Các bài đọc tiếng anh lớp 8

Bài tập Đọc hiểu đoạn văn tiếng Anh lớp 8 có đáp án dưới đây nằm trong bộ đề Các dạng bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 phổ biến nhất do Tip.edu.vn cập nhật và đăng tải. Bài tập Reading lớp 8 có đáp án bao gồm nhiều dạng bài đọc đoạn văn tiếng Anh lớp 8 khác nhau giúp các em ôn tập kỹ năng đọc hiểu tiếng Anh hiệu quả.

Tài liệu bài tập tiếng Anh 8 do Tip.edu.vn tự biên soạn, KHÔNG sao chép dưới mọi hình thức nhằm mục đích thương mại.

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each gap.

I surf the Internet every day, but I’ve never [1]              more than an hour at a time online. I’ve got a laptop and also a smartphone, so I can [2]           the Internet anywhere. Today, for instance, I’ve been [3]           three times.

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the given words.

environment; diseases; pollution; emission; upgrading

If you wander on the streets of Ha Noi, the capital of Viet Nam, you may be surprised that most people are wearing masks, hiding their faces. This is because of serious air 1. ____________ in this city. Between March 1 and 4, 2016, the air quality index of Ha Noi, as measured by the US Embassy in Ha Noi was over 350. At this level, air pollution can cause lots of respiratory 2. ___________, especially to children and the elderly. The major cause of air pollution in Ha Noi is traffic. Due to the increasing number of motorcycles and cars in the last decade, the 3. ____________ of chemical exhausts has been on a constant rise. Another reason is urban construction, including road 4. ____________ projects and residential buildings. People have to live with the dust and dirt throughout the city. Environmental experts have warned that if the city continues to develop its economy with little regard to the 5.__________, the consequence will be tragic.

Read the passage then answer the questions. 

The Youth and Young Pioneers Organization was founded in Vietnam on 26/ 3/ 1931. It builds character, and encourages good citizenship and personal fitness.

The Y & Y has many plans to help the community. It encourages all members to take part in different programs.

The recycling program can help people save natural resources. The “Rosy Smile” program helps raise fund for the poor children.

The “Green Sunday” program makes the city more beautiful with clean streets, plenty of trees and flowers. It gives more green color to the city and it is done on Sunday so it has the name “Green Sunday”.

There are some more helpful programs such as “helping the elderly and street children”, “supporting cultural-sport”, “young scientists”, etc……

1. When was the Y & Y founded?


2. What does it build?


3. What does it encourage?


4. Why is it named “Green Sunday”?


5. What does the recycling help?


Read the article and then decide whether the statements are true [T] or false [F].

Telepathy is the ability to communicate information using your mind. Information is transmitted from one mind to another using means other than your well-known perceptual senses. Telepathy ranges from the basic reading of minds to more intense power, such as implanting or disrupting thoughts in other people’s minds.

There are a few common reasons why someone becomes telepathic. For example, there are those who are simply born with a sense of knowing. These people talk about seeing spirits. But they tend to suppress their abilities as children and often lose it as adults. Alternatively, a life-changing event may open them up to being telepathic and exploring their gift even further.

Also, there are times when a near-death experience or serious accident can also open someone up and cause a telepathic awakening. And in some cases, hypnosis or healing sessions can help a sixth sense to awaken. Such sessions help with getting energy flowing and causing a shift in awareness and consciousness.

1. Telepathy is the ability to communicate information using normal senses.

2. Telepathy can be found in several forms.

3. People who often talk about seeing spirits may be telepathic.

4. Some people may not recognize and develop their telepathic abilities, so they lose these skills.

5. A near-death experience or serious accident can make a person become telepathic.


Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each gap.

1. C; 2. B ; 3. A ; 4. B ; 5. C

6. B; 7. C ; 8. A ; 9. C ; 10. B

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the given words.

1 – pollution; 2 – diseases; 3 – emission; 4 – upgrading; 5 – environment;

Read the passage then answer the questions.

1 – It was founded in Vietnam on 26/ 3/ 1931.

2 – It builds characters.

3 – It encourages good citizenship and personal fitness.

4 – It is named “Green Sunday” because it gives more green colors to the city and is done on Sunday.

5 – The recycling helps people save natural resources.

Read the article and then decide whether the statements are true [T] or false [F].

1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – T; 5 – F;

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Điểm Lexile là thang điểm tiêu chuẩn nhằm đo lường khả năng đọc hiểu của học sinh. Không có một tiêu chuẩn bắt buộc nào đối với học sinh phải đạt đến điểm Lexile nào. Tuy nhiên, thông thường các em học sinh ở mỗi cấp lớp sẽ đạt được trình độ lexile nhất định. Bảng sau đây là bảng tham khảo vể điểm lexile của các bạn học sinh từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12. Phụ huynh lưu ý: trình độ đọc của con [điểm Lexile] có thể cao hơn hoặc thấp hơn trung bình.

Medusa was a female monster in Greek mythology. She wasn't always a monster though. Once she was a beautiful, young woman with long, shiny hair. One day, she and her boyfriend began kissing in a temple where the Greeks worshipped the goddess Athena. Athena became angry when she saw what the couple was doing in her temple. She turned Medusa into an ugly monster, and she turned Medusa's silky hair into snakes! Medusa went to live in a cave with her sisters, who were also ugly. Anyone who looked at Medusa would turn to stone! One day, the king sent a man named Perseus to kill Medusa and bring back her head. Athena gave Perseus a shiny shield. She warned him to use the shield as a mirror and not look straight at Medusa or he would turn to stone. Perseus sneaked in while Medusa was sleeping. He cut off her head and took it to the king.

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