cosbys là gì - Nghĩa của từ cosbys

cosbys có nghĩa là

Getting sexually taken advantage of while under the influence of drugs or alcohol

Ví dụ

I was really drunk and totally got Cosbied by Frank at 2am.

cosbys có nghĩa là

A shit, usually of full girth. Tendency to bring pain upon exit.

Ví dụ

I was really drunk and totally got Cosbied by Frank at 2am. A shit, usually of full girth. Tendency to bring pain upon exit. 1. "I hate dropping the cosbys at public restrooms"

cosbys có nghĩa là

2. "I drove Bill Cosby and the kids to the museum"

Ví dụ

I was really drunk and totally got Cosbied by Frank at 2am. A shit, usually of full girth. Tendency to bring pain upon exit.

cosbys có nghĩa là

1. "I hate dropping the cosbys at public restrooms"

Ví dụ

I was really drunk and totally got Cosbied by Frank at 2am. A shit, usually of full girth. Tendency to bring pain upon exit.

cosbys có nghĩa là

1. "I hate dropping the cosbys at public restrooms"

Ví dụ

2. "I drove Bill Cosby and the kids to the museum"

cosbys có nghĩa là

3. "The cosbys are pushing at the gate"

Ví dụ

A drug used to sedate women, or to make them incoherent to prevent unwanted sexual acts. 1]You gave that poor girl a Cosby didn't you?
1A] Yup, and she was out like a light. [Verb] The ancient art of drugging a potential partner, violating them, and then performing the impressive feat of eluding all suspicion until they violate one person too many. Dave: I did Brenda, Jenny, and Sandra while they were asleep.

cosbys có nghĩa là

Tom: You Cosby'd them, didn't you?

Ví dụ

The intentional use of chemical substances with the aim of incapacitating and sexually assaulting an unsuspecting person. Bill dropped a pill in Janice's drink. It wasn't until the next morning that Janice woke up and realized that she'd been Cosbied. The act of being stupid enough to take a pill from a clearly mal-intended Bill Cosby, who may suspiciously invite you to a party where you're the only other person, or his suite, and offer you a pill and/or drink, then force his penis into your mouth/vagina. The victim of a Cosby will most likely wake up during the ordeal, at which point they leave, realize they're alone and covered in Cosby semen, or most likely wake up to him telling them they drank too much whilst putting his pants back on. "There was a knock at the door, and it was Cosby, who she says walked in and said he was impressed with her work and "implied that he was going to see to it that I will become a major star through his direction."

cosbys có nghĩa là

“Suddenly Cosby approached me and took out his penis, which was now in the line of my face and pressed up against it,” she said. "He took his hands and put them on the back of my head and forced his penis in my mouth, saying, ‘Have a taste of this. It will do you good in so many ways.’” Before walking out of the green room, Moritz recalls Cosby saying to her: "Now you don't want to upset me and the plans for your future, do you?"

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Bitch got Cosbied.

cosbys có nghĩa là

To be drugged and used for sex

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Miller: Hey I heard Jason hooked up with Madison last night.

cosbys có nghĩa là

To slip an unknown substance or pill into someone's food or drink

Ví dụ

Francis: How is that possible, she's like 20 points hotter than he is.

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