A file transfer protocol (ftp) provides certain mechanisms to view a webpage.

What is FTP - Definition

FTP [from File Transfer Protocol] is a way to transfer files over the Internet between your computer and the server that hosts your website. The multiple file transfers mechanism first appeared in 1971. FTP is one of the protocols or channels for communicating with a file server, one of the protocols that build the foundation of the Internet, enabling data transfer and making it possible, among other things, to put websites online. For example, with FTP and an FTP connection, you can upload your CMS website files to a server, store your photos and videos, or download a backup of your file to your computer.

February 11, 2022

3 min

How to use FTP command?

FTP servers - are devices that enable two-way file transfer via FTP protocol. They usually house website files.

FTP client - is an application on your computer or browser that uses the FTP protocol to connect to the FTP server to receive files or upload them to the server.

Enter the host address, log in, and password for the FTP client application using your access credentials. After logging in, you will see a list of directories and file structure on the server. Depending on your privileges, you can read files, modify them, delete them, move them, and upload new ones.

Choosing FTP software programs

Choosing the right FTP client is essential. It has a particular impact on the comfort and security of working with files located on the server. Below is a list of several popular FTP clients:

  • Cyberduck [Windows, macOS],
  • WinSCP [Windows].
  • Filezilla [Windows, macOS],
  • Total Commander [Windows],
  • Commander One [macOS],

Asked by Patbev77

Question 1 5 pts ​A simple text editor allows dragging HTML elements onto a page while the code is being written in the editor. Group of answer choices True False Flag question: Question 2 Question 2 5 pts A web _____ is a program that interprets and displays webpages so that users can view and interact with a webpage.​ Group of answer choices ​server ​browser ​resource locator ​client Flag question: Question 3 Question 3 5 pts The Internet backbone is a collection of high-speed data lines that link major computer systems located around the world. ​ Group of answer choices True False Flag question: Question 4 Question 4 5 pts ​A _____ is a set of rules that defines how a client workstation can communicate with a server. Group of answer choices ​proxy ​jQuery ​wireframe ​protocol Flag question: Question 5 Question 5 5 pts Define Learning Management System [LMS] and discuss its purpose.​ View keyboard shortcuts 12pt Paragraph p View keyboard shortcuts Accessibility Checker 0 words > Switch to the html editor Fullscreen Flag question: Question 6 Question 6 5 pts A file transfer protocol [FTP] provides certain mechanisms to view a webpage.​ Group of answer choices True False Flag question: Question 7 Question 7 5 pts PHP [Hypertext Preprocessor] script which is processed at the server results in an HTML webpage that is sent back to the client.​ Group of answer choices True False Flag question: Question 8 Question 8 5 pts _________ is a pair of protocols used to transfer data efficiently over the Internet by properly routing it to its destination.​ Flag question: Question 9 Question 9 5 pts Tapping or clicking a _________ allows one to move quickly from one webpage to another without being concerned about where the webpages reside. ​ Flag question: Question 10 Question 10 5 pts _____ in a wireframe is an area on the page that is intentionally left blank. Group of answer choices ​Passive white space ​Active blue line ​Passive blue line ​Active white space Flag question: Question 11 Question 11 5 pts Hypertext Markup Language [HTML] combines tags and descriptive attributes that define how a document should appear in a web browser.​ Group of answer choices True False Flag question: Question 12 Question 12 5 pts ​The _____ was created to resolve the difficulty in remembering and using Internet Protocol [IP] addresses to access websites. Group of answer choices ​Domain Name System [DNS] ​Machine Access Control [MAC] system ​Computer Stack System [CSS] ​Shared Network Storage [SNS] system Flag question: Question 13 Question 13 5 pts A _____ website structure connects webpages in a treelike structure. ​ Group of answer choices ​hierarchical partitional​ ​webbed ​nested Flag question: Question 14 Question 14 5 pts The _____ is a compressed format that allows computers to display and manipulate text.​ Group of answer choices ​Universal Character Format [UCF] ​American Standard Code for Information Interchange [ASCII] ​United Binary Format [UBF] ​Unicode Transformation Format [UTF] Flag question: Question 15 Question 15 5 pts Active white spaces in a wireframe help a user to focus on one part of the page.​ Group of answer choices True False Flag question: Question 16 Question 16 5 pts Extensible Hypertext Markup Language [XHTML] is accepted only on personal computers.​ Group of answer choices True False Flag question: Question 17 Question 17 5 pts A wireframe is a planning tool that shows the structure of a website.​ Group of answer choices True False Flag question: Question 18 Question 18 5 pts What is the difference between a text editor and a Hypertext Markup Language [HTML] text editor?​ View keyboard shortcuts 12pt Paragraph p View keyboard shortcuts Accessibility Checker 0 words > Switch to the html editor Fullscreen Flag question: Question 19 Question 19 5 pts The _____ develops and maintains web standards, language specifications, and accessibility recommendations.​ Group of answer choices ​Framework 7 Consortium [F7C] ​Networked Operations Consortium [NOC] ​Wireless Power Consortium [WPC] ​World Wide Web Consortium [W3C] Flag question: Question 20 Question 20 5 pts Webpage Example is an example of a Hypertext Markup Language [HTML] _________.​

Answer & Explanation

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Answered by CountTankHedgehog12

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Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet

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Step-by-step explanation

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Is a program that interprets and displays webpages so that users can view and interact with a webpage?

A Web browser, also called a browser, is a program that interprets and displays Web pages and enables you to view and interact with a Web page . Browser statistics. A Uniform Resource Locator [URL] is the address of a document or other file accessible on the Internet.

Which element connects one webpage to another webpage on the same server or to any other web server in the world?

A hyperlink, more commonly called a link, is an element that connects one webpage to another webpage on the same server or to any other web server in the world.

Which website structure connects webpages in a treelike structure?

Hierarchical, or tree-like structure. A hierarchical website structure usually implies siloing.

Do all browsers display webpages identically?

Each browser has it's own way of rendering web pages and even each version. So if you're running Internet Explorer and yoru friend is running Firefox your pages my render differently. Tip: Most internet users are running Internet Explorer or Firefox. Design your site in a way that looks appealing in both.

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