What is group object in python?

Lately I came across a problem for which I had to group objects of a single list by the value of a property of these objects. After trying some things I settled on the groupby function from the itertools module.

Lets consider the following example, we have a Letter class with two properties: a string to specify the character and a boolean to specify wether the letter is a vowel or not. We want to group Letter objects based on their vowel property.

This class looks as the following, the __repr__ is just there to have a neat string representation when we later print out the objects.

class Letter:
    def __init__[self, char: str, vowel: bool] -> None:
        self.char = char
        self.vowel = vowel

    def __repr__[self] -> str:
        return self.char

Next we create a list with Letter objects. Not the entire alphabet, the first couple letters will do.

letters = [
    Letter['a', True],
    Letter['b', False],
    Letter['c', False],
    Letter['d', False],
    Letter['e', True],

Now we group our letters list containing Letter objects based on the value of their .vowel property. This grouping is done by the key function we pass to groupby as a second argument, the list itself being the first argument.

from itertools import groupby

sorted_letters = sorted[letters, key=lambda letter: letter.vowel]
grouped = [list[result] for key, result in groupby[
    sorted_letters, key=lambda letter: letter.vowel]]

# => [[b, c, d], [a, e]]

One gotcha is that the list, or any other iterable, needs to be sorted before passing it to the groupby function. Otherwise your groups end up with a segmented result. To illustrate see the following example where the sorting is commented out. As you see the groupby makes the groups consecutively.

from itertools import groupby

# letters = sorted[letters, key=lambda letter: letter.vowel]
grouped = [list[result] for key, result in groupby[
    letters, key=lambda letter: letter.vowel]]

# => [[a], [b, c, d], [e]]

Our entire code sample looks like:

from itertools import groupby

class Letter:
    def __init__[self, char: str, vowel: bool] -> None:
        self.char = char
        self.vowel = vowel

    def __repr__[self] -> str:
        return self.char

letters = [
    Letter['a', True],
    Letter['b', False],
    Letter['c', False],
    Letter['d', False],
    Letter['e', True],

sorted_letters = sorted[letters, key=lambda letter: letter.vowel]
grouped = [list[result] for key, result in groupby[
    sorted_letters, key=lambda letter: letter.vowel]]

# => [[b, c, d], [a, e]]

What is groupby object?

A groupby operation involves some combination of splitting the object, applying a function, and combining the results. This can be used to group large amounts of data and compute operations on these groups. Parameters bymapping, function, label, or list of labels. Used to determine the groups for the groupby.

What is group by [] in pandas library?

Pandas groupby is used for grouping the data according to the categories and apply a function to the categories. It also helps to aggregate data efficiently. Pandas dataframe. groupby[] function is used to split the data into groups based on some criteria.

How do I group columns in pandas?

The Hello, World! of pandas GroupBy You call . groupby[] and pass the name of the column that you want to group on, which is "state" . Then, you use ["last_name"] to specify the columns on which you want to perform the actual aggregation. You can pass a lot more than just a single column name to .

How do you group similar items to a list in Python?

Let's see the steps involved in solving this problem..
Initialize the list of strings..
Import the itertools module..
Initialize an empty list..
Now, pass the strings and a lambda function to the itertools. ... .
The lambda function should return first part of the string after splitting it with −.

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