Which software provides an interaction between a user and a computer hardware?

I have always been interested in learning how software of a computer interacts with the hardware to create programs. For example, how a programmer writes in code, how the software gets converted to machine language, and how that then works with the components of a computer to do what the user wants it to.

My Research:

YouTube Video

I came across this YouTube video during my research. While the video is short and intended for a wider audience, the main takeaways from this are as follows:

  • Software constantly stands by to await user input, at which point it then performs the necessary action by sending a signal to the hardware
  • Hardware performs the required action by accessing memory stored as bits on memory chips
  • There is a chain of command the information goes through to finally return back to the software to then do what the user intended

News Article

This Is How The Computer Hardware And Software Interact

A recent online news article takes time to explain the different forms of software as well as the components of a computer’s hardware. This is helpful since it can be nice to understand how everything is divided up in order to comprehend how software works with hardware. It’s like asking “How are cars made?” and someone says, “they are assembled in a factory”. Technically correct, but at that point you may be curious what exactly is going on in that factory, what different steps there are in the process. This article explains the different steps as well as also explaining how power is a necessary component in this entire process.


How Hardware and Software Work Together

The following is a chapter from a book explaining how software and hardware interact, and is probably [and not surprisingly] the most in-depth source I have found. Due to the fact that it is from an academic textbook, this source provides a thorough explanation of the communication process. This chapter explains everything from what comprises a typical computer’s hardware, what resources a computer has, and how memory is important for communication.

Professional Organization Website

Microsoft – What is a Device Driver?

Microsoft, the creators of Windows, know computers as well as anybody [if not more]. They are one of the most influential pioneers in the development of PC’s, and recently they posted an article on their official company website explaining what exactly a Driver is. This is important for my topic since a driver is essentially the translator of communications between the hardware and software of a computer. There can be both software and hardware drivers, which allows them to be versatile and bridge the gap between the two. Microsoft’s article provides a look into how these drivers allow software to access memory stored on the hardware, and how the hardware is capable of storing data given by the software:

Other Websites

Stack Overflow – Interaction Between Software and Hardware

Stack Overflow is a well-known site amongst the Computer Science community. Think of it as an open forum where users can post questions, and other members can respond to the question. Other members can upvote and agree with answers they find satisfactory, and members who have received more upvotes tend to be well respected. Ultimately this creates a system where everyone works together to properly and thoroughly answer any question someone may have. Someone asked a question that was related to this conversation, and the responses were certainly interesting. Here is a link to the thread.

The main takeaways here solidify what I learned in my other research, and that is the individual bits are crucial on a hardware level. These switches are either on or off, which are interpreted as either a 0 or 1 in the software side of things. String together thousands of 0’s and 1’s and you can get billions of possible combinations, all which have different meanings and significance. At this point, the software simply interprets what is given by the hardware and works with that, similar to how humans can be presented with letters and be able to recognize and make sense out of what they mean.

An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer’s memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer’s language.

Índice de contenidos

  • How does an operating system interact with a computer?
  • What does an operating system provides you can interact with the device?
  • When operating a computer a user interacts with?
  • How does operating system works together with the computer hardware and other computer software?
  • What are three responsibilities of an operating system?
  • What is an operating system example?
  • What is the first operating system?
  • What is the main purpose of an operating system?
  • What devices use operating systems?
  • Which is the most important software?
  • What is the name of programs that control the computer system?
  • Which is the most common type of computer?
  • What are the 4 types of operating system?
  • What are the five examples of operating system?
  • What is an operating system and give examples?

How does an operating system interact with a computer?

Program execution

The operating system provides an interface between an application program and the computer hardware, so that an application program can interact with the hardware only by obeying rules and procedures programmed into the operating system.

What does an operating system provides you can interact with the device?

Operating system software provides the user interface for interacting with the hardware components, whereas application software enables you to accomplish specific tasks.

When operating a computer a user interacts with?

The user interacts directly with hardware for the human input and output such as displays, e.g. through a graphical user interface. The user interacts with the computer over this software interface using the given input and output [I/O] hardware.

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How does operating system works together with the computer hardware and other computer software?

The operating system is responsible for managing the • computer’s hardware and software resources. It controls the memory needed for computer processes, manages disk space, controls peripheral devices, and manages user communication with the computer.

What are three responsibilities of an operating system?

An operating system has three main functions: [1] manage the computer’s resources, such as the central processing unit, memory, disk drives, and printers, [2] establish a user interface, and [3] execute and provide services for applications software.

What is an operating system example?

Some examples include versions of Microsoft Windows [like Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP], Apple’s macOS [formerly OS X], Chrome OS, BlackBerry Tablet OS, and flavors of Linux, an open-source operating system. … Some examples include Windows Server, Linux, and FreeBSD.

What is the first operating system?

The first operating system was introduced in the early 1950’s, it was called GMOS and was created by General Motors for IBM’s machine the 701. Operating systems in the 1950’s were called single-stream batch processing systems because the data was submitted in groups.

What is the main purpose of an operating system?

An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer’s memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer’s language.

What devices use operating systems?

Just about every computing device has an operating system—desktops and laptops, enterprise-class server computers, your mobile phone. Even specialty devices like iPods, video game consoles, and television set top boxes run some form of OS.

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Which is the most important software?

The most important system software package for any computer is its operating system. Every computer system runs under the control of an operating system.

What is the name of programs that control the computer system?

The principal system software is the operating system. It manages the hardware, data and program files, and other system resources and provides means for the user to control the computer, generally via a graphical user interface [GUI].


Which is the most common type of computer?

Microcomputers became the most common type of computer in the late 20th century. The term “microcomputer” was introduced with the advent of systems based on single-chip microprocessors. The best-known early system was the Altair 8800, introduced in 1975. The term “microcomputer” has practically become an anachronism.

What are the 4 types of operating system?

Following are the popular types of Operating System:

  • Batch Operating System.
  • Multitasking/Time Sharing OS.
  • Multiprocessing OS.
  • Real Time OS.
  • Distributed OS.
  • Network OS.
  • Mobile OS.

22 февр. 2021 г.

What are the five examples of operating system?

Five of the most common operating systems are Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, Linux, Android and Apple’s iOS.

What is an operating system and give examples?

An operating system, or “OS,” is software that communicates with the hardware and allows other programs to run. … Mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones also include operating systems that provide a GUI and can run applications. Common mobile OSes include Android, iOS, and Windows Phone.

Which computer software application interacts with the user?

A user interface, also sometimes called a human-computer interface, comprises both hardware and software components. It handles the interaction between the user and the system.

What is interaction between user and computer?

Human-computer interaction [HCI] is a multidisciplinary field of study focusing on the design of computer technology and, in particular, the interaction between humans [the users] and computers. While initially concerned with computers, HCI has since expanded to cover almost all forms of information technology design.

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