Get current url without parameters javascript

If I use:


I get everything including query strings. Is there a way to just get the main url part, for example:


instead of


asked Jun 6, 2011 at 20:10


This is possible, but you'll have to build it manually from the location object:

location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname

answered Jun 6, 2011 at 20:12


227k49 gold badges310 silver badges313 bronze badges


Every answer is rather convoluted. Here:

var url = window.location.href.split['?'][0];

Even if a ? isn't present, it'll still return the first argument, which will be your full URL, minus query string.

It's also protocol-agnostic, meaning you could even use it for things like ftp, itunes.etc.

answered Feb 22, 2015 at 19:31


3,4211 gold badge15 silver badges12 bronze badges


I'm LATE to the party, but I had to solve this recently, figured I'd share the wealth.

const url = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname

window.location.origin will give you the base url, in our test case: //

window.location.pathname will give you the route path [after the base url], in our test case /somedir/somefile


You can simply do the following to get rid of the query parameters.

const url = window.location.href.split['?'][0]

answered Sep 23, 2020 at 14:32

Robo RickRobo Rick

5915 silver badges7 bronze badges


Use indexOf

var url = "//";

if [url.indexOf["?"]>-1]{
url = url.substr[0,url.indexOf["?"]];

answered Jun 6, 2011 at 20:13


29.5k5 gold badges48 silver badges70 bronze badges


You can concat origin and pathname, if theres present a port such as, that will be included as well.

location.origin + location.pathname

answered Mar 27, 2019 at 12:00


10.9k4 gold badges52 silver badges69 bronze badges


Just one more alternative using URL

var theUrl = new URL[window.location.href]; = ""; //Remove any params
theUrl //as URL object
theUrl.href //as a string

answered Sep 22, 2020 at 22:27


2,5475 gold badges27 silver badges41 bronze badges

Use the URL[] constructor, then extract and concatenate the origin and pathname. This will automatically strip the search [aka query] parameters from the url, leaving the scheme, domain, port and pathname only.

const url = new URL['//localhost:8080/index.html?search=foo&other=bar'];
console.log[url.origin + url.pathname];

As a note, this type of transformation is usually referred to as normalization, specifically in this case URI Normalization. There may already exist libraries that accomplish this more robustly with more options in your environment.

answered Jan 17 at 10:14


2,4911 gold badge9 silver badges26 bronze badges

var url = "tp://"    


answered Jun 6, 2011 at 20:13


20.5k11 gold badges59 silver badges79 bronze badges


You can use a regular expression: window.location.href.match[/^[^\#\?]+/][0]

answered Jun 6, 2011 at 20:25


24.4k9 gold badges56 silver badges69 bronze badges

If you look at the documentation you can take just the properties you're interested in from the window object i.e.

protocol + '//' + hostname + pathname

answered Jun 6, 2011 at 20:14


12.3k5 gold badges49 silver badges51 bronze badges


How to get only URL without parameters in JavaScript?

There are multiple ways to Get the URL without any parameters in JavaScript. First get the get current URL get rid of the query parameters. Second concat origin and pathname, if there's present a port such as, that will be included as well.

How do I find a URL without query?

The task is to get the URL name of the page without using a query string with the help of JavaScript. replace[] method: This method searches a string for a defined value, or a regular expression, and returns a new string with the replaced defined value.

How do I find the parameter of a URL?

Method 1: Using the URLSearchParams Object The URLSearchParams is an interface used to provide methods that can be used to work with an URL. The URL string is first separated to get only the parameters portion of the URL. The split[] method is used on the given URL with the “?” separator.

What is window location href?

Window Location Href The window.location.href property returns the URL of the current page.

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