For good grooming, it is recommended that you brush and floss your teeth at least ____ a day.

Brushing and flossing daily are critical in maintaining a healthy smile and keeping your mouth free from disease and teeth cavities  . Developing good dental hygiene is extremely important in fighting against dental problems such as dental cavities , gum disease and halitosis, which are mostly the results of an accumulation of bacteria and dental calculus.

At Preferred Dental Santa Rosa we teach you a through and good  dental hygiene technique  .  Cleaning the mouth a minimum of once or twice each day , though preferably after every meal.  keeping your teeth clean with brushing, flossing, mouthwashes, and other tools for maintaining good dental health will be essential to a health mouth .

Why brushing and flossing are necessary? 

Reasons why proper brushing and flossing are essential:

  • Prevention of cavity  – Cavity is the leading causes of tooth loss, and its treatment often requires complex dental procedures. Dental Cavities  occurs when the acids found in plaque erode the natural enamel found on the teeth. This phenomenon can easily be prevented by using proper home hygiene methods.
  • Prevention of periodontitis  – Periodontitis may be a serious, progressive condition which may cause tooth loss, gum recession and jawbone recession. periodontitis is caused by the toxins found in plaque, and may cause serious health problems in other parts of the body. Removing plaque and calculus [tartar] from the surface of the tooth employing a toothbrush, and from the interdental areas using floss , is a superb thanks to debar periodontal problems.
  • Prevention of halitosis – Bad breath or halitosis is typically caused by old food particles on or between the teeth. These food particles are often removed with regular brushing and flossing; leaving the mouth healthier, and breath smelling fresher.
  • Prevention of staining – Staining or the yellowing of teeth are often caused by a good sort of factors like smoking, coffee and tea. The more regularly these staining agents are faraway from the teeth using brushing and flossing techniques, the less likely it’s that the stains will become permanent.


Brushing teeth for 2 full minutes with fluoride toothpaste and a brush that’s sufficiently small to manoeuvre round the inside, outside and top of each tooth within the mouth is taken into account necessary. Consider taking note of a whole song whilst brushing teeth – this may be the acceptable time needed to wash teeth. When buying a manual toothbrush, use one with soft bristles as this may protect gums from damage to a greater extent. Studies have shown that brushing harder won’t remove more bacterial plaque . Consider investing in an electrical toothbrush if more assistance is needed and it’s difficult to use a manual toothbrush. The novelty of a flowery new toothbrush is motivation alone to brush more.

How to brush:

  • Press gently at a 45-degree angle. Scrub the side closest to the cheek [of the tooth and gum] for a couple of seconds employing a small circular/vibratory motion. within the same manner, crawl around your mouth until you get to the opposite side. Pay particular attention to the gum line.
  • Once on the opposite side of the mouth, rotate the comb in order that it rests against the tooth and gum [on the side closest to your tongue], and use an equivalent angle and same circular scrubbing motion to return to the primary tooth.
  • Next, briskly brush along the highest surface of the teeth.
  • Then repeat the whole process on the upper or lower set of teeth [depending on start position].
  • Do not neglect the roof of the mouth and tongue, as these places also harbor bacteria.
  • Try to only spit out the toothpaste, instead of rinsing it all out after brushing, as this may reduce the effect of the fluoride in toothpaste.

Important considerations when brushing:

  • Keep a routine and don’t rush! it’s important to stay routines with oral hygiene; otherwise it’s easy to miss areas of the mouth. Unfortunately, an equivalent areas are missed whenever and these areas get gum disease. If you begin on the highest , don’t rush rock bottom teeth as these will tend to be worse than the highest if this is often the case..
  • Make sure every tooth surface is cleaned! With the comb , it’s possible to wash the highest of your teeth, and therefore the sides that are closest to your cheek and tongue! confirm for each tooth, these surfaces are cleaned.

When should I brush my teeth?

Brush your teeth for about 2 minutes last item in the dark before you attend bed and on 1 other occasion a day . Your dentist or hygienist may offer you more advice supported your own dental health and wishes .

Selecting the right toothbrush

Like any task, selecting the proper tools will positively influence the result . Dental professionals recommend a soft-bristled toothbrush to get rid of bacterial plaque safely. On the opposite hand, a hard-bristled brush, including vigorous brushing, may result in recession of the gums and therefore the abrasion of enamel and exposed root surfaces. Highly effective bristle designs include people who are tapered to very fine endings which will reach and clean under the gumline or have micro-feathered bristle tips. the dimensions of the toothbrush head is additionally important for effective brushing. Toothbrush head sizes are typically full, compact or sub-compact. The compact size is right for many adults. A toothbrush head that’s overlarge won’t easily reach between the cheeks and therefore the sides of the upper back teeth.

Should i exploit an electrical or manual toothbrush?

It doesn’t matter whether you employ an electrical or manual toothbrush. They’re both equally good, as long as you sweep all the surfaces of all of your teeth and you employ fluoride toothpaste. But some people find it easier to wash their teeth thoroughly with an electrical toothbrush.

Should i exploit mouthwash?

Using a mouthwash that contains fluoride can help prevent cavity , but don’t use mouthwash [even a fluoride one] straight after brushing your teeth or it’ll wash away the concentrated fluoride within the toothpaste left on your teeth.

How should i select a toothpaste?

First, you ought to use a toothpaste that’s right for you. the proper toothpaste for you makes for a pleasing and enjoyable experience, leaving your mouth feeling clean and fresh. If you are doing not like employing a particular toothpaste due to its flavor or ‘mouth feel,’ you’ll never give your mouth the care and a spotlight it needs with regular and thorough brushing.

Other factors to think about are that the toothpaste should contain fluoride to assist prevent cavities which it shouldn’t be too abrasive to avoid wearing your teeth. Secondary benefits of toothpaste include anti-gingivitis, whitening, anti-tartar, and anti-sensitivity. If unsure , ask your dentist or skilled worker which toothpaste could also be right for you.

Change your toothbrush a minimum of every three months

Over time, the bristles on the toothbrush exhibit signs of wear and tear , which reduces their plaque-removing abilities. the speed of wear and tear will depend upon variety of things and can be unique to every person. However, as a suggestion , replace your toothbrush every three months. Additionally, the mouth harbors tons of bacteria and it’s possible for it to be transferred to your toothbrush during use. Therefore, not only is replacing your toothbrush every three months recommended, but also rinsing your brush thoroughly following each use to get rid of any remaining toothpaste and debris. When storing your toothbrush, it’s recommended that it’s in an upright position, off the countertop, with the power to be air dried between uses. If quite one brush is stored during a holder, it’s recommended that they be separated to avoid cross contamination. As an extra point, at no time should toothbrushes be shared. this might end in the transference of bacteria from one individual to a different .

The Proper thanks to Floss

Flossing may be a good way to get rid of plaque from the interdental regions [between the teeth]. Flossing is an especially important tool for preventing periodontitis and limiting the depth of the gum pockets. The interdental regions are difficult to succeed in with a toothbrush and will be cleansed with floss on a day to day . the flavour and sort of floss are unimportant; choose floss which will be easy and pleasant to use.

Here may be a basic guide to proper flossing:

  1. Cut a bit of floss to around 18 inches long.
  2. Wrap one end of the floss round the finger of the left and therefore the other end round the finger of the proper hand until the hands are 2-3 inches apart.
  3. Work the floss gently between the teeth toward the gum line.
  4. Curve the floss during a U-shape around each individual tooth and punctiliously slide it beneath the gum line.
  5. Carefully move the floss up and down several times to get rid of interdental plaque and debris.
  6. Do not pop the floss in and out between the teeth as this may inflame and cut the gums.

Other tips to possess good oral hygiene

Regular dental check-ups 

Maintaining good oral hygiene involves getting to the dentist every 6-12 months for check-ups. The dentist is in a position to:

  • Recommend cleaning techniques and products;
  • Clean plaque and calculus from the teeth;
  • Fill cavities that would cause further tooth decay;
  • Administer fluoride treatments;
  • Treat mild gingivitis before it turns into periodontitis;
  • Take radiographs; and
  • Reinforce oral hygiene instruction over future .

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