How is infrastructure as code IaC implemented using AWS?

  • Introducing Infrastructure as Code [IaC].
  • The benefits of using IaC.
  • How IaC fits into DevOps practices.
  • A comparison of IaC tools.

1.1       Introducing Infrastructure as Code [IaC]

Infrastructure as Code [IaC] is a practice and a set of tools that use software development practices to manage infrastructure. Companies like Amazon, Facebook, and Netflix have led the adoption and influenced the development of these techniques, driven by their global scale, and the need to make changes more frequently to their software and environments than would be possible without a high degree of automation. At the same time, these companies need the highest levels of quality, reliability, and security for their systems, so their growing businesses can continue to succeed.

1.2       The Benefits of Using IaC

1.2.1   Elasticity at scale

1.2.2   Team velocity

1.2.3   Time to market

1.2.4   Repeatability

1.2.5   Stability

1.2.6   Managing change

1.2.7   Self documentation

1.2.8   Risk management

1.2.9   Cost control

1.2.10    Auditability

1.3       How IaC Fits Into DevOps

1.3.1   Iterative

1.3.2   Incremental

1.3.3   Continuous

1.3.4   Automated

1.3.5   Self-service

1.3.6   Collaborative

1.4       A Comparison of IaC Tools

1.4.1   Configuration Management vs. Infrastructure as Code [IaC]

1.4.2   Imperative vs. Declarative

1.4.3   Which Tool is Best for My Infrastructure?

1.4.4   When is CloudFormation the Wrong Choice?

1.4.5   Ansible

1.4.6   Terraform

1.4.7   SaltStack

1.4.8    Chef

1.4.9   Puppet

1.4.10    Azure Resource Manager

1.4.11    AWS Elastic Beanstalk

1.4.12    AWS CloudFormation

1.5       Summary

Infrastructure as code [IaC] is the process of provisioning and managing computer data centers through machine-readable definition files instead of physical hardware configuration. Traditionally, this will be done manually by the assigned team, from the setup of the disk to installing the operating systems and applications. Traditionally, this is time-consuming and high risk as any sort of malfunctions will require the subject matter expert to address the problem.

AWS powered DevOps Infrastructure as a code

NextGen IaC allows automation for the entire infrastructure setup. It will provision and manage the infrastructure through codes and can automate, reproduce the systems. It will make it easier for collaboration between stakeholders, manage repeatable tasks, and automate scaling resources.

Various AWS services help the the automation of Iac. Amazon S3 and Direct Connect helps with The critical aspect of infrastructure is disaster recovery and backup. The traditional backup runs on fixed time intervals. Imagine, if there is a failure or network latency, it could lead to data loss that could affect the productivity and reliability of the organization. Cloud Computing has made it so simple and flexible for organizations to enhance data protection, easy deployment, and cost efficiency.

With the right back up strategy and predefined templates, we can implement cross region backups and recovery through automation. Using reliable AWS services like S3 and Direct Connect we can sync the backup solutions at defined regular intervals. For Business Continuity Planning/Disaster Recovery [BCP/DR], we can implement CloudFormation templates for ease of use to make a highly reliable, available, and scalable or upgradeable AWS infrastructure.

Xtremax has expertise in leveraging various AWS services to implement Next Gen Infrastructure as a code in their projects. Get started on your AWS journey with Xtremax.

Managed Service using Cloud Formation

Nowadays, as a system integrator and an agency Xtremax leverage the traditonal architecture into the cloud ecosystem. It's including the how we manage the current project and upcoming project to build an ecosystem on AWS. There are many AWS features can be used to help the migration and operation process running smoothly. One of them is AWS Cloud Formation.

On the managed service itself, we want to minimize the manual touch on every system to minimize the error caused by the human. In this case, Xtremax use Cloud Formation to execute customer request related to updating the resources on AWS.

Cloud Formation

How we do it

In order for AWS Cloud Formation to work as shown on the picture above, it is important to create a stack. AWS CloudFormation is effective when resources are provisioned and configured for various use cases. For example, EC2 instances created using CloudFormation require permissions. Similarly, there is a requirement for permissions that limit the creation of instances once a stack is deleted.

Therefore, there is a requirement to use AWS Identity and Access Management [IAM] to monitor, control and manage permissions. Hence, it is important to create a template that automates the authority and function of CloudFormation.

Creating Code Infrastructure

We create Infrastructure from the beginning using code by using JSON format.  All of the code will be created by our DevOps engineer following the customer request on particular resources. The Devops usually use their predefined template to make it lot easier then to write from scratch.

Save code into AWS S3

The code then will be uploaded to the S3 bucket, so other DevOps engineer can also access the code when they needed.

AWS CloudFormation

At first, to create Cloud Formation stack Devops will describing the exact location of the template, in this case it uses S3 location. So, they will put the AWS S3 URL as the location of the template.

Secondly, they determine any parameters in the template and specify input values. It will helps them while creating the stack.

Thirdly and most importantly, enable parameters to help pass in values. It allows devops to easily customize resources while creating the stack.

Output of the Process

CloudFormation allocates and configures resources by approaching AWS. The use cases and functions of the AWS CloudFormation are mentioned in the template. Moreover, these use cases and functions arrange the stacks and resources for the template to help operate AWS CloudFormation.

CloudFormation on CWP

On CWP, the Devops use CloudFormation stack to provision and update customer resources, such as Lambda Node, RDS, EC2 instances, Network Virtual appliance, and many more. Since the DevOps use CloudFormation during the maintenance, they can save enough time to do another task. From the business perspective, it can reduce the estimated waiting time for customers to get their requests finished and increase customer satisfaction.

How is IaC implemented in AWS?

Infrastructure as Code [IaC] brings automation to the provisioning process, which was traditionally done manually. Rather than relying on manually performed steps, both administrators and developers can instantiate infrastructure using configuration files.

Which AWS service allows developers to write their infrastructure as code IaC?

AWS CloudFormation lets you model, provision, and manage AWS and third-party resources by treating infrastructure as code.

How infrastructure code is processed or executed in AWS?

4] Explain how “Infrastructure code” is processed or executed in AWS? In AWS, The code for infrastructure will be in simple JSON format. This JSON code will be organized into files called templates.

Which service is used for infrastructure as code in AWS cloud?

HashiCorp Terraform Enterprise Provides infrastructure automation as a service with IaC for provisioning, compliance, and management of any infrastructure on AWS.

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