5 example of holistic point of view

5 Reasons Why a Holistic Perspective Is Conducive to Your Wellbeing

By Avalon Integrated Wellness
Posted October 10, 2018
In Addiction Recovery, Holistic Addiction Treatments

As humans, there are so many factors that make up who we are. Our entire lives are interconnected with other people, places, situations, thoughts, feelings and experiences, which have a consistent influence on who we are and who we become. Traditional medicine has been very effective at treating certain ailments, but weve found over time that it doesnt always solve the complex aspects that have influenced those ailments. American pediatrician Jocelyn Elders once stated,Health is more than the absence of disease. Health is about jobs and employment, education, the environment, and all of those things that go into making us healthy.

If holistic health is so important, what exactly does it mean? The American Holistic Health Association defines holistic health as an approach to life rather than focusing on one specific illness or part of the body, holistic health attempts to understand the whole person and how they interact with their environment. In this context, you may have heard the connection between mind, body, and spirit before. Our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs link to one another to provide the human experience that we have on a daily basis. There are a number of reasons why this is conducive to any kind of recovery:

  1. By working on a multitude of levels, a person is more likely to find complete fulfillment and healing rather than continuing to seek a fix for a recurring problem.
  2. As a lifestyle, holistic health contributes to overall happiness, whereas treating one ailment [such as a headache] typically does not.
  3. Holistic health works with traditional medicine while also attempting to understand the person as a whole, which benefits recovery because we are all so different and have unique thoughts, needs, and goals.
  4. Even when no illness is present, holistic health is something that we can work towards to maintain happiness and wellbeing.
  5. All of the elements that make up who we are dependent on one another, and holistic health acknowledges this connection.

Avalon Integrative Wellness offers an innovative approach to wellness and the exciting brand shift of our program emphasizes the importance of integrative wellness through experiential frameworks. Clients at Avalon Integrative Wellness learn, act, experience, grow, heal, and evolve, concurrently. If youre ready to optimize your health and well-being, call us today at 888-266-9048.

Tags: addiction, holistic treatment, mental health, recovery
Avalon Integrated Wellness
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