holy cross girls là gì - Nghĩa của từ holy cross girls

holy cross girls có nghĩa là

A TRUE Holy Cross girl is one who loves EACH AND EVERY ONE of her classmates as a sister. She knows what it means to put skin on Christ and she knows how to LIVE THE FOURTH. She genuinely cares to serve others not only because it is required, but because she WANTS to. She most likely has spent AT LEAST one day a week since her freshman year doing just that—serving others. She is a woman of Courage, Compassion, and Scholarship, and not afraid to say so. She knows that the Holy Cross Mixer is not only the first mixer each year, but the BEST mixer each year! She is not ashamed to go on a date and boogie with her daddy at least once a year! [She may even practice dance moves at home with her dad JUST SO they can win the dance contest!] Her favorite Christmas Song is “The Carol of the Bells”, but only when sung by the Madrigal Singers, of course! She can out eat any boy, and does not find that to be disgusting. Mardi Gras was her favorite out of uniform day because of all the free food at lunch. She either OWNs the Ralf Lauren Polo Co, Tiffany Co, and/or NorthFace Co, OR she is extremely outspoken with her own funky yet classy style. She owns at least 1000000bagillion things that are purple, and still wears them today even though she graduated in 1954. And last but not least, no matter what life has in store for her, she will always be comforted knowing that she has AHC sisters who will always be there for her.



holy cross girls có nghĩa là

Holy Cross is the best all girls school around and every girl from seton, visitation, good counsel,stone ridge, etc. wishes they could go to holy cross. A holy cross girl grows to become a woman of courage, compassion, and scholarship. Girls from visitation, stone ridge, and so on sweat the holy cross girls and all guys from gonzaga, prep, dematha, etc. wish that they could be with a holy cross girl. Don't know how to find a holy cross girl? look for the signiture ribbon in her hair and puple and white clothing. Girls from good counsel,visitation, and so on all sweat the ribbon! At holy cross a girl is sisters with every single lady of the academy no matter what race, year, or age they are. They always find a way to have fun at mixers and formals even if a few lights are on! "once a holy cross girl...always a holy cross girl."


Visitation Girl: I hate holy cross girls!!
Gonzaga Boy: I LOVE holy cross girls!!!

holy cross girls có nghĩa là

Holy Cross is an all girls school in Marlyand. Holy Cross Girls are the hottest girls in the Washington DC metropolitan area. The other all-girls schools that dont compare dont even need to be named - just know that Holy Cross beats them all. Holy Cross girls know how to party and hang out with the hottest guys. They are smart and get good grades but they arent anal about school like other girls in the area. Basically, Holy Cross girls know how to have a good time.


An example of two imaginary hot guys talking about Holy Cross girls wouldnt do them justice...

holy cross girls có nghĩa là

The craziest and sexiest girls around, they are less stuck up than visitation stone ridge and ncs. Their skirts are at a length just short enough that leaves enough mystery to have the prep guys coming back for more. We drink we smoke we tan and we party hard core, but we can still come to school on monday looking like catholics[with ribons in our hair and pearls on our ears]


AHCgurl#1:Lets go get drunk and bang some prep guys!
AHCgurl#2:YEAH! But I have to be home by 4 am I have a bio test tomorrow

holy cross girls có nghĩa là

Even though I go to Holy Cross, it is possibly the WORST decision I have ever made. At first, in freshman year, I LOVED IT, now when i walk past that seal that is so "HOLY" you can't even walk on it, well, yes, I spit on it, I do whatever I can to put dishoner into that school. They are doing nothing to help me get into college, and pretty much all the girls there suck. Holy Cross girls are whores, and they don't know shit. actually they are really smart, they just play dumb and drink excessivly and pose naked for pictures because they think thats attractive. Sure, maybe fun to hook up with, for a guy, but definetly not to go out with. I don't know which one you'd rather have in the end. Also, these girls are OBSESSED with themselves. Completly, I'll find that if I'm at a party and I wanna avoid the Holy Cross girls, I'll just look for camera flashes because thats usually them TAKING PICTURES OF THEMSELVES...WAISTED...So they can put on there webshots that they were all together drunk at a party and that they hooked up with boys...Heres a news flash girls, I don't know if you've realized this but the fact that youre doing that is just making people hate you EVEN MORE AND NOT WANT TO BE YOU. Also albums you have are the pretty much the SAME PICTUREs anyway because its always the same mirror shot, or group photo, or taking picutures of yourself type of shit. Also they all try to talk the same way, like valley girls and through there nose and you can tell its fake, so STOP. Actually, don't stop, its another thing i can make fun of you for. The thing is, they're not even hott, at all. Right now I'm speaking for the sophomore class of 2008. Yes, they are fucktards, and are obsessed with themselves. I can't speak much for 2007 except for the fact that there whores too, and really not for 2006 except WAIT there sluts also. And there pot heads. Whatever.



Holy Cross Girl 1: OH MY GOD WHY!?!!?
Holy Cross Girl 2: Cause you TOTALLY left me alone at that party the other night while you went to the OTHER party to get drunk and have sex with that guy I've wanted to get with forever!
Holy Cross Girl 1: OH my god, even though we're best friends, I totally forgot you've had a crush on him since like 2 weeks ago! I'm SO SORRY!
Holy Cross Girl 2: Oh its OKAY lets GO run around prep pretending like we're excercising when we're really just trying to show the guys how hott we look in spandex right now OKAY GIRL!?

Holy Cross Girl 2 walks away, Holy Cross girl 1 turns to Holy Cross girl 3:

Holy Cross Girl 1: Oh my god, she is so annoying, shes so not my friend shes such a whore and wait, how many friends do i have again? I'm to STUPID to count. But even though I'm actually smart enough shh..dont tell any of the gonzaga or prep boys, kay girl? haha dontchalovemy Kay girl? Anway pose for this picture I'm about to take of you so I can put it on my webshots.

Holy Cross Girl 3: Hahahah! wait...what?

holy cross girls có nghĩa là

Noun: sweet, beautiful girl who looks oh-so-innocent in her cute uniform but knows how to party like crazy on the weekends. Quite possibly likes to smoke cigarettes and/or maryjuana, and drink excessively. One who often finds herself being copied by other private school girls, and lusted after by guys from all schools.


none needed. im sure you've all met/seen a holy cross girl. [if you're lucky]

holy cross girls có nghĩa là

an amazingly hot girl who's awesome at everything, the opposite of all the poser holy cross girl wannabees [like visi, sr, holton etc] girls. all the guys at zaga, prep, dematha etc. sweat them so bad.


at a mixer-
zaga guy 1: look at those hot girls
zaga guy 2: omg i want to hit that so bad, they must holy cross girls
zaga guy 1: eww look at those visi and sr girls, why'd they even come?
zaga guy 2: yeah they should take off those scary masks, its not halloween, o wait its their faces...!

holy cross girls có nghĩa là

The Academy of the Holy Cross is an all-girls school in Kensington, Maryland. It is full of the smartest girls in the Washington D.C. Metro Area, who are also very pretty and street-smart. However, unlike girls from Stone Ridge and Visitation, Holy Cross girls aren't ONLY about academics. They also value virtues such as courage and compassion. If you are on the metro and you spot a girl with a cute, light-blue skirt and fashionable navy polo [she probably also has a purple ribbon in her hair] then she probably goes to Holy Cross. The Academy is home to a family, not just a mass of students, who genuinely value each other's presence. Unlike some schools, girls who go to Holy Cross truly are followers of Christ and they have good, solid morals. But don't expect to find a bunch of uptight rich people when you visit. The Academy is known for its great scholarship program. About 50% of the student body is getting some sort of scholarship. And, to top it all off...Holy Cross girls are super, super good-looking and they know how to have a great time [especially at the Holy Cross MIXER!]


Person #1: Oh my gosh, who is that?
Person #2: She's soooooo pretty.
Person #1: I know right...I wonder who she is!
Girl: I'm a HOLY CROSS girl!!!!!! Did you know that according to the Vertical Angle postulate, all vertical angles are equal?
Person #1: Wow, you're smart too!
Person #2: Want to go out with me?
Girl: Sorry, but I'm dating this hot guy from Gonzaga.

holy cross girls có nghĩa là

Holy Cross girls. Although half of what you are saying is true, its still a good time. Sure, we drink [alot], we smoke pot [a lot] we smoke other stuff [like its our jobs] and hey who cares its all about having a good time. Our skirts are pretty short, thats because we have some hot ass teachers. Ribbons, you wear them too shut the fuck up. Yeah, im a whore on the hill but im pretty proud. Hooking up with girls when you are shit faced is normal. you just don't know how to have a gooooood time. Boys cant resist our beautiful charm. Abortions? i dont think so...
Taking naked pictures, who dosent do that? unless your fat
Holy Cross really does suck but in the end im kinda proud to say that iv taken part in about everything iv listed, and here i am today, proud to be a holy cross girl THYANK YOU


The real definition of a holy cross girl

holy cross girls có nghĩa là

Holy Cross Girls are beautiful, cute, peppy, sweet, and who are we kidding?- freakin sexy! They are all close sisters and they look out for each other so much. They love their friends, their lotas, and God! They know how to have a good time, and they love spending time with their girls. Many people think that ahc girls are sluts because Georgetown Prep is located RIGHT across the street from their campus. [which is a horrible reason [excuse] to call ahc girls sluts. YES, its is TRUE that many ahc girls have bfs at Prep but it doesnt make them sluts!...obviously!! Prep guys go to the ahc campus EVERYDAY after school because ahc girls are sweet and unresistable! dont hate on them because most guys have a standard...and unless you go to HOLY CROSS..you dont meet those standards. [the truth hurts girls...sorry.]


Girls From SJC, SR, HC, VISI, ext. : OMG! THOSE Holy Cross Girls ARE SUCH SLUTS! THEY STOLE ME AND MY GIRLS BFS! AHC GIRLS: um, we didnt "steal" your bfs. They asked us out..and we are pretty sure that you guys never dated them. Girls From SJC, SR, HC, VISI, ext. : [damn they are right..lets just lie again and keep calling them sluts bc we cant get cute guys] SLUTS!!!! AHC GIRLS: We feel so bad for you. oh! we have to go! OUR boyfriends are here! ;]

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