Cách khắc phục lỗi cannot display this file trên nikon năm 2024

Thanks mshi, I'll try to remember that. I guess I didn't expect to see this problem, since this is a brand new camera and a brand new 50 dollar SD card.

Ironically, I NEVER saw this problem before in my 3 years of shooting with a "lower level" Sandisk Ultra II CF card and my el cheapo Canon Rebel XTI. ages ago[permalink]



Pablo J. Barillas says:

Yea, I had a similar issue, replaced with Sandisk ultra 30mb/s, works great now! ages ago[permalink]



JolietDeltaTango-0505 says:

It's not necessarily an SD card issue or even an issue of cheap SD cards. I've had this error pop up from time to time on quite a few of my Nikon DSLR's, specifically the D70, D200, D300s, and D700. Out of those 4 only 1 uses SD cards. ages ago[permalink]



Thalassis50 says:

I use a D300s at work and own a D5000. I have encountered this error a few times in both cameras irrespective of type of SD card used. Reformatting the card in camera seems to eliminate the problem as mshi above suggests too. I have now made a habit of downloading the pictures and immediately reformatting the card so that I am ready for the next shoot. The error you describe has all but disappeared. ages ago[permalink]



FJM Lad says:

Yes, it happens. When I view my SD card on my PC then I rotate the picture, and when I click next it saves automatically. When I insert the SD back to my camera, it will show me that error message. I think when you edit your picture from the PC and save it on your SD card then you will not be able to view it on your camera.

So there's nothing wrong with your card or camera. Originally posted ages ago. [permalink] FJM Lad edited this topic ages ago.



Phi Sal says:

I noticed this problem popping up if I tried to read or edit some pictures on the card itself from the PC..then continue using the card in the camera to take additional pictures. The PC sometimes automatically 'resaves' the picure even after simple viewing. This somehow rewrites the saved file on the card which then gives the errors when you try and see it on the camera thereafter. Best to format everytime you insert a card to the camera, after copying and do not have locked files on the SD. ages ago[permalink]



patterbt says:

It's not an issue of editing the photo while viewing it on my PC. I am getting this error sometimes a few seconds directly after shooting the photo, while I am reviewing my images and flipping back and forth through the last couple images I just shot.

The funny thing is that I HAVE previously formatted the card from the camera, and the card is only about 2 weeks old; so it's not like there is a ton of old data on it. I am actually wondering if this is a bug in the D7000 firmware.

As I said previously, I never ONCE saw an issue like this come up on my old Canon Rebel XTI, and with that camera I almost never formatted the card from the camera. I usually left the images on the card and then deleted groups of them every now and then. I guess maybe this is just one of the things I will have to "get used to", being a recent convert from Canon to Nikon. ages ago[permalink]

flashy grape [deleted] says:

i actually never encountered this problem thou i've went through d60,d5000,d300,d700 then d7k. my theory is that this error pops up because your pc might have written some temp data on the card for thumbnails. when you pop it back on the camera, it doesn't recognize that a bit is already written with something so it overwrites it with the photo data and somehow it screws up jpeg being reviewed. just my 2cents. =D ages ago[permalink]



cozment says:

I just noticed this same error myself yesterday and I also format my card on my camera. I'll take a picture and then go back to look at it a few seconds later and it gives me this message. I thought it was a card issue at first so to test this theory, i changed the way my camera handles card slot 2 to backup. The images that get this error message on card slot 1 also gets the same error on the backup card slot 2. It's definitely a camera issue. Originally posted ages ago. [permalink] cozment edited this topic ages ago.



VeneziaPhotoUK says:


I have experienced this problem too, even AFTER formatting a card or cards in the camera. This happened with both Sanddisk Extreme -8GB and with Kingston class 4 and 10 32GB cards.

However, since switching from 14 bit RAW to 12 bit, it hasn't happened!!! So I currently feel it's related to that. Previously I could have anything between 6-30 shots before the card was rendered useless in camera [really annoying with a 32GB Card], popping the card in the PC allowed me to transfer and view the pics, so the card could not be corrupted. Please also note I had this whether it was the only card or card 1 and 2 in backup mode.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Nikon doesn't recommend but Kingston say it will be fine

[for Nikon approved cards ] [for Kingston comment www.ec.kingston.com/ecom/configurator_new/modelsinfo.asp?...

Thanks Phil ages ago[permalink]



VeneziaPhotoUK says:

Hi Well after a few months trouble free, it happened again on Sat night, have read other notes around battery not being fully charged but can't see an association. However I had switched to Slot 1, not backup [which is one reason I got the camera in the first place!] It's so sporadic i'm reluctant to send to Nikon as it may not occure whilst its with them.

Having read around it would appear I'm not the only one experiencing this.

Thanks Phil ages ago[permalink]



luckyphoto2010 says:

The only other thing I can think of is using the computer to delete images or format the card rather than doing that in the camera. That might cause errors.

To be sure, use a card reader to transfer the images to the computer. Once you've transferred the images put the card[s] back in the camera and reformat using the camera. Don't use the computer to format the cards. Some of the computer programs may not delete or reformat the card correctly for the D7000 and can cause errors.

In general, if you take a card out of the camera, reformat it when you put it back in, even if you switch cards from slot 1 to slot 2.

Good luck. ages ago[permalink]




When you try to view/zoom video file that's when you get this msg. You cannot zoom in to video file. With images you have to look at SD card first. See if you can try a different card. Originally posted ages ago. [permalink] VLADIMIR NAUMOFF edited this topic ages ago.



Simon Kranefuss says:

The only problem I've currently had was when I was creating jpg from raw in camera. The card with the nef files is in slot 1 and the extra card where the jpgs go is in slot 2. Well, twice now I have lost all jpg files. Nothing shows up in camera but something was taking up the same amount of space as the jpgs once did. Only nothing shows up on camera or computer and I have tried to recover using software but that didn't work.

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