east high school là gì - Nghĩa của từ east high school

east high school có nghĩa là

A secondary school located in Bucks County, PA. The typical student who attends CB East is rebellious, egotistical, bitchy, and just a plain asshole. If you don't have many friends, participate in class, or not outgoing/good-looking, your not cool enough. The teachers at this school secretly hate the majority of the CB East students; therefore, they fail them on purpose and blog about the students in their spare time. Mid-aged female, single teachers are looking to score with the hot-headed moron-of-a-head principal. The Head Principal walks the halls and views all the girls as simply eye-candy...heads up ladies!! stay out of THAT office! The reputation people have at CB East, are shady, shallow, slutty, skanks, scumbags and superficial.


"I am dumping you because you go to CB East High School." "I couldn't graduate CB East High School because the Head Principal doesn't like me...and I am a guy =P" "My English teacher at CB East High School, blogged awful things about me and my handicapped brother." "Do not go to CB East High School."

east high school có nghĩa là

Downingtown East High School was established in 2003 after Downingtown High School split which is now known as Downingtown West. The principal is Paul E. Hurley, famous for his ponytail. Downingtown East is in the richer area of the two schools. Also is the more intelligent school. At East most girls are slutty and the guys think they are hot shit. 80% of the students blaze the ganja. Then there are the faggots who write bomb threats in the bathrooms, the school has to evacuate everyone from the building. It's not funny. Downingtown East is not as good in sports as West except for a few like girls basketball and boys lacrosse and hockey. And the arguement will never end who is the better school, East or West.


Normal Day at Downingtown East High School. kid 1: yo man, you need any trees?
kid 2: nah bro i'm good, i just got some bangin kush the other day.
kid 1: oh word...
kid 2: yeah, wanna blaze that shit tomorrow?
kid 1: alright dude, im down. Bomb Threat Evacuation #3 Mr. Hurley [on loudspeaker] : There has been a threat to the school, for the safety of students and staff, we will be evacuating the building at this time kid 1: here we go again....
kid 2: if i find out who's doing this, this kid will be dead.
kid 1: i know right, this kid is in deep shit.

east high school có nghĩa là

The better of the two high schools in victoria, there only real competition is West High School.....And also they will win every sporting event they ever compete in..


Guy 1: Hey do u go to east or west? Kyle Davidson: East Side nigga i aint gay, East High School

east high school có nghĩa là

A high school in the Williamsville Central School District, near Buffalo, in New York.
East is unique in the fact that due to a mistake in the construction of the school, the building lacks any walls, so the classrooms are divied up by cabinets, shower curtains, or stacks of random objects. Sound carries throughout floors. However, most students and teachers agree that it has little impact on how the school runs. Kids that go here are often well-off and have rich parents, and are mostly white and Asian. The school has a phenomenal music program that draws some students to transfer from North or South to go here.
Another trait of East is the amount of stoners at the school. It's just plain huge. Also, white kids here like to act tough and dress like douchebags and wiggers. For example, "DBlock," a "gang" at the school that claims that wearing green hoodies are their uniform. East is not particularly big on or known for its sports, but rather for its music program.


Kid A: Hey, where do you go to school?
Kid B: I go to Williamsville East High school.
Kid A: Oh, what's it like?
Kid B: I can't stand some of the kids here, but i'm really into music so it evens out.

east high school có nghĩa là

Downingtown East High School is the superior school to Downingtown West. The schools were split in 2003 and East quickly became a better school. [More money, better sports teams, smarter students, etc.] West students will often say "The stadium is on West Campus though." This is true, however West was built first so it is there by default. Weed sales are through the roof at East, and one can probably witness a deal going down in any bathroom at any time [usually the one by the gyms]. The one biggest downside is the fact that 60% of all guys in the school believe that they are the best thing to ever happen to women everywhere. Usually these guys are wearing khakis as street clothes, Nike sneakers or slides, high black socks, a Diamond Supply Co. sweatshirt, and have a short haircut with a flare in the front. In truth, some of them are chill and don't think extremely highly of themselves, but 58% of them are just faggots. Just typical "Swag Fags". Most of these students are part of the Class of 2016. The worst of them are the ones who often try to be black around the few black students, but live in the local upscale neighborhoods such as Byers Station, Eagle Reserve, or Bell Tavern. The principal has a ponytail, one teacher wears a kilt, there have been several bomb threats, and the girls are more attractive than at West. West Girls are anorexic, tanorexic, and dumber than a rock. East Girls are as intelligent as they are attractive. East is better.


Downingtown East High School Conversation: East Student #1: Some West kids were talking shit about East and saying how them having the stadium makes them better. East Student #2: They should just give up as a school. West Student: You just can't not handle our Swag. East Student: "Can't not" is a double-negative. Learn to speak English. I don't think colleges look for "Swag" when accepting students.

east high school có nghĩa là

A bunch of dumb niggers and gay assholes


Hey, let’s not go to Kenmore east high school

east high school có nghĩa là

[N] a school/place for butt munchers that encapsulates then true spirit of love. The temperature is of a meat locker yet somehow that does not preserve anything because the smell of something rotting remains consistent through the halls. It is home to some happy memories though like the infamous bucket speach, world famous jack shack cookies and badge, the wonderful dog.


Wausau east high school makes me want to die- various students

east high school có nghĩa là

A school rivals with Lakota West . While being the exact same as West, somehow people think east is better. Still everyone hates it. Most people wish they went to Mason, the rich school where everybody is just better at everything.


"you see that kid that thinks he's cool"
"He must go to Lakota East high school"

east high school có nghĩa là

East High School is located in Salt Lake City. High School Musical was filmed at this school. The girls are snakes and the boys are pervs. 0/11 recommend.


East High School sucks.

east high school có nghĩa là

The better high school in Duluth, Minnesota where every clique thinks they're the shit, where there is a 1% chance of seeing a black student in the hallways, and where to go if you want a decent education. East and Duluth Denfeld High School seem to have an agreement where if a teacher from one school assaults a student, they simply hire that teacher at the other school. The freshmen at East are smaller than usual yet the upperclassmen remain relatively nice [probably because their parents would revoke their allowance]. There are plenty of clubs to join, but it's a complete toss up until you walk into the first meeting if it's run by anime kids or not. The parking lot is too small, the hockey team and arts have a reputation of being good, and the lunch ladies would rather castrate you than give you food if you don't have money in your account. Overall: 6/9


Person 1: Hey man, how's Duluth East High School treating you?
Person 2: It's alright. Better than Denfeld, that's for sure.

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