Can I disable Windows 10 desktop manager?

Aesthetic Classic
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Alternative Method for Disabling DWM in Windows 10
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Post by Aesthetic Classic on Jan 20, 2017 6:09:49 GMT -8

This is broken in Windows version 1703 and later. Do not bother trying this on your host machine as it may freeze your system!

Here's a bunch of batch scripts I quickly created since I couldn't find anything for Windows 10 and I kinda got tired of manually switching the dwm.exe executable with the dummy placeholderbecause of UAC prompts and don't want to have to keep switching UAC off and on. It is based upon other DWM killing related stuff I've seen laying around.

Here's the main parts of what's included:

  • Desktop Window Manager - Force Disable.bat - Replaces current dwm.exe with the dummy executable and enables Console Mode and also re-enables the legacy non-Immersive UAC prompt as it doesn't work with DWM off.

  • Desktop Window Manager - Restore DWM.bat - Restores the dwm_original.exe file from the script's DWM directory into the System32 directory.

  • Desktop Window Manager - Test - No DWM for Session.bat - Replaces the dwm executable with the dummy executable and resumes the winlogon process then restores the original dwm executable into the System32 directory after 1 second. Its functionality is similiar to R.O.B's KillDWM.bat[which doesn't even work in Windows 10,and breaks if you use it twice, leaving with a black screen of nothingness], but this is a bit more tedious and more likely to break. Console Mode is left on as it seems more stable than restoring the GUI Logon screen in the Registry, you can edit the script if you want to allow it to set ConsoleMode back to 0. Logging out and logging back in should restore the DWM and its Immersive features.

  • Backup DWM Executable Command.bat - Copies current DWM executable from the System32 into the DWM folder in the script's directory as dwm_original.exe. It also creates a copy in the System32 folder as dwm.exe.BAK as it makes it easier to restore from the Windows Recovery partition if anything breaks. This is also done in the Force Disable and No DWM for Session batch scripts.

  • Registry files: Registry files to restore the GUI Login screen and Immersive UAC Prompt registry values manually.

The Windows.UI.Logon.dll is NOT renamed as it may automatically be restored by a Windows Update which may restart you into a black screen of nothingness, so the Registry method is much better in this case.

Just note that a lot of things will break[similiar to having ClassicTheme.exe running, but a bit more broken than that] which may affect your ability to use Windows. Try it in a Virtual Machine first if you're not sure about the consequences.

Do NOT use this if you have a touch screen Windows device with no option to connect a physical keyboard and mouse.

You can check the source yourself if my explanations aren't very good enough about what these batch scripts do and you can use the .reg files to restore the default configuration if you want to.

PsTools from SysInternals is required in order to temporarily suspend the winlogon.exe process, specifically pssuspend.exe.
Place it in the System32 folder, or in the same directory as the DWM Force Switch folder.

File: [16.04 KB]Uses existing rundll32.exe file as a placeholder instead [also takes less space on download!]
CRC-32: bdd444bd
MD4: 1141ae78ca1e73d7ec9284db6bfff372
MD5: 70e9d176ad8253314a4e49bd67f2ba35
SHA-1: 6f5ca88a30871b904718271891fa90ae6bf704fb
File: Desktop Window Manager Force [43.51 KB]Previous Version, left here for reference
CRC-32: c9c481bd
MD4: a2b67e24038337a7fcdcfcf4a68d7f4e
MD5: 10a2d4b36c37898905c5ff8ca680ca4c
SHA-1: 091cfebf5d93a04d6ca81435837140e9d2d653e9

Okay, this preview and formatting is a bit annoying, RIP.

Edit: So I think I may have triggered Chrome's malware detection feature [possibly due to the batch files and/or dummy dwm?].
Edit 2: Replaced the placeholder file with an executable that just exits itself without outputting any text, saving a few kilobytes rather than that one that prints out text saying it's a dummy file.

Another Edit: The scripts now make a copy of rundll32.exe straight from the System32 directory to use as a placeholder rather than using those converted batch files as a placeholder which can sometimes be detected as a malware by some software [which ends up breaking if you are logged out or reboot when no placeholder file is in place because it got removed]. Thanks6sicsix for pointing out that the rundll32 file can be used instead!

Also, there's some Registry tweaks in there that I added from before to switch off some Immersive features so they work without DWM just to make it less of a pain to search for those Registry tweaks.

Here's the raw texts for them:
  • Desktop Window Manager - Force Disable.bat
  • Desktop Window Manager - Restore DWM.bat
  • Desktop Window Manager - Test - No DWM for Session.bat
Last Edit: May 13, 2018 7:48:56 GMT -8 by Aesthetic Classic: Added warning
Aesthetic Classic
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Post by Aesthetic Classic on May 13, 2018 7:40:15 GMT -8

These are now useless if attempting to disable DWM in version 1703 and later, these scripts can cause to freeze up your system if you're running recent versions of Windows. Quickly tested Windows version 1803 in a VM and running without DWM seems to work somewhat properly by renaming the C:\Windows\Resources\Themes folder along with replacing dwm.exe with something else. It gives off an unusual unresponsive desktop if I didn't rename the Themes folder.

The ability to use the non-Immersive UAC dialog is now irrelevant since it doesn't even exist anymore so if anyone wants to be serious about this you'll have to run with a broken taskbar while also compromising security by turning off the UAC and it's even way worse now considering how Control Panel items are slowly being moved into the immersive Settings application. The console logon Registry tweak doesn't work but it still exists as a fallback if Windows.UI.Logon.dll is renamed.
Last Edit: May 13, 2018 7:44:47 GMT -8 by Aesthetic Classic

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Post by R.O.B. on Feb 15, 2019 19:24:24 GMT -8

Feb 6, 2019 4:49:16 GMT -8 ruslandjent said:
works well for me! but how can i make it always disabled, i mean everytime i boot my system i want it to be disabled by default

Yes, you can disable DWM permanently in Windows 10. I'll post about it when I get the chance.
Last Edit: Feb 15, 2019 19:24:54 GMT -8 by R.O.B.

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Post by anixx on Feb 16, 2019 0:21:30 GMT -8

Feb 6, 2019 4:49:16 GMT -8 ruslandjent said:
works well for me! but how can i make it always disabled, i mean everytime i boot my system i want it to be disabled by default
There is a metod to disable dwm via registry:

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Post by R.O.B. on Feb 17, 2019 14:42:05 GMT -8

Feb 16, 2019 0:21:30 GMT -8 anixx said:
There is a metod to disable dwm via registry:

This is actually more or less the method I was going to post about, but I wanted to add some additional details from my own experiences as well.

There are some major issues that I've seen without DWM. The most obvious of which is the Settings application, which does not work at all. This unfortunately means you will likely have to use what limited functionality deskn.cpl offers, or edit the registry by hand.

Another major problem is Windows seems to lock up/freeze without DWM running. I suspect this is a result of some built-in Windows application or service that's trying to do something, but I'm not entirely sure.

With that being said, may work on a script to easily enable/disable DWM if I ever get around to it.
Last Edit: Feb 17, 2019 14:56:21 GMT -8 by R.O.B.
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Post by marctraider on Mar 10, 2019 19:59:48 GMT -8

I pretty much been running permanent DWM-off mode [from boot to desktop] in LTSB 1607 homebrew build with extremely minimal problems. Only thing I see is that the desktop freezes for a few hundred milliseconds or so every half an hour [Only noticable when watching a movie etc] but there is no indication of GPU driver crashes here as any fullscreen game works flawlessly. Sadly running [most] games in full windowed seem to make them behave weird, and often freeze or crash. Kinda looks like GDI output is abruptly lost for a split second. But its more than practical, as I don't lose anything. Full window with DWM always gives input lag no matter what so it has not been an option for me since Win 7 days. Any app that doesn't appear to work or turns black usually can be remedied with HW accel off, or --disable-gpu [Most chromium based apps, also some game launchers can be fixed with this]

What exactly doesnt work in 180x builds? Seems ConsoleUI and explorer work, but sometimes it freezes :C

Heres screeny of my LTSB build, love it.
Last Edit: Mar 11, 2019 8:36:51 GMT -8 by marctraider
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Post by rvb1101 on Mar 11, 2019 6:59:31 GMT -8

I literally sat down for 2 days looking for options to have my 144hz monitor not stutter while my 60hz capture card is connected. Running in extended mode, while ok for true fullscreen games, does not fix the stutter when playing uwp games. To my limited knowledge this looks to be caused by the desktop composition and I wanna test and see if disabling it will fix my issues.
As soon as I saw this thread I made an account to ask you guys if you can post detailed instructions on how to disable dwm.exe and how to restore it when the need arises, I'm on the 1809 build of win10.
Thanks in advance.
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Post by rvb1101 on Mar 11, 2019 8:34:19 GMT -8

Mar 11, 2019 7:39:06 GMT -8 marctraider said:
Problem is, UWP games would never work without DWM so I doubt you'd find any reconciliation with trying it out.
Thanks for saving me the hassle then, I appreciate it, still wish there was some way to get my damn streaming setup running properly.

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Post by marctraider on Mar 11, 2019 8:40:25 GMT -8

Mar 11, 2019 8:34:19 GMT -8 rvb1101 said:
Mar 11, 2019 7:39:06 GMT -8 marctraider said:
Problem is, UWP games would never work without DWM so I doubt you'd find any reconciliation with trying it out.
Thanks for saving me the hassle then, I appreciate it, still wish there was some way to get my damn streaming setup running properly.

Np. As for your problem, not really into streaming and capture cards, but DWM applies V-sync so it eliminates tearing, but it can indeed introduce stuttering/frametime pacing issues [Which is different issue then tearing].

Imho the whole DWM thing is flawed by the very fact that it introduces input lag, im sure some clever folks could figure out something better than that. Or at least give us ability to disable V-sync. Id love to see hardware accelerated desktop compositing WITH tearing, and no 1 frame of delay because of inefficient method microsoft uses.

Good luck on your issue.
Last Edit: Mar 11, 2019 8:41:06 GMT -8 by marctraider
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Post by kamuisuki on Mar 16, 2019 13:06:33 GMT -8

Mar 11, 2019 6:59:31 GMT -8 rvb1101 said:
I literally sat down for 2 days looking for options to have my 144hz monitor not stutter while my 60hz capture card is connected. Running in extended mode, while ok for true fullscreen games, does not fix the stutter when playing uwp games. To my limited knowledge this looks to be caused by the desktop composition and I wanna test and see if disabling it will fix my issues.
As soon as I saw this thread I made an account to ask you guys if you can post detailed instructions on how to disable dwm.exe and how to restore it when the need arises, I'm on the 1809 build of win10.
Thanks in advance.
Sankyu ^^
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Post by pietr on May 18, 2019 2:30:43 GMT -8

Mar 10, 2019 19:59:48 GMT -8 marctraider said:
I pretty much been running permanent DWM-off mode [from boot to desktop] in LTSB 1607 homebrew build with extremely minimal problems. Only thing I see is that the desktop freezes for a few hundred milliseconds or so every half an hour [Only noticable when watching a movie etc] but there is no indication of GPU driver crashes here as any fullscreen game works flawlessly. Sadly running [most] games in full windowed seem to make them behave weird, and often freeze or crash. Kinda looks like GDI output is abruptly lost for a split second. But its more than practical, as I don't lose anything. Full window with DWM always gives input lag no matter what so it has not been an option for me since Win 7 days. Any app that doesn't appear to work or turns black usually can be remedied with HW accel off, or --disable-gpu [Most chromium based apps, also some game launchers can be fixed with this]

What exactly doesnt work in 180x builds? Seems ConsoleUI and explorer work, but sometimes it freezes :C

Heres screeny of my LTSB build, love it.
How did you get that "Basic" taskbar?
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Post by marctraider on Apr 26, 2020 11:01:35 GMT -8

May 18, 2019 2:30:43 GMT -8 pietr said:
Mar 10, 2019 19:59:48 GMT -8 marctraider said:
I pretty much been running permanent DWM-off mode [from boot to desktop] in LTSB 1607 homebrew build with extremely minimal problems. Only thing I see is that the desktop freezes for a few hundred milliseconds or so every half an hour [Only noticable when watching a movie etc] but there is no indication of GPU driver crashes here as any fullscreen game works flawlessly. Sadly running [most] games in full windowed seem to make them behave weird, and often freeze or crash. Kinda looks like GDI output is abruptly lost for a split second. But its more than practical, as I don't lose anything. Full window with DWM always gives input lag no matter what so it has not been an option for me since Win 7 days. Any app that doesn't appear to work or turns black usually can be remedied with HW accel off, or --disable-gpu [Most chromium based apps, also some game launchers can be fixed with this]

What exactly doesnt work in 180x builds? Seems ConsoleUI and explorer work, but sometimes it freezes :C

Heres screeny of my LTSB build, love it.
How did you get that "Basic" taskbar?

Sorry if necro but since I havent responded yet, I think i altered it myself from an existing template because I couldn't find one that existed
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Post by pietr on May 17, 2020 4:21:24 GMT -8

Apr 26, 2020 11:01:35 GMT -8 marctraider said:
May 18, 2019 2:30:43 GMT -8 pietr said:
How did you get that "Basic" taskbar?

Sorry if necro but since I havent responded yet, I think i altered it myself from an existing template because I couldn't find one that existed
[using StartIsBack]

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