Who are the constituents of senators

Communication with Staff Senate and the staff that we represent is two-way, from constituents to Senators and from Senators to constituents.

When contacted by a constituent with a question or issue, you may know the answer based on current Senate activities or discussions during meetings. If you are not sure of the response, forward the question/issue via email to the Vice-Chair.

Dissemination of information is also a responsibility. As Staff Senators and Alternates, it is our duty to share information with the staff of the University in a quick and efficient manner.

Some communications are of an urgent nature, or may contain a personal opinion, greeting, or request of the chair. If this is the case, the Staff Senate Chair may disseminate this type of communication via MailChimp listserv or directly to Senators via email for distribution. This determination will be based on the timeliness of the information. If you receive information and you are not sure whether to communicate it to constituents, contact the Secretary or Chair to clarify before sending it out.

If you will be away from work, arrange with another Staff Senator or Alternate in your District to cover for you and send out communication.

Each District has either a Google Group that is automatically updated with their constituents, or they have a separate explicit protocol within their unit.

Mailing Lists

District 1: Chancellor
District 2: Provost
District 6: Research and Graduate Studies
District 8: University Advancement
District 11: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
District 11: West District [NC Cooperative Extension]
District 11: North Central District [NC Cooperative Extension]
District 11: Northeast District [NC Cooperative Extension]
District 11: South Central District [NC Cooperative Extension]
District 11: Southeast District [NC Cooperative Extension]
District 12: College of Design
District 13: College of Education
District 14: College of Engineering
District 15: College of Natural Resources
District 16: College of Humanities and Social Sciences
District 17: College of Sciences
District 18: Wilson College of Textiles*
District 19: College of Veterinary Medicine*
District 20: Poole College of Management
District 24: Division of Academic and Student Affairs [DASA]
District 41: Finance and Administration
District 44: Facilities*
District 47: Campus Enterprises* Mailchimp
District 51: Office of Information Technology [OIT]

Managing Lists

With the exception of the Districts marked with an asterisk [*] on the above table, sending privileges for the groups are controlled by the senators in those districts, with support from the Communications Committee and the Secretary.

Lists can be managed using ListMinder—while all constituents will be automatically added, permission to send is restricted to only those who are Google Group managers. This should be set annually by the senators from each district.

Emailing Your District

  • Avoid forwarding emails to constituents. If you do forward a message, be sure to delete the FWD: from the subject line of the email.
  •  When creating a new email message, copy relevant text from the message received [usually from the Secretary]. Review the message in its entirety for errors. Notify the Secretary if any errors are present.
  •  Attach any document to be distributed with your message.
  •  If applicable, check web links to be certain they are active and were copied correctly.
  •  At the beginning of the message, add any comments you think may be needed for your group of constituents.
  •  At the end of your message, insert your name as a Staff Senator of your specific District, along with how to contact you. Email signatures work especially well for this purpose.

Print – Post – Distribute

  •  Not all employees in all Districts have immediate access to computers or email. In this case, we need to make other arrangements to ensure they also receive Staff Senate communications. You will still communicate to constituents according to the department or unit indicated by your District.
  •  Print email messages and post on bulletin boards for employees to see.
  •  Print attachment/flyer [on color printer if possible].
  •  Determine the locations on campus where constituents in your District will likely see posted communications.
  •  Make arrangements to post information in these areas.
  •  You may also determine an alternate method of distribution to ensure that everyone receives all communications.

Who are the constituents of Senators quizlet?

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote. According to this clause, senators were to be chosen by state legislators rather than elected by the people, as the members of the House were.

Who represents constituents?

Members are elected to the House to represent the constituents of their congressional district in the federal government, and to attend to their particular needs. To this end, Representatives and their staff devote individual attention to requests from people of the district.

Who is the Senate composed of?

The Constitution prescribes that the Senate be composed of two senators from each State [therefore, the Senate currently has 100 Members] and that a senator must be at least thirty years of age, have been a citizen of the United States for nine years, and, when elected, be a resident of the State from which he or she ...

How many constituents are in the House of Representatives?

There are currently 435 voting representatives. Five delegates and one resident commissioner serve as non-voting members of the House, although they can vote in committee. Representatives must be 25 years old and must have been U.S. citizens for at least 7 years.

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