zera là gì - Nghĩa của từ zera

zera có nghĩa là

The one that everyone has been waiting for. The one that is the hindrance to the unjust and an asset to the oppressed. A sort of martyr, but not divine. The ultimate good that was thought to be impossible.


person A: You're crazy. You're one of those crazy ones. You can't change the world, there are too many checks and balances in place.
person B: I'm not crazy, I'm zera!
person A: Not even Hitler was able to change the world to his liking, and he came pretty close! You don't have the influence he had to even get yourself started!
person B: True, but Hitlet was an idiot. Think of of me as an intelligent Hitler, with the good intentions of MLK Jr., and the power of the commonfolk as a whole.
person A: Like I said, you're just a crazy, rambling idiot.
person B: Do I really have to repeat myself? I'm not crazy, I'm zera! As long as I set the example, people will follow. If they don't follow, then they will remain trapped by their blinded willpower and inability to stand up for themselves. If I don't stand up for my people, who will?
person A: And who are your people?
person B: Those who have been wronged by the very people they have chosen as their leaders. A real leader isn't selected, but self-made.
person A: So, like a dictator?
person B: Not really, just a very influential, natural-born leader who is fair, just, stands up for his people, and commands the utmost respect of all people ,for all people. His actions will speak for him, and the people will follow of their own free will; not because they have to, but because they want to.
person A: My, aren't you original?
person B: No, I'm zera.

zera có nghĩa là

When your entire friend groups leaves you and you have to go to a whole school or even county to find new friends; Losing relevancy/ popularity.


Nick, "Yo what happen to _____?!"
Alex, "Yeah dude she just got zerased."

zera có nghĩa là

Zera is a family consisting of 5 members, all within the 5000 pound range, notibly Stanley, and Peter, the 2 most superior members of thou Zera family. Peter is a 500 pound god that eats takis, hes very attractive, then there is stanley, weighs approximately 312 pounds, smells putrid, and is godawful at clash royale. That's all, the other Zera pedestrians are irrelevant and don't deserve a spot on this amazing website.


Jeez! ive seen planets smaller than you! are you a zera??

zera có nghĩa là

When you simp for hot demons.


"hey dude did you do zera today"
"yeah man zera is nice"

zera có nghĩa là

hottest character in Dweller's Empty Path, very handsome of demon man


zera is handsome demon man

zera có nghĩa là

A coranation ceremony held for the galra empire for the choosing of a new emperor or empress. The strongest of the galra gather in the ancient temple on the planet feaive. They must fight for the throne and light the flame. There is a giant bowl of purple flames and the galra must take one torch to the top of the stairs and light the tower. Warlord ranveig attempted to do so to become emperor but was easily beaten by cammander sendak who took the flame half way before having to fight with prince lotor.


Warlord ranveig: set a course for planet feaive! It is time for me to burn with the flames of the kral zera and take my rightful place on the throne as emperor!

zera có nghĩa là

The type of furry who openly flirts with women and yet gets no tail [Funny pun there]


"Yo Zera whats up?"
"'Sup baby girl, you here to pleasure daddy?"
"Fuck this I'm out"

zera có nghĩa là

Zera is a fun, hyper girl who always makes your day better. She prefers having friendships online thank in real life and love music. You wouldn't want to get on Zera's bad side because she an make you really upset. Zera is always a leader and hates being left out but never shows it. Overall Zera is a great person. She is never dry[on text] and lights up the mood, and always comforts people.


''Oh look! Zera's come online! The mood will light up a bit! Maybe she will comfort ___''

zera có nghĩa là

This girl can't be described with words. She's just incredible. She'd doubt herself way to much, even though everybody loves her and what she does. She's a wild party mouse and fiestas without her really don't make any sense. I know that all the boys that see her like her, they're just too shy to speak to her because she's just way too gorgeous for any of them. I mean, tell me one thing Zera can't do. She's so incredible talented in sports, art, her music taste is unreal, she skates but is so incredibly cool there's no need for anybody to know that, which is the reason she never told her friends. But what I most love about her, is the way she makes people feel. No matter in which situation in your live you are, Zera listens, gives you the advice you need, tells you what you wanted to hear and needed to hear or just says nothing, when there's nothing to say. She'd never interrupt you, and if she does she'd apologise a thousand times. She makes you feel valued and loved and gives me personally the biggest confidence. Walking around with her is always super fun and super cool. No matter if you've mutaches drawn on your face and you're walking through Munich or cariing your bike through your whole town. She's adventurous, crazy, funny and freakin' beautiful inside and outside. ~lora


- Dude, I can't breath!
- OMG, what happend?
- Do you see the girl on the other side of the street? *turns around *
Both died. Cause of death: Zera manera flera pandera too away their breath .

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