How many of the arrangements of the letter of the word LOGARITHM begin with a vowel and Endwith a consonant?

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Chilukuri Sai Kartik,

12 years ago



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1 Answers

abhishek athreya

19 Points

12 years ago

in the word LOGARITHM 

the position of vowels is 2,4,6

the position of consonants is 1,3,5,7,8,9

as their relative positions should be maintained 

the vowels can occupy only positions 2,4,6

and the consonants can only occupy positions 1,3,5,7,8,9

the permutation among vowels = 3!

the permutation among consonants =6!

thus total permutation = 6!*3!


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The letters of the word 'LOGARITHM' are arranged at random. The probability that arrangement starts with vowel and end with consonant is ____________.


  • `1/9`

  • `[7!]/[9!]`

  • `18/[9!]`

  • `1/4`


The letters of the word 'LOGARITHM' are arranged at random. The probability that arrangement starts with vowel and end with consonant is `underline[1/4]`.


Given, word 'LOGARITHM'

Total number of arrangements = 9!

Here, vowel [O, A, I]

Consonant [L, G, R, T, H, M]

Total number of ways when starts with vowel and end with consonant is `""^3"C"_1 xx ""^6"C"_1 xx 7!`

∴ Required probability = `[""^3"C"_1 xx ""^6"C"_1 xx 7!]/[9!] = 1/4`

Concept: Probability Distribution - Cumulative Probability Distribution of a Discrete Random Variable

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The letters of the word LOGARITHM are arranged at random. Find the probability that start with vowel and end with ends with consonant.


There are 9 letters in the word LOGARITHM.
These letters can be arranged among themselves in 9P9 = 9! ways.
∴ n[S] = 9!
Let E be the event that word starts with vowel and ends with consonant.
There are 3 vowels and 6 consonants in the word LOGARITHM.
∴ The first place can be filled in 3 different ways and the last place can be filled in 6 ways.
Now, remaining 7 letters can be arranged in 7 places in 7P7 = 7! ways
∴ n[E] = 3 × 7! × 6

∴ P[E] = `["n"["E"]]/["n"["S"]`

= `[3 xx 7! xx 6]/[9!]`

Concept: Elementary Properties of Probability

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How many of the arrangements of the letters of the word logarithm begin with a vowel and end with a consonant?

∴ n[S] = 9! Let E be the event that word starts with vowel and ends with consonant. There are 3 vowels and 6 consonants in the word LOGARITHM. ∴ The first place can be filled in 3 different ways and the last place can be filled in 6 ways.

How many different ways the letters of the word logarithm can be arranged if vowels are always together?

Explanation: 'LOGARITHMS' contains 10 different letters. = Number of arrangements of 10 letters, taking 4 at a time. = 5040.

How many ways can you arrange the letters in the word logarithm?

LOGARITHM if each letter is not used more than once. There would be 985 824 arrangements. a] If any of the six letters can be used.

How many ways the consonant and vowel?

Vowels and consonants are sounds, not letters. Depending on your accent and how thinly you slice them, there are about 20 vowels and 24 consonants.

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