zappas là gì - Nghĩa của từ zappas

zappas có nghĩa là

1. Frank Zappa - Revolutionary guitarist/composer/humourist

2. A little white cute fluffy maltese poodle somewhere in South Africa

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Frank Zappa is dead

zappas có nghĩa là

To make a composition in the style of Frank Zappa; "put the eyebrows" on a musical or textual creation.

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Frank Zappa is dead

zappas có nghĩa là

To make a composition in the style of Frank Zappa; "put the eyebrows" on a musical or textual creation.

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Frank Zappa is dead

zappas có nghĩa là

To make a composition in the style of Frank Zappa; "put the eyebrows" on a musical or textual creation.

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Frank Zappa is dead

zappas có nghĩa là

To make a composition in the style of Frank Zappa; "put the eyebrows" on a musical or textual creation.

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I was going to keep it stark, but then the imp in my head made me decide to zappa it instead. the surname of a very tallented, mad, queer[queer as Tom Waits or Nick Cave]music man. That Gogo Bordello guy really looks like him!

zappas có nghĩa là

zappa da rappa da rap rap.... Hippy, Wookie, Unemployed Vagrant. Check out that dirty zappa, smoking the reefer by the stage

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Classic rock poop eater. XBN Magazine: If you could go back into the past to meet someone, who would you like to see?
Vice President of Smilebit: I'd go back to see Frank Zappa and ask, "Did you really eat shit onstage?" A remote device for controlling electrical goods. [TV, Hifi etc]

zappas có nghĩa là

Dervived from the term to Zap [change] a channel

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I have three zappas:-

Frank works the telly

zappas có nghĩa là

Dwezill works the video

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and Moonunit works the DVD A male who truely respects 'The Importance Hierarchy' - Family, mates, chicks, in no other order. 1. Yeah Tommy is a real zappa, he's free to hang out after visiting his nan 'coz he tied up his mind-controlling and manipulating bitch of a girlfriend in the basement.

2. I'm charging my friends for multiple counts of DMB over a three month period. Am I the only zappa around here? To pull a Zappa, To skip class, to be non existent. The person everyone knows is real but has never seen. To never show up. Ví dụ 1:
person 1: are you going to go to class today?

zappas có nghĩa là

person 2: no, I'm planing on pulling a zappa. Example #2: person 1: Hey I didn't see you at the party last night
person 2: no, I pulled a zappa. 1. One who dates or attempts to date unattractive morbidly obese women. More times than not a Zappa will be rejected by these women who also fit one or more of the following traits: single mothers, drug addicts, parolee's, live at home with their parents, or on welfare.

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2. To be unsuccessful or fail at most everything you attempt such as job interviews, tests, and everyday tasks. 3. One who is a very lazy procrastinator, unattractive, overweight, and not goal driven. 4. Someone who blame's everyone else for their misfortune and can not take or follow advice. 1. Steve: "Dang, did you see that guy dancing with that Wild Snorlax out there?" Bob: "Oh yeah, that guy is a total Zappa!" 2. Mark: "How did you do on your math test today?" Chris: "Dude, I totally pulled a Zappa." 3. Mom: "Did you take out the trash today like I've asked you to do over and over again?" Child: "No, long story" Mom: "Stop being a Zappa and take out the trash!"

zappas có nghĩa là

Originated in Canton, Michigan. Used mostly by attractive women in their twenty's. A word used as a question when you don't understand what someone is saying.

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4. Arnold: "You should totally go to the gym and work out, it'll get you in better shape!"

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