Why is an undergraduate education in psychology so helpful in different lines of work?

Critical Thinking Questions

Why is an undergraduate education in psychology so helpful in a number of different lines of work?


An undergraduate education in psychology hones critical thinking skills. These skills are useful in many different work settings.

Other than a potentially greater salary, what would be the reasons an individual would continue on to get a graduate degree in psychology?


The graduate degree would be a stronger guarantee of working in a psychology-related field and one would have greater control over the specialty of that work. It would allow one to practice in a clinical setting. In general, it would allow someone to work in a more independent or supervisory capacity.

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Published on February 5, 2018 by Emily Haine  


Are you looking to add a class to your schedule for next semester but don’t know where to start? Psychology benefits every major and can even fulfill a social science requirement for many majors. Here are five reasons why every college student should take a psychology course sometime during his or her college career.

1. Psychology helps you understand people.

Despite what some may think about their future careers, all professionals must interact with other people, whether they be customers, patients, clients, or other professionals. Understanding how and why people act can give a new perspective on communication and human relations. Understanding how large groups of people tend to think and feel is also useful in many aspects of the professional world. Principles in psychology can be used to understand conformity, willingness to follow authority, cognitive dissonance, and other aspects of group dynamics that exist in the workplace as well as in the rest of society.

2. Psychology appeals to many interests.

Psychology is unique because while there are many processes and principles that are experimental and objective, there are also many other aspects that require intuition, creativity, and emotional understanding. Whether you love observing children in child development, learning history and exploring Freud’s theories, or hearing about experimental studies like the Stanford Prison Experiment, psychology has anything and everything that can be interesting to a student.

3. Psychology gives you practical skills.

Understanding how the human mind works can help you with communicating, studying effectively, relating to others, and even adopting a healthy lifestyle. When I learned about how sleep relates to memory storage and processing, I made it a habit to get a good night’s rest every single night!

4. Psychology could be the major for you.

Psychology majors don’t just go on to become therapists. They can work in research, human resources, marketing, social work, sports psychology, real estate, and so much more. I wanted to work in education, but classroom teaching wasn’t the best fit for me. When I switched to majoring in psychology, I knew that I could work in education, but in many more ways than just traditional teaching.

5. Psychology helps you understand yourself.

College is a turbulent time filled with growth and change. Many college students are on their own for the first time, trying to find their identities in their newfound independence. A psychology class can shed light on why you may think or feel certain ways and can help you learn how to combat certain thought processes or negative habits. Taking a psychology class is by no means a way of replacing the help of trained professionals when it comes to seeking assistance for mental or emotional health needs. However, psychology courses can provide helpful information regarding wellness for the general population.


If you feel that you are in need of more personalized support, contact the Samford University Counseling Services and Wellness Programs office at , call 205-726-4083, or stop by Dwight Beeson Hall [DBH] room 203.

More information about Samford’s Psychology Department can be found here. Follow the Department Chair Dr. Stephen Chew on Twitter @SChewPsych!

1. An undergraduate education in psychology hones critical thinking skills. These skills are useful in many different work settings. … The graduate degree would be a stronger guarantee of working in a psychology-related field and one would have greater control over the specialty of that work.

Why are psychology courses often so many different programs of study?

Why do you think psychology courses like this one are often requirements of so many different programs of study? Psychology courses deal with a number of issues that are helpful in a variety of settings. … Science cannot directly study the mind, because it is not a form of matter or energy.

What is the advantage to studying psychology in college?

Studying psychology equips students to use their knowledge of human behaviour in their daily lives. Developing excellent research and analytical skills, the ability to be a better communicator and to master the art of conflict resolution are just some of the additional benefits of studying psychology.

Why is it important for healthcare participants to study psychology?

Using psychology in a normal medical practice

Smoking, drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders and obesity, depression, schizophrenia, mental disabilities, and the interactions of all these psychological issues are profoundly important for understanding and treating health issues in the general population.

Why is psychology important to a student?

Why Learning Psychology is important? Studying psychology will allow students to understand their own behavior, emotions and ideas. They will also realize that studying the principles of psychology will allow them to assess, evaluate and provide solutions to all unwanted emotional situations.

How cognitive psychology will help you to become better student?

Developing cognitive skills allows students to build upon previous knowledge and ideas. This teaches students to make connections and apply new concepts to what they already know. With a deeper understanding of topics and stronger learning skills, students can approach schoolwork with enthusiasm and confidence.

How do we use psychology everyday?

  1. Motivation. Caiaimage/Sam Edwards / OJO+ / Getty Images. …
  2. Leadership. Morsa Images / Getty Images. …
  3. Communication. Westend61 / Getty Images. …
  4. Emotional Intelligence. Caiaimage/Sam Edwards/Getty Images. …
  5. Decision-Making. …
  6. Memory. …
  7. Money Management. …
  8. Academic Success.

Is psychology hard to study?

How difficult is it to study psychology? The degree is difficult no matter what aspect of psychology you happen to be studying, don’t take this too hard, no university degree is easy. … But the rewards from a degree in psychology are far more rewarding. Just be prepared for a lot of work.

How you will use psychology in your academic careers?

  • People Skills. …
  • Success Strategies. …
  • Personal Therapy. …
  • Problem-Solving Skills. …
  • Conceptual Reasoning. …
  • Communication Skills. …
  • Behavioural Training Skills. …
  • Memorisation Techniques.

What is the annual salary of a psychologist?

Psychology CareerMedian Annual Salary*
Organizational Psychologists $96,270
Clinical, Counseling and School Psychologists $79,820
General Psychologists $82,180

What is the role of health psychologist?

Health psychologists use their knowledge of psychology and health to promote general well-being and understand physical illness. They are specially trained to help people deal with the psychological and emotional aspects of health and illness. … For example, they may help people to lose weight or stop smoking.

How do doctors use psychology?

The main task of medical psychology is to protect the patient and doctor from undesirable consequences of technization of medicine, narrow specialization and bureaucratization of the operation of the health services and to use psychological findings and procedures in the prevention of disorders and diseases and in the …

Is psychology a field of medicine?

Since psychology is inherently a part of the medical field as it relates to one’s overall well-being and mental health, there are many career options within the medical field that are relative to one’s degree level.

Why psychology is important in our daily life?

Essentially, psychology helps people in large part because it can explain why people act the way they do. With this kind of professional insight, a psychologist can help people improve their decision making, stress management and behavior based on understanding past behavior to better predict future behavior.

What are the four goals of psychology?

A Word From Verywell. So as you have learned, the four primary goals of psychology are to describe, explain, predict, and change behavior. In many ways, these objectives are similar to the kinds of things you probably do every day as you interact with others.

Which is the most important purpose of psychology?

Psychology aims to change, influence, or control behavior to make positive, constructive, meaningful, and lasting changes in people’s lives and to influence their behavior for the better. This is the final and most important goal of psychology.

How is the study of psychology beneficial to people in other fields or professions?

Knowledge of psychology is often helpful in other fields. Some of the most common career choices for graduates include sales, business administration and education. In all of these fields, professionals find it useful to understand how people think and why they behave the way they do.

Why a psychology degree is useful?

A degree in psychology opens up many opportunities to have a positive effect on someone's life. For example, as a practitioner in the field, you may help people overcome the effects of trauma, deal with a mental illness, face a mental health crisis or achieve personal goals.

Is an undergraduate degree in psychology good?

Bachelor's programs in psychology give graduates a range of versatile skills in communication and the social sciences, making them great candidates for several careers. Individuals may pursue careers in employment counseling, human resource advising, writing, or customer service.

How will having a degree in psychology impact your personal and professional lives?

Your problem-solving skills are improved by studying psychology, meaning you're better able to manage life circumstances, reach personal goals, and achieve success. Studying psychology trains you to consider problems from different perspectives, which is vital for finding the most effective and beneficial solutions.

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