Filter list android

How to display a List by inflating a Custom Layout in a ListView and filter the results from an EditText

Well if you familiar with using the ListView to display a simple list from an Array and looking to enhance the display with a custom layout then here is an example which will covers most of your needs. In this example we cover the follwing topics
  • Display data in a List using the ListView
  • Define a custom Layout based on your display needs
  • Ability to filter the results as you type in an EditText by extending the Filter class
  • Attach an OnItemClickListener to check when the user taps on an Item

Source for Activity -

package com.as400samplecode; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.TextWatcher; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.Filter; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener; public class AndroidListViewCustomLayoutActivity extends Activity { MyCustomAdapter dataAdapter = null; @Override public void onCreate[Bundle savedInstanceState] { super.onCreate[savedInstanceState]; setContentView[R.layout.main]; //Generate list View from ArrayList displayListView[]; } private void displayListView[] { //Array list of countries ArrayList countryList = new ArrayList[]; Country country = new Country["AFG","Afghanistan","Asia", "Southern and Central Asia"]; countryList.add[country]; country = new Country["ALB","Albania","Europe","Southern Europe"]; countryList.add[country]; country = new Country["DZA","Algeria","Africa","Northern Africa"]; countryList.add[country]; country = new Country["ASM","American Samoa","Oceania","Polynesia"]; countryList.add[country]; country = new Country["AND","Andorra","Europe","Southern Europe"]; countryList.add[country]; country = new Country["AGO","Angola","Africa","Central Africa"]; countryList.add[country]; country = new Country["AIA","Anguilla","North America","Caribbean"]; countryList.add[country]; //create an ArrayAdaptar from the String Array dataAdapter = new MyCustomAdapter[this, R.layout.country_info, countryList]; ListView listView = [ListView] findViewById[]; // Assign adapter to ListView listView.setAdapter[dataAdapter]; //enables filtering for the contents of the given ListView listView.setTextFilterEnabled[true]; listView.setOnItemClickListener[new OnItemClickListener[] { public void onItemClick[AdapterView parent, View view, int position, long id] { // When clicked, show a toast with the TextView text Country country = [Country] parent.getItemAtPosition[position]; Toast.makeText[getApplicationContext[], country.getCode[], Toast.LENGTH_SHORT].show[]; } }]; EditText myFilter = [EditText] findViewById[]; myFilter.addTextChangedListener[new TextWatcher[] { public void afterTextChanged[Editable s] { } public void beforeTextChanged[CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after] { } public void onTextChanged[CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count] { dataAdapter.getFilter[].filter[s.toString[]]; } }]; } private class MyCustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter { private ArrayList originalList; private ArrayList countryList; private CountryFilter filter; public MyCustomAdapter[Context context, int textViewResourceId, ArrayList countryList] { super[context, textViewResourceId, countryList]; this.countryList = new ArrayList[]; this.countryList.addAll[countryList]; this.originalList = new ArrayList[]; this.originalList.addAll[countryList]; } @Override public Filter getFilter[] { if [filter == null]{ filter = new CountryFilter[]; } return filter; } private class ViewHolder { TextView code; TextView name; TextView continent; TextView region; } @Override public View getView[int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent] { ViewHolder holder = null; Log.v["ConvertView", String.valueOf[position]]; if [convertView == null] { LayoutInflater vi = [LayoutInflater]getSystemService[ Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE]; convertView = vi.inflate[R.layout.country_info, null]; holder = new ViewHolder[]; holder.code = [TextView] convertView.findViewById[]; = [TextView] convertView.findViewById[]; holder.continent = [TextView] convertView.findViewById[]; holder.region = [TextView] convertView.findViewById[]; convertView.setTag[holder]; } else { holder = [ViewHolder] convertView.getTag[]; } Country country = countryList.get[position]; holder.code.setText[country.getCode[]];[country.getName[]]; holder.continent.setText[country.getContinent[]]; holder.region.setText[country.getRegion[]]; return convertView; } private class CountryFilter extends Filter { @Override protected FilterResults performFiltering[CharSequence constraint] { constraint = constraint.toString[].toLowerCase[]; FilterResults result = new FilterResults[]; if[constraint != null && constraint.toString[].length[] > 0] { ArrayList filteredItems = new ArrayList[]; for[int i = 0, l = originalList.size[]; i < l; i++] { Country country = originalList.get[i]; if[country.toString[].toLowerCase[].contains[constraint]] filteredItems.add[country]; } result.count = filteredItems.size[]; result.values = filteredItems; } else { synchronized[this] { result.values = originalList; result.count = originalList.size[]; } } return result; } @SuppressWarnings["unchecked"] @Override protected void publishResults[CharSequence constraint, FilterResults results] { countryList = [ArrayList]results.values; notifyDataSetChanged[]; clear[]; for[int i = 0, l = countryList.size[]; i < l; i++] add[countryList.get[i]]; notifyDataSetInvalidated[]; } } } }

Source for POJO -

package com.as400samplecode; public class Country { String code = null; String name = null; String continent = null; String region = null; public Country[String code, String name, String continent, String region] { super[]; this.code = code; = name; this.continent = continent; this.region = region; } public String getCode[] { return code; } public void setCode[String code] { this.code = code; } public String getName[] { return name; } public void setName[String name] { = name; } public String getContinent[] { return continent; } public void setContinent[String continent] { this.continent = continent; } public String getRegion[] { return region; } public void setRegion[String region] { this.region = region; } @Override public String toString[] { return code + " " + name + " " + continent + " " + region; } }

Source for Main Screen Layout - main.xml

Source for Custom List Layout - country_info.xml

Source for application variables - strings.xml

Android ListView Display and Filter some North American Countries! Type here to filter…

Source for application manifest - AndroidManifest.xml


  • Android ListView API Doc
  • Android LayoutInflator API Doc
  • Android TextWatcher API Doc

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