Debug iphone chrome on windows

I recently had the opportunity to implement some new visualizations for Uber City Guides. Before launch, we discovered a strange bug that only occurred on Chrome for iOS. Even though there are some helpful guides online on how to debug Chrome specific bugs on iOS [like this] I couldn't find a comprehensive guide from start to finish, so I decided to create one.

Installation and Setup

  1. Install RemoteDebug iOS WebKit Adapter on your OSX computer [Mac]

    • This requires you to first install two dependencies using brew [libimobiledevice and iOS WebKit Debug Proxy]
      $ brew update
      $ brew unlink libimobiledevice ios-webkit-debug-proxy usbmuxd
      $ brew uninstall --force libimobiledevice ios-webkit-debug-proxy usbmuxd
      $ brew install --HEAD usbmuxd
      $ brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice
      $ brew install --HEAD ios-webkit-debug-proxy
    • Then install RemoteDebug iOS WebKit Adapter globally:
      $ npm install remotedebug-ios-webkit-adapter -g
      or if you are experiencing issues
      $ npm install remotedebug-ios-webkit-adapter@next -g
  2. Enable the Web Inspector on your iOS device [iPhone or iPad]

    • Choose Settings > Safari > Advanced
    • Toggle "Web Inspector" on
  3. Enable the Develop Menu in Safari on your OSX computer [official link]

    • Choose Safari > Preferences, and click Advanced
    • At the bottom of the pane, select the "Show Develop menu in menu bar" checkbox.

  4. Allow your OSX computer to access your iOS device

    • Connect your iOS device to your OSX computer using your USB cable
    • Open Safari on OSX
    • Develop > Hover over your iOS device
    • Click "Use for Development..."
    • On your iOS device, click "Trust" when you see the "Trust this Computer?" prompt

  5. Setup device discovery in Chrome on OSX

    • Open Chrome on your OSX computer and navigate to chrome://inspect/#devices
    • Select the "Discover network targets" checkbox and click the "Configure" button
    • Add "localhost:9000" to the list of hosts
    • Click "Done"


  1. [Optional if developing locally] Identify local server address

    • Run your server locally on your OSX computer
    • Identify the port your webpage is being served from [typically //localhost:]
    • Open System Preferences on OSX
    • Click "Sharing" and identify the computer name [typically .local]

  2. Load the webpage on your iOS device

    • Make sure your iOS device is connected to your OSX computer using your USB cable
    • On your iOS device, open Safari and navigate to the page you are trying to debug [i.e. .com or, for local development, //.local:]
    • NOTE: Even though we are loading up in Safari on our iOS device, remote debugging using Chrome on our OSX computer will use Chrome's context and user agent instead of Safari's]
  3. Run the remote debugger on your OSX computer

    $ remotedebug_ios_webkit_adapter --port=9000
  4. Debug using Chrome

    • Open Chrome on your OSX computer and navigate to chrome://inspect/#devices
    • Identify the webpage you wish to debug on the iOS device and click "Inspect"
    • A Chrome debugger will appear which uses Chrome's context and user agent string instead of Safari's

How do I debug my iPhone browser on Windows?

How to Debug iPhone Safari with Windows Chrome.
Purpose of this article..
First, install Scoop, a package management software for Windows. ... .
Overview. ... .
Enable Safari's Web Inspector on iOS [iPhone]..
Connect iPhone to PC and trust the device..
Run remotedebug_ios_webkit_adapter..

Can I debug iOS on Windows?

Debugging iPhone Safari on Windows using BrowserStack. BrowserStack makes iPhone Safari debugging simple, irrespective of the operating system being used. Windows users [on Windows XP, 7,8,10] can test and debug on the desired iPhone – Safari combination directly from their web browser [Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc].

How do I debug iOS in Chrome?

In Chrome on your iPad or iPhone, go to chrome://inspect and then press Start Logging. Now go do your thing in another tab, keeping this tab open. Come back anytime to see any and all console outputs!

How do I debug Chrome in Windows?

Chrome Browser debug logs.
Quit any running instance of Chrome..
Right-click your Chrome shortcut..
Select Properties..
At the end of the Target: line, add the command line flags: --enable-logging --v=1. ... .
Click Apply. ... .
Launch Chrome using your shortcut..

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