Convert List to Flux



Collect all elements emitted by this Flux into a List that is emitted by the resulting Mono when this sequence completes.

Popular methods of Flux

  • map
    Transform the items emitted by this Flux by applying a synchronous function to each item.[doc-files/
  • subscribe
  • from
    Decorate the specified Publisher with the Flux API.[doc-files/marbles/fromForFlux.svg]
  • just
    Create a Flux that emits the provided elements and then completes.[doc-files/marbles/
  • flatMap
  • fromIterable
    Create a Flux that emits the items contained in the provided Iterable. A new iterator will be create
  • doOnNext
    Add behavior [side-effect] triggered when the Flux emits an item.[doc-files/marbles/doOnNextForFlux.
  • then
    Let this Flux complete then play signals from a provided Mono. In other words ignore element from th
  • error
    Create a Flux that terminates with an error immediately after being subscribed to. The Throwable is
  • empty
    Create a Flux that completes without emitting any item.[doc-files/marbles/empty.svg]
  • filter
    Evaluate each source value against the given Predicate. If the predicate test succeeds, the value is
  • concatMap
    Transform the elements emitted by this Flux asynchronously into Publishers, then flatten these inner
  • filter,
  • concatMap,
  • log,
  • defer,
  • interval,
  • next,
  • doOnError,
  • range,
  • create

Popular in Java

  • Finding current android device location
  • onCreateOptionsMenu [Activity]
  • setScale [BigDecimal]
  • getApplicationContext [Context]
  • BigDecimal [java.math]
    An immutable arbitrary-precision signed decimal.A value is represented by an arbitrary-precision "un
  • List [java.util]
    An ordered collection [also known as a sequence]. The user of this interface has precise control ove
  • UUID [java.util]
    UUID is an immutable representation of a 128-bit universally unique identifier [UUID]. There are mul
  • JarFile [java.util.jar]
    JarFile is used to read jar entries and their associated data from jar files.
  • XPath [javax.xml.xpath]
    XPath provides access to the XPath evaluation environment and expressions. Evaluation of XPath Expr
  • SAXParseException [org.xml.sax]
    Encapsulate an XML parse error or warning.> This module, both source code and documentation, is in t
  • Sublime Text for Python

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