eat the shit là gì - Nghĩa của từ eat the shit

eat the shit có nghĩa là

An insult which can be said to someone who is pissing you off, shortened to EMS


Would you like to Eat My Shit you massive fucking cock face?!?!

eat the shit có nghĩa là

An even more vulgar alternative to saying "Kiss my ass!" when you are really pissed off at someone who did something to you that you didn't like, or when you can't think of a more original and witty comeback to use on someone who's insulting and/or threatening you. When you say this, you either may or may not attempt to make that person do said action.


[scene from Nick D's mid high school years in which he was a badass black gangsta kid who got all da bitchez and was a pain in the ass among the school faculty, staff, and administration]

Principal: Well Nick you have been a chronic problem for a while now. Disrupting the learning enviroment by being a wiseass in class, bullying kids whom you consider lesser forms of human beings, getting into fights, offering drugs, and there have even been rumors of you engaging in some secret sexual activity with your so-called "girlfriends." For all of these atrocities, I am to take you down a peg or two by placing you in strict detention for the remainder of THIS YEAR! You get the point, huh son? HUH!?
Young Nick D: Eat my shit!
Principal: Well then you are expelled from this school FOREVER!! Officer, please escort this young man out of school. We'll make sure he'll never come back to cause more trouble.
*school resource officer grabs and drags Nick D away while Nick struggles and says "Fuck you, you narc-ass pig!" therefore making the cop pull out his Taser...*


[Mark H is using the men's room to drop a huge-ass deuce when he becomes suddenly startled upon seeing a fat middle-aged man wearing all pink climb into his stall and threaten him with the intention of brutal rape]
Fat guy: [in a southern accent] Well, lookee what we have here! You shoulda been more carefull in yer choice of stall! Look what I scribbled on the wall beside you.
Mark H: *turns around and sees the message "Free hot gay sex! Come here at 5:30 pm to suck my Texas-sized shlong and get your shit rammed in the wrong direction!" scrawled on the wall beside him in the stall.*
Mark H: [checking his watch to find out that is already 5:30 pm] *Gulp!*
Fat gay guy: Yeah that's right ya yellow-bellied dolly Mexican boy!*smirking with his mouth full of rotten teeth* Aint no way out for ya here! Yer my bitch now an' I'm gunna pin you down an' unfurl the tripod on yer chilli can!
Mark H: Well then eat my shit, you worthless fudge packer! *brutally struggles with the obese gay man, finding him to be a piss-poor brawler and then ultimately judo-flipping him head-first into the toilet*

Mark H. UrbanDictionary contributer since last February.

eat the shit có nghĩa là

The act of consuming food items and/or beverages while simultaneously releasing fecal matter into the toilet. One of the glorious freedoms that we all can try and enjoy.


Joe: Why did John just take his 12" sub sandwich into the bathroom?
Kevin: dude. John is always eating while shitting. Efficiency man! Joe: *tears of admiration* bless that man.

eat the shit có nghĩa là

A term of endearment used by a man to describe a woman they would willingly give oral sex to.


Man 1: "Man, have you seen the new librarian on campus?"
Man 2: "The Russian one? I would TOTALLY eat her shit!"

eat the shit có nghĩa là

A phrase used when a buddy or someone you are watching is contemplating eating something that looks disgusting, sometimes even "shit" itself. Usually used in an express of joy that the person is indeed eating "that shit."


Joe: I'll give you $20 if you to eat this dog shit, man
Will: Uh, I don't know man...
Joe: C'mon...
Will: Oh, alright...
Kevin: Yeah! Eat that shit!

eat the shit có nghĩa là

An expression used to describe the commonplace employee experience when a state or federal agency hires folks because of their advanced degrees and licensure and then gradually eases them, after the honeymoon phase, into what feels like slave labor, and retains them, due to steady and therefore relatively decent pay, frequent paid days off and a seemingly cushy pension.


I am a doctor who has been eating workplace shit for more than a decade, but after this period of indentured servitude and gradually increasing mental and physical illness, I have stepped halfway off the pirate ship and hope to be vigorously swimming soon.

eat the shit có nghĩa là

Something you are tricked into doing when your dealer has gotten pissed of with you.


Hey man, eat this shit man!

70s slang

eat the shit có nghĩa là

When you're done shooting the shit, you eat it.


"Eat the shit!"
"No, eat YOUR shit!"

eat the shit có nghĩa là

A person or group of people is said to eat their shit if they abandon all reason when forming a positive opinion. Phrases using this construction are generally immediately followed by a conjunction and another clause describing the unreasonable or irrational action that is being performed by the subject. From a logical viewpoint, people who eat their shit seem completely ridiculous. However, upon scientific inspection, it is revealed that eating one's shit is a social phenomenon closely related to, and indeed perhaps the same as, the bandwagon effect, which is well-documented in the field of psychology.


"It's one of those fuckin' animated movies that everybody goes and sees and fuckin' eats their shit and loves." "Everyone eats their shit and wants an iPhone." "Those kids eat their shit and spend all their time playing Smash Brothers."

eat the shit có nghĩa là

a way of saying something that is false


Thomas: hey, I heard your girlfriend is a lesbian slut
Bobby: Go away and eat horse shit

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