations, inventory, transportation, logistics
  • Promotion: advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations

Marketing strategy

An effective marketing strategy combines the 4 Ps of the marketing mix. It is designed to meet the company’s marketing objectives by providing its customers with value. The 4 Ps of the marketing mix are related, and combine to establish the product’s position within its target markets.

Weaknesses of the marketing mix

The four Ps of the marketing mix have a number of weaknesses in that they omit or underemphasize some important marketing activities. For example, services are not explicitly mentioned, although they can be categorized as products [that is, service products]. As well, other important marketing activities [such as packaging] are not specifically addressed but are placed within one of the four P groups.

Another key problem is that the four Ps focus on the seller’s view of the market. The buyer’s view should be marketing’s main concern.

The four Ps as the four Cs

The four Ps of the marketing mix can be reinterpreted as the four Cs. They put the customer’s interests [the buyer] ahead of the marketer’s interests [the seller].

  • Customer solutions, not products: Customers want to buy value or a solution to their problems.
  • Customer cost, not price: Customers want to know the total cost of acquiring, using and disposing of a product.
  • Convenience, not place: Customers want products and services to be as convenient to purchase as possible.
  • Communication, not promotion: Customers want two-way communication with the companies that make the product.

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Every business leader knows that continued success in ever-changing markets requires the right development, integration and execution of strategies. There are 4 Ps of marketing, which are considered the four main component ingredients used to derive any given strategy in marketing products or services. A business must consider not only what has been working, but also new innovations, changes in the competitive market, and adjustments to staff and talent. Develop your marketing and growth strategies with the Four Ps in mind, and then test the market in short bursts, to see if the campaign is truly effective. Successful businesses have nimble marketing campaigns, and managers understand when to change direction.

Define the Four Ps

When developing your next marketing strategy, consider the four Ps of marketing, much like links in a chain. When one link moves, it affects all other parts of the chain, leading to other movements. The links work in relation to each other. While other Ps have been developed over the years by business and economic experts, these four Ps are respected as the foundation for marketing programs. The four Ps are: product, price, place and promotion. Because they work together, their order is of no consequence.

Product: Products exist to solve a problem or a need that a consumer has or may realize that he has. The iPhone makes life easier by having everything you need to access in one small unit that accompanies you everywhere. Until the iPhone came along, people didn't realize they needed one, but Apple has excelled at helping consumers discover their need to simplify life by having a phone, calendar, search engine. camera, calculator, GPS, voice, weather guide, and more, all in one product.

Price: Price is what the consumer pays. Some industries garner only a small markup on price, while others have huge profit margins, because they are highly sought after. Price is affected by sales cycles, product life cycles, supply and demand. Business strategies might consider a cost leadership strategy by trying to beat the market with the lowest price, or a business strategy might choose to inflate the price, based on a luxury component or brand image.

Place: As a strategy, place has become a more significant component of marketing success. Place involves where the product is stored, perhaps even where it is manufactured. The internet has created a dramatic evolution of where products are sold and distributed, from small, local companies to global. This strategy also considers where the product is advertised and in which format, including radio, infomercials, magazines, online ads, and even in film product placements.

Promotion: This strategy component is tied directly to the other three Ps. The promotional strategy aims to show consumers why they need to buy this specific product over others. Timing heavily influences the amount of promotional marketing, and when. It may also adjust the location, such as commercials during football season games that target pizza delivery deals. It may try to entice consumers to try a product with an irresistible promotional or introductory offer.

These Four Ps really boil down to what you're selling for how much where, and what methods you will use to let consumers know about it. Building the marketing mix with these in mind is the next step.

Building Your Marketing Mix

When building your marketing mix, consider the target consumer. By asking the right questions in the Four Ps, you will develop the right consumer profile. For example, if the Product is a new fat-burning supplement, you will consider the demographics and who is most likely to want to lose weight, using a supplement. Assuming that this group consists of women, you may need to consider the timing before you consider the price, place and promotion.

Assuming that women want to get rid of holiday weight and get ready for the summer bikini season, the sales cycle would revolve around New Year's resolutions, as well as late Spring, when women are thinking about summer vacation. If you are selling the product online, you might consider a higher price with free shipping, so women will feel that they are getting a better value. With Place being online, you are free to market on national television commercials, perhaps even putting an infomercial on specific networks that women primarily watch. You could also do targeted ads on social media and on various websites, discussing women's topics.

This strategy incorporates all the components of the Four Ps in marketing. But it does so in a very specific way that's tailored to your specific product's ability to serve a highly targeted consumer. All marketing must target how a product or service solves a customer need.

Integration Into Growth Strategies

As a business leader, consider how the Four Ps factor into your overall growth strategies. The marketing components should seamlessly integrate with any other growth strategy you develop. Growth strategies look at cost leadership, market penetration, diversification and even acquisition to build a bigger consumer base.

Cost Leadership Strategy: This growth strategy is designed to capture large parts of the target market by being the cheapest for the product or service across the board. Jiffy Lube strives to offer oil changes for less than any other competitor. Part of the reason Jiffy Lube can offer this is because Jiffy Lube has the economies of scale in its favor. It contracts to buy materials in large quantities, and it doesn't veer off into other types of services, such as engine work or tire sales. With its focused model on cost leadership, Jiffy Lube is able to price its service below those of the competition, offering its services at its Jiffy Lube locations, and the company does a lot of promotion with coupon mailers to local residents.

Market Penetration Strategy: Owning a bigger percentage of the target market is the goal of market penetration. If an insurance agency has 10-percent market share, it may want to increase its share to 15 percent, so it would serve more clients and would generate more residual revenues. If the agency cannot adjust its price, it might package product lines such as auto and home insurance to help customers get an overall price reduction. Agents might sell in the office, over the phone or at client locations to increase client convenience in the purchase process, with promotions targeting residents who have both autos and homes, and who are able to take advantage of the discount.

Diversification Strategy: This strategy seeks to add new product lines to an existing company portfolio. A small cafe might diversify by displaying local artwork for sale on its walls, giving exposure to the artist and participating in the sale prices. This strategy takes the same location and offers a secondary means of profit, without increasing operating costs, and then builds a secondary platform for promotion, since the artist will direct his following to the cafe to view and buy his artwork.

Acquisition Strategy: Opening a second location is a costly endeavor for any company. If a competitor is retiring, experiencing hardship or is otherwise looking to liquidate, then acquiring an existing business that does the same thing as your company can be a cost-effective way to grow. This strategy does need to fit into the overall strategy of the company. The pricing between the two needs to be similar, so that there is no sticker shock to consumers after the acquisition. The promotion becomes a warm introduction to the existing client base, welcoming new customers to the business family.

The Fifth P: People 

As already mentioned, marketing experts have developed other Ps, even though these four remain the primary categories. One of the other key Ps is People. You could have the best strategy in the world, but if your people are unable to execute the strategy or the closing sale, you will not have a successful marketing campaign.

For your people to be positive factors in executing your strategy, you must take the time to properly hire, onboard, train and monitor your team. Finding talent is one of the most difficult things any business leader must do. There is a lot of competition for people who are looking for work, but there aren't a lot of people who are a great fit for your company. Spend the time to review your team positions and your team's exact needs. Understand what's required to make someone successful in the team.

Seek people who buy into the vision of the company. A person who doesn't like motorcycles probably shouldn't work for a moped or motorcycle company. Someone who doesn't see the value of a high-end car won't be successful at a luxury auto sales company. Be specific in your needs and wants for your team.

When you bring new hires on board, share your vision and the strategy for success with your new hires. Having your new employees buy into the company vision from day one, sets the tone for success. Properly train people in the process of sales or service, whichever division they will be responsible for. Every person is a promotional face for your company, whether they know it or not. If your employee is leaving work and speaking negatively about his job, it is a reflection on the company.

Steve Jobs hired people who were smart, goal-oriented and independent. He wanted people he could hire and didn't need to tell them what to do; in fact, he wanted people who could tell him what to do. More and more, business leaders are taking this leadership style over the authoritarian style of barking orders at subordinates.

Metrics and Performance Measurements

You can't take the time to plan, implement and execute a marketing strategy without measuring your results. Any strategy should start with baseline numbers of sales, pricing, market penetration and overall profits. As you build your marketing strategy using the Four Ps, you will want to set goals for improvement, with deadlines and milestone checkpoints.

By knowing the numbers, you are able to clearly evaluate whether a strategy is working or not. Setting realistic goals that your team buys into also helps build team morale. When people succeed, they tend to work harder to hit or exceed the next winning goal. Using milestone checkpoints helps you make adjustments before it is too late. If your marketing strategy is for a one year duration and your checkpoints are every two months, you have the opportunity to adjust early before an entire year's budget and your potential profit is affected.

Marketing experts will tell you that marketing is part art and part science. This is why split-testing marketing campaigns is imperative. In today's digital world, it is much easier to test two ads or promotions for a small cost, and then to determine which of the two will be more successful overall. Some marketing campaigns will even test price to determine if the same product sells better at a different price. Sometimes, the perception of a product that's less expensive than another product is that the less-expensive product is cheap, with the belief being that people will gladly pay more for higher quality items.

What are the 4 strategies?

The four strategies are called: Cost Leadership Strategy. Differentiation Strategy. Cost Focus Strategy.

What is one of the four major growth strategies that marketers typically utilize quizlet?

Firms consider pursuing various market segments as part of their overall growth strategies, which, according to the market/product and services strategies matrix, are market penetration, product development, market development, and diversification.

What are the four growth strategies quizlet?

What are the four growth strategies? Market penetration, Market development, Product development, Diversification.

What are the 4 selling strategies?

There are essentially four selling strategies: script-based selling, needs-satisfaction selling, consultative selling, and strategic partnering.

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