Dorm room checklist Google Docs

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This page is your go-to guide for figuring out what to bring to college in 2021.

Whether youll be living in a dorm, an apartment, or in the steam tunnels that run underneath campus, this list will provide you with all the college essentials, plus a few fun extras that can improve your life or help you make new friends [Pro-tip: be the person who has a tool kit]. Weve put a ton of work into this packing list; we hope youll find it helpful.

To make it easy to navigate, everything is broken down into categories. Weve also marked certain items as essential to help you prioritize.

Most links here go to Amazon.Full disclosure:College Info Geek participates in the Amazon Associates program, and well earn a commission on qualifying purchases made through the links on this page [at no extra cost to you]. Weve worked hard to recommend items that are both high-quality and inexpensive.

Do note that you also can also buy many of these things locally, and weve put together a printable checklist that you can take to the store if you like. Click the picture to download it!

P.S. Having a properly set-up calendar, task manager, and file systembeforeI started classes saved me a ton of stress. If you want to make sure yourereallyprepared for college, consider taking my 1-hour productivity systems course:

Productivity Essentials: Create a System That Works

With a proper productivity system, nothing ever slips through the cracks. In just one hour, you'll learn how to set up your to-do list, calendar, note-taking system, file management, and more the smart way.

Become More Productive
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Bedding/Bed Stuff

Bedding Set

Sheets, pillowcases, and a comforter. Boom.

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Throw Blanket

Dorm HVAC systems sometimes like to test your will to live. So you'll need a blanket.

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I actually rest my head on a pile of bricks every night, but that's a level you'll need to work up to. Start with these.

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Mattress Cover

I'm marking this as essential because you don't know what happened on your dorm mattress before you moved in. And you don't want to know.

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Microplush Mattress Topper

Dorm mattresses aren't always very soft, so you have two options: either #dealwithit, or get this. [Honestly it's really comfortable]

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BedShelfie Bedside Shelf

If you'll be sleeping in a loft bed or on the top of a bunk bed, get this [or build your own if you're into DIY]. It's a great place to put your iPad so you can fall asleep to old episodes of The Bachelorette.

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Reading Lamp

For when your roommate needs sleep but you have 5,000 more pages of calculus homework. I recommend a clamp light like this one, especially if you have a loft bed.

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Computer Gear

Acer Aspire 5 Laptop

Laptop needs vary based on what you'll be doing. This is our main budget pick, though - it's less than $500 and will work well for any major [unless you're doing lots of video or other graphics-heavy work].

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External Monitor

Having a second display to work with is monstrously helpful for many, many different majors. Just avoid the temptation to throw up Netflix on it while you're working.

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Dell XPS 13

This is our laptop upgrade pick [unless you're a Mac user]. Similar specs to the Acer, but it's much thinner/lighter and will have better build quality.

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Portable Hard Drive

One Drive to store them all, one Drive to save them....If you need a lot of storage space, it's often cheaper to use a portable hard drive than to buy a laptop with a bigger internal drive.

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Wireless Gaming Mouse

You don't know what you're missing until you actually use a gaming mouse. This one performs incredibly well and can be had at a great price.

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Mouse Pad

This is the BEST mouse pad. That's the only reason I'm listing it. You can probably find a regular cloth mouse pad under your couch cushions, but this one is just amazing. I keep one in my backpack all the time.

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If you live on campus, you might not actually need a printer, as there's probably a computer lab nearby. But if you live OFF campus, owning a printer can be really handy. This one works well and doesn't cost too much.

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Desk and School Supplies


Some people get paid lots of money just to sharpen pencils. Seriously, google "artisanal pencil sharpening."

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Mechanical Pencils

If you don't want to fool with sharpening pencils, go the mechanical route. I find them especially great for math homework or really any task where you need to write really small and neatly while still being able to erase.

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Desk Lamp

For reading textbooks or serving as backlighting for your next Insta selfie #wokeuplikethis

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Sticky Notes

From reminders to grocery lists to amusing pranks to play on your roommates, sticky notes might be the most versatile school/office supply there is.

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Dry Erase Markers

For your whiteboard. Make sure to get an eraser, or your embarrassing caricature of your RA may be stuck there forever.

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Combination Whiteboard/Corkboard

Only slightly less awesome than the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell.

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Push Pins

The proper way to affix paper to your corkboard is by throwing shuriken, but it takes a while to master. Use these in the meantime.

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At least when I was in elementary school, these notebooks were the shiz. Even in the age of tablets and laptops, paper notebooks persist. And they're a lot less distracting when you're trying to take notes in that stats class where you're never sure if the professor is trying to make your head hurt or if the subject is just really hard.

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This thing is awesome. It's like a regular notebook, except you can open the rings and refill it with new paper when you've run out. That means you can use it for EVERY class - while still keeping it small and light.

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Some people do still write on this stuff, believe it or not.

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...I believe you have it.

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Pencil Cup

It's all fun and games until you knock it over, scattering pencils, pushpins, and paperclips as far as the eye can see. "Shoot," you think, "my room will never be safe to walk barefoot again."

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Journaling is a superb form of self-reflection--it's like free therapy. Plus, it gives something your great-great grandkids can look back on and say, "They used Facebook back then? Woah! Now everything is just wired directly into your brain."

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For important papers that require your attention. This is becoming less and less common, but they still make a nice desk decoration.

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Power Strip

One strip to rule them all.

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Pencil Sharpener

Since you probably can't afford to pony up the cash for artisanal pencil sharpening [at least not yet], you can use one of these in the meantime.

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For when you go to a college or live in an apartment complex that still requires payment in paper checks.

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Index Cards

The first step to becoming a flash card guru.

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To sever that which must not remain joined.

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I use mine to measure my beard, but they're also handy for drawing straight lines.

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Paper Clips

So much better than staples. Also a way to get a house, according to some guy's TED talk.

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Because someone in your family or friend group will send you mail, and it's only polite to respond.

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File Box

For unspeakable secrets...or old homework.

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Desk Organizer

Because everyone knows that your pens and pencils are seriously trying to take over your desk.

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Extension Cord

Because the odds are good that the only outlet is on the complete opposite side of the room as your desk.

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Graphing Calculator

For math and stuff...and drawing little pictures of your professor when no one's looking.

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Until we figure out pocket-sized cold fusion reactors, these will have to do. Seriously a great way to make friends - people always need batteries.

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Sticky Flags

Get sticky with it. For marking important passages in books without damaging the pages, these little guys are a miracle.

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Scotch Tape

It sticks things to things.

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Wall Calendar

While I also use Google Calendar heavily, I find a paper calendar a nice quick reference for seeing what day of the week it is. Plus, they make good decorations against your dorm room's white cinderblock walls.

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General Stuff


While some dorms have air conditioning that tests your will to live, others have no air conditioning to speak of. Pick up one of these to keep your room cool and ventilated.

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When the broom's not enough [or if you have carpet], bring out the big guns.

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Gotta keep that floor on sweep.

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Tool Set

When [not "if," but "when"] something in your dorm room breaks, this is a great thing to have on hand, especially if you don't want to wait for the maintenance crew.

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I'm still not sure what every tool is for, but this is really handy. Plus it kind of makes me feel like Batman.

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Foot Locker

Great as a supplement or instead of plastic under the bed storage containers. Probably what you'd take on the train to Hogwarts as well.

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Under Bed Storage

I use a set of these to store my alphabetized, mint condition collection of rare Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, but they work pretty well for anything that you need but don't use regularly.

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Bed Risers

If you want the storage benefits of an elevated bed without the brain trauma hazards of lofting, then pick up a pack of these. I recommend having a friend help you install them.

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Computer Chair

I'm not going to say I've raced these up and down the hall with my roommates...but I'm not going to say I haven't.

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Saucer Chair

Woah, it's a groovy blast from the past! Seriously, though, this is actually a pretty comfortable chair. It even folds up for easy storage during DDR battles.

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If your floor is tile, you'll thank me for this. Especially in winter. Especially if you have an 8 AM class.

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Duct Tape

"Every problem in the world can be fixed with one of two items. If it moves and it shouldn't, duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, WD-40." - some engineer at some point, probably

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Textbooks can be expensive - it sucks. But they don't always have to be like that. This link takes you to my favorite site for finding the best deals on textbooks. I also strongly suggest checking your college's library or looking into digital versions of your books.

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A great way to get around fast and stay healthy. Really saves time if your campus is large and/or spread out. Bonus points for wheelies. Note: this link is for Amazon, but if there's a local bike shop in your town, I recommend checking there first.

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Bike Lock

Always keep your style and your bike on lock. Protip: for maximum security, make sure to lock the frame to something, not just the wheel.

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Bike Pump

Keep those tires inflated for maximum speed and comfort.

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For shredding, carving, or just coasting to class. Note: I've linked to Amazon here, but if you have a local skate shop in your area, I highly recommend going there instead.

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Loud music can be great when you're jumping up and down to it at a concert...but less than thrilling when it's blaring from the room next door while you're trying to sleep. Good earplugs make all the difference. Note: pair with a sleep mask for best results.

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Sleep Mask

Because sometimes your roommate wants to stay up till 3 am studying...or maybe you're a vampire, I dunno. Pair with earplugs for best results.

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Maybe unnecessary if you attend college on the moon, but for most places it's handy to have a quality umbrella that you can store in your bag.

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Great for storing...books, obviously, but also for almost everything else that you want to be accessible or displayed. Note: Your college may include one of these with your dorm room, so check first.

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For storing important documents, embarrassing photos, and the One Ring.

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Definitely not an essential in the age of streaming, but good to have if you prefer a larger screen or want to hook up to cable for some reason. Note: Ask your roommate if they're already bringing one before you buy.

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For late night Smash Bros sessions or just lounging around procrastinating on your chemistry homework...[not that you would ever do anything like that]. Note: Ask your roommate if they're already bringing one before you buy. Also, check thrift stores and Craigslist before buying new.

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Backpack [Upgrade Pick]

This is our founder Thomas' favorite backpack, and the one he uses on a daily basis. Costs more than our base recommendation, but looks sleeker and offers better organization. Watch his review here.

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Bluetooth Speaker

This speaker's battery lasts forever, it's small enough to throw in a bag, and it's loud enough to fill a dorm room or apartment living room with decent sound. I use mine every day and have bought no less than four more as gifts for friends.

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Quality Headphones

If you have roommates, or just need some isolation when you study, a good pair of headphones is a must. This wireless pair from Anker offers active noise-canceling to help you find some peace. Also, here's my study music playlist.

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Wenger Synergy Backpack

This is my top backpack pick for most students. Unless you're a bag nerd like me, it'll probably do everything you need. It's durable, comfortable, and will fit most laptops. P.S. - Check out our list of backpack essentials.

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Cooking/Kitchen Supplies


Going to college in what could, at times, feel like the literal Arctic, it was great to have a way to keep my coffee warm on the way to class. Even if you need your beverages to stay cold, this tumbler works great for that, too.

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Electric Kettle

For boiling water to make tea, coffee, and ramen. A game changer.

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Reusable Water Bottle

Unless you're Aquaman, you could probably stand to drink more water. This bottle is durable, easy to clean, and a great conversation starter. It also prevents you from wasting money and plastic on bottled water.

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Microwave Safe Food Containers

Cooking your own food a couple times a week [and then reheating as you need it] is a great way to save time and money. These microwave safe containers are what you need to keep that food fresh throughout the week. These will make you less likely to turn to frozen pizza bagels when you're tired and just want something to eat.

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AeroPress Coffee Maker

Coffee is love, coffee is life - and this is my FAVORITE coffee making device. It's cheap, but the coffee it produces tastes amazing. It's like French press coffee without the grit.

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Coffee Grinder

To make a truly potent and delicious cup of coffee, grind your own beans fresh. Pair with the Aeropress for best results.

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Can Opener

As someone who has opened cans with a pocket knife before, I strongly suggest getting one of these instead.

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Chip Clips

You don't realize what a brilliant invention they are until you're without them and are forced to use duct tape instead.

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For those frozen foods you shouldn't but probably will eat [especially during exam week]. Note: Ask your roommate if they're already bringing one before you buy. Often available to rent from your college, and also often provided if you're living in a house or apartment.

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For chilling food and beverages. Note: Ask your roommate if they're already bringing one before you buy. Also, you can often rent one of these from your college, which can be a better deal than buying one. If you're living in a house or apartment, this is likely provided.

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Dinnerware Set

Because eating off paper plates gets old fast.

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Pizza Cutter

If you've ever tried to cut pizza with a knife, you'll know how necessary one of these is.

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Frying Pan

Also useful for warding off intruders.

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A quality knife that will make you feel like you're in a scene from Ratatouille.

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For all your stirring, flipping, and mixing needs.

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Baking Trays

Sure, they work for cookies, but you can also use them to bake, roast, or toast just about anything imaginable.

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Not to be confused with "software" or "hardware."

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Dish Towels

Far superior to paper towels for drying dishes. Also useful for cleaning up heavier spills and wiping the kitchen counter to a mirror shine.

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Dish Soap

Those dirty dishes won't clean themselves.

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Paper Towels

For cleaning and wiping.

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Oven Mitt

For those of you who don't have hands made of asbestos.

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Any time you need to get something from one container to another without spilling, you'll be happy to have some funnels. They also work as funny little hats.

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For gripping and grasping. Also for pretending that you're Zoidberg from Futurama.

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Collapsible Strainer

For pasta, every college student's best friend. Can also work as a steamer basket when combined with a pot.

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Pot Holders

I've slowly built up my immunity to hot metal, but for everyone else I recommend pot holders.

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Sink Stopper

If you live in a house or apartment, these are handy to have, though they're often included.

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Trash Can

For making baskets and tossing rubbish. Note: often provided with your dorm room, so check before buying.

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Bonbowl is a compact induction cooktop that lets you cook and eat out of the same bowl. Prepare rice, cook eggs, reheat leftovers, and much more. It's perfect for a small dorm room or apartment without a stove. Use the code CIG20 at checkout to get $20 off.

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Cook Pot

It steams, boils, and roils. What more could you want?

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Trash Bags

That trash ain't gonna bag itself.

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Laundry Supplies

Pop-Out Hamper

The best way to lose your socks is carrying all your laundry down to the washer in one big wad. Get a hamper instead.

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Drying Rack

For drying delicate garments like my morph suit.

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Laundry Detergent

These are magical: just throw them in the washer with your clothes. Just make sure not to make the mistake I did of putting them in the detergent compartment. Doesn't work quite as well...

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Ironing Board

My bed is actually a literal "iron board," but I still have one of these for keeping my clothes pressed and smooth.

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Pro tip: steam can set off fire alarms, so make sure not to iron directly under the smoke detector.

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I hang my cape on one every morning after I return from fighting crime.

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Utility Hooks

Undoubtedly invented by the same extraterrestrial geniuses that brought us Command strips, these are great for hanging coats and towels.

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Closet Organizer

It only made my closet slightly less of a disaster area, but that's probably just me.

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Delicates Bag

I use one to wash the silk ascot from my Austin Powers cosplay, but they work well for any delicate garments.

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Lint Roller

Roll, roll, roll the lint, gently off your clothes.

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Sewing Kit

For when you bust a move so hard that you rip your pants.

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Stain Remover

To stain is human; to remove stains is...OxiClean?

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Personal Items and Toiletries

Towel and Washcloth Set

Quite possibly the most useful item in the universe.

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The most magical and mystifying of all personal care items.

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Men's Shower Flip Flops

Shower floors are grody. "Men's" because of the size more than the color - black looks good on everyone.

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Women's Shower Flip Flops

You don't know what's been on that shower floor. "Women's" because of the size more than the color - pink is for everyone.

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Shower Caddy

Because someone will "borrow" your shampoo if you leave it in the communal shower.

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First Aid Kit

Even if it's just a papercut, it's always best to have some basic first aid supplies on hand.

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Cleaning Supplies

Don't be grimy; keep it shiny.

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Bath Mat

Bathroom floors can be slippery.

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Shower Mat

Shower floors can be slippery, too.

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Shower Curtain

Imagine how shocked I was when I arrived in my apartment and found that a shower curtain wasn't included. Don't be like me; pick one of these up. And make sure to close it all the way, because there's nothing worse than stumbling into the bathroom at 3 AM only to find your socks soaked by the puddle someone left after showering.

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Shower Curtain Rings

These are easy to forget, but a shower curtain isn't much use if you can't hang it up. And no, you shouldn't try to use rubber bands and paper clips for this [speaking from personal experience].

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Toilet Paper

For taking care of business. If you live in a dorm with community bathrooms, this will usually be provided.

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Curling Iron

I've never used one, but this model has good reviews. I'll assume you've probably done your own research if you're getting one.

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Hair Dryer

Walking to class with wet hair in January is never fun...unless you go to college in the Southern Hemisphere, of course.

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Hair Straightener

Like the curling iron, I don't have any experience with this personally [nowhere near enough hair], but this model got good reviews.

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Men's Bathrobe

For when you don't feel like clothes but also don't feel like being cold and making everyone uncomfortable.

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Women's Bathrobe

Makes the walk back from the communal bathroom a lot less chilly and awkward.

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Your university will almost certainly give these away by the fistful, so you probably don't need to buy them.

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Cough Drops

Because no one wants to be that guy coughing uncontrollably during a calculus lecture that you could barely understand on the best of days.

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Nail Clippers

Unless you're secretly Catwoman, you'll probably want a pair of these.

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Electric Shaver

Keep it trimmed, folks.

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You may look a little chalky, but you'll be thankful you used it when you're older.

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For all your plucking needs.

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The wall is just a blank canvas...or something like that. Pair with Command strips for best results.

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LED String Lights

Not just for holidays, these lights provide a pleasant ambient alternative to the industrial fluorescents that most dorms have.

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Command Strips

Some of the best evidence that aliens have visited Earth, these can attach anything to the wall. One of the great marvels of our time.

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If you don't want the responsibility of a pet but still enjoy caring for a living thing, plants are the perfect choice. Just make sure to water them or they'll get sad.

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They add a touch of home, and they're great for keeping out the literal eye of Sauron that is the streetlight outside your window. Some dorms include curtain rods, but it really depends.

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How else will you know if you have spinach in your teeth? Note: many dorms come with one of these, so check before buying.

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Salt Lamp

For your daily dose of soothing, saline illumination.

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Fun Stuff

The individual items in this category are totally, completely optional. We just thought itd be cool to suggest some of the games and other things that work really well for bringing friends together or for relaxing after a huge study session.

Cards Against Humanity

I'll always remember it as "how I got to know people freshman year."

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Sort of like Scrabble, but without the board and a lot more fast-paced.

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A crazy, fun card game that I'm still not sure I fully understand.

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If Civilization were a board, I mean, "tabletop strategy game."

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Playing Cards

For Euchre, poker, and 52 pickup.

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Miniature Cornhole

A Midwest classic and favorite of hipsters everywhere.

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"Hut, hut, hike!"

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I use mine for disc golf.

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For re-enacting the climactic final scene of the 1996 classic Space Jam.

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Soccer Ball

What the rest of the world calls a "football."

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Nerf Blaster

For battling the zombies...or your hallmates [or maybe both. Maybe you have zombie hallmates?]

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More Back-to-School Guides:

How to Easily Stay Organized and Productive in College

How to Study with INTENSE Focus: 6 Essential Tips

23 of the Best Online Jobs for Students and How to Get Them

Backpack Essentials: 15 Things That Should Be in Every Students Bag

How to Take Better Notes: The 6 Best Note-Taking Systems

The Ultimate List of Student Discounts and Deals Fall 2021

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Original feature photo: MacBook on desk

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