What is == comparing in python?

There’s a subtle difference between the Python identity operator [is] and the equality operator [==]. Your code can run fine when you use the Python is operator to compare numbers, until it suddenly doesn’t. You might have heard somewhere that the Python is operator is faster than the == operator, or you may feel that it looks more Pythonic. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that these operators don’t behave quite the same.

The == operator compares the value or equality of two objects, whereas the Python is operator checks whether two variables point to the same object in memory. In the vast majority of cases, this means you should use the equality operators == and !=, except when you’re comparing to None.

In this course, you’ll learn:

  • What the difference is between object equality and identity
  • When to use equality and identity operators to compare objects
  • What these Python operators do under the hood
  • Why using is and is not to compare values leads to unexpected behavior
  • How to write a custom __eq__[] class method to define equality operator behavior

These operators compare the values on either sides of them and decide the relation among them. They are also called Relational operators.

Assume variable a holds 10 and variable b holds 20, then −

== If the values of two operands are equal, then the condition becomes true. [a == b] is not true.
!= If values of two operands are not equal, then condition becomes true. [a != b] is true.
If values of two operands are not equal, then condition becomes true. [a b] is true. This is similar to != operator.
> If the value of left operand is greater than the value of right operand, then condition becomes true. [a > b] is not true.
< If the value of left operand is less than the value of right operand, then condition becomes true. [a < b] is true.
>= If the value of left operand is greater than or equal to the value of right operand, then condition becomes true. [a >= b] is not true.
student_two: print["Penny comes before Paul in the alphabet."] elif student_one < student_two: print["Paul comes before Penny in the alphabet."]

Our code returns:

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Paul comes before Penny in the alphabet.

Let’s break down our code. On the first two lines, we declare two variables that store our student names. In this case, these names are Penny and Paul.

Then, we create an if statement that uses the greater than operator to determine whether Penny’s name comes before Paul’s name in lexicographic order. If this evaluates to True, a message is printed to the console telling us that Penny comes before Paul in the alphabet.

We also create an elif statement that uses the less than operator to determine whether Penny’s name comes before Paul’s name in the alphabet. If this evaluates to True, a message is printed to the console telling the user that Paul comes before Penny in the alphabet.

In this case, Paul’s name comes before Penny’s in the alphabet, so the code in our elif block evaluates to true, and the message Paul comes before Penny in the alphabet. is printed to the console.


Comparing two strings is an important feature of Python. For instance, you may be creating a login form that needs to compare the password a user has entered with the password they have set for their account.

Python comparison operators can be used to compare strings in Python. These operators are: equal to [==], not equal to [!=], greater than [>], less than [

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