How do you create a node in python?

A linked list is a sequence of data elements, which are connected together via links. Each data element contains a connection to another data element in form of a pointer. Python does not have linked lists in its standard library. We implement the concept of linked lists using the concept of nodes as discussed in the previous chapter.

We have already seen how we create a node class and how to traverse the elements of a node.In this chapter we are going to study the types of linked lists known as singly linked lists. In this type of data structure there is only one link between any two data elements. We create such a list and create additional methods to insert, update and remove elements from the list.

Creation of Linked list

A linked list is created by using the node class we studied in the last chapter. We create a Node object and create another class to use this ode object. We pass the appropriate values through the node object to point the to the next data elements. The below program creates the linked list with three data elements. In the next section we will see how to traverse the linked list.

class Node:
   def __init__[self, dataval=None]:
      self.dataval = dataval
      self.nextval = None

class SLinkedList:
   def __init__[self]:
      self.headval = None

list1 = SLinkedList[]
list1.headval = Node["Mon"]
e2 = Node["Tue"]
e3 = Node["Wed"]
# Link first Node to second node
list1.headval.nextval = e2

# Link second Node to third node
e2.nextval = e3

Traversing a Linked List

Singly linked lists can be traversed in only forward direction starting form the first data element. We simply print the value of the next data element by assigning the pointer of the next node to the current data element.


class Node:
   def __init__[self, dataval=None]:
      self.dataval = dataval
      self.nextval = None

class SLinkedList:
   def __init__[self]:
      self.headval = None

   def listprint[self]:
      printval = self.headval
      while printval is not None:
         print [printval.dataval]
         printval = printval.nextval

list = SLinkedList[]
list.headval = Node["Mon"]
e2 = Node["Tue"]
e3 = Node["Wed"]

# Link first Node to second node
list.headval.nextval = e2

# Link second Node to third node
e2.nextval = e3



When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −


Insertion in a Linked List

Inserting element in the linked list involves reassigning the pointers from the existing nodes to the newly inserted node. Depending on whether the new data element is getting inserted at the beginning or at the middle or at the end of the linked list, we have the below scenarios.

Inserting at the Beginning

This involves pointing the next pointer of the new data node to the current head of the linked list. So the current head of the linked list becomes the second data element and the new node becomes the head of the linked list.


class Node:
   def __init__[self, dataval=None]:
      self.dataval = dataval
      self.nextval = None

class SLinkedList:
   def __init__[self]:
      self.headval = None
# Print the linked list
   def listprint[self]:
      printval = self.headval
      while printval is not None:
         print [printval.dataval]
         printval = printval.nextval
   def AtBegining[self,newdata]:
      NewNode = Node[newdata]

# Update the new nodes next val to existing node
   NewNode.nextval = self.headval
   self.headval = NewNode

list = SLinkedList[]
list.headval = Node["Mon"]
e2 = Node["Tue"]
e3 = Node["Wed"]

list.headval.nextval = e2
e2.nextval = e3



When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −


Inserting at the End

This involves pointing the next pointer of the the current last node of the linked list to the new data node. So the current last node of the linked list becomes the second last data node and the new node becomes the last node of the linked list.


class Node:
   def __init__[self, dataval=None]:
      self.dataval = dataval
      self.nextval = None
class SLinkedList:
   def __init__[self]:
      self.headval = None
# Function to add newnode
   def AtEnd[self, newdata]:
      NewNode = Node[newdata]
      if self.headval is None:
         self.headval = NewNode
      laste = self.headval
         laste = laste.nextval
# Print the linked list
   def listprint[self]:
      printval = self.headval
      while printval is not None:
         print [printval.dataval]
         printval = printval.nextval

list = SLinkedList[]
list.headval = Node["Mon"]
e2 = Node["Tue"]
e3 = Node["Wed"]

list.headval.nextval = e2
e2.nextval = e3




When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −


Inserting in between two Data Nodes

This involves changing the pointer of a specific node to point to the new node. That is possible by passing in both the new node and the existing node after which the new node will be inserted. So we define an additional class which will change the next pointer of the new node to the next pointer of middle node. Then assign the new node to next pointer of the middle node.

class Node:
   def __init__[self, dataval=None]:
      self.dataval = dataval
      self.nextval = None
class SLinkedList:
   def __init__[self]:
      self.headval = None

# Function to add node
   def Inbetween[self,middle_node,newdata]:
      if middle_node is None:
         print["The mentioned node is absent"]

      NewNode = Node[newdata]
      NewNode.nextval = middle_node.nextval
      middle_node.nextval = NewNode

# Print the linked list
   def listprint[self]:
      printval = self.headval
      while printval is not None:
         print [printval.dataval]
         printval = printval.nextval

list = SLinkedList[]
list.headval = Node["Mon"]
e2 = Node["Tue"]
e3 = Node["Thu"]

list.headval.nextval = e2
e2.nextval = e3




When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −


Removing an Item

We can remove an existing node using the key for that node. In the below program we locate the previous node of the node which is to be deleted.Then, point the next pointer of this node to the next node of the node to be deleted.


class Node:
   def __init__[self, data=None]: = data = None
class SLinkedList:
   def __init__[self]:
      self.head = None

   def Atbegining[self, data_in]:
      NewNode = Node[data_in] = self.head
      self.head = NewNode

# Function to remove node
   def RemoveNode[self, Removekey]:
      HeadVal = self.head
      if [HeadVal is not None]:
         if [ == Removekey]:
            self.head =
            HeadVal = None
      while [HeadVal is not None]:
         if == Removekey:
         prev = HeadVal
         HeadVal =

      if [HeadVal == None]:
         return =
         HeadVal = None

   def LListprint[self]:
      printval = self.head
      while [printval]:
         printval =

llist = SLinkedList[]


When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −


What is a node in Python?

A Node is a data structure that stores a value that can be of any data type and has a pointer to another node. The implementation of a Node class in a programming language such as Python, should have methods to get the value that is stored in the Node, to get the next node, and to set a link to the next node.

How do you create an empty node in Python?

Use [] to represent an empty linked list in the browser. A singleton linked list can be represented as a list with one element. That suggests an issue with your solution to the problem. The syntax for the input case is well-formed.

How do you add a node to a Python tree?

To insert into a tree we use the same node class created above and add a insert class to it. The insert class compares the value of the node to the parent node and decides to add it as a left node or a right node. Finally the PrintTree class is used to print the tree.

How do you create a node in a linked list?

Create a class Node which has two attributes: data and next. Next is a pointer to the next node..
Create another class which has two attributes: head and tail..
addNode[] will add a new node to the list: Create a new node. ... .
display[] will display the nodes present in the list:.

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