How do you check if a string starts with a substring in php?

I have a string in $str variable.

How can I verify if it starts with some word?


$str = "//";

When I wrote the following script returns yes

if[strpos[$str, "//"] == '0'] echo "yes";

BUT it returns yes even when I wrote

if[strpos[$str, "other word here"] == '0'] echo "yes";

I think strpos returns zero if it can't find substring too [or a value that evaluates to zero].

So, what can I do if I want to verify if word is in the start of string? Maybe I must use === in this case?

[PHP 8]

str_starts_withChecks if a string starts with a given substring


str_starts_with[string $haystack, string $needle]: bool



The string to search in.


The substring to search for in the haystack.

Return Values

Returns true if haystack begins with needle, false otherwise.


Example #1 Using the empty string ''

The above example will output:

All strings start with the empty string

Example #2 Showing case-sensitivity

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