How pass multiple values by link in php?

Pretty simple but another said you dont pass session variables through the url bar 1.You dont need to because a session is passed throughout the whole website from header when you put in header file risks
Here is first page code

$url = "//localhost/main.php?email=" . urlencode[$email_address] . "&eventid=" . urlencode[$event_id];

2nd page when getting the variables from the url bar is:

if[isset[$_GET['email']] && !empty[$_GET['email']] AND isset[$_GET['eventid']] && !empty[$_GET['eventid']]]{ ////do whatever here }

Now if you want to do it the proper way of using the session you created then ignore my above code and call the session variables on the second page for instance create a session on the first page lets say for example:

 $_SESSION['WEB_SES'] = $email_address . "^" . $event_id;

obvious that you would have already assigned values to the session variables in the code above, you can call the session name whatever you want to i just used the example web_ses , the second page all you need to do is start a session and see if the session is there and check the variables and do whatever with them, example:

 if [isset[$_SESSION['WEB_SES']]]{
 $Array = explode["^", $_SESSION['WEB_SES']];
 $email = $Array[0];
 $event_id = $Array[1]
 echo "$email";
 echo "$event_id";

Like I said before the good thing about sessions are they can be carried throughout the entire website if this type of code in put in the header file that gets called upon on all pages that load, you can simple use the variable wherever and whenever. Hope this helps :]

5 Years Ago

I passed two parameters in the URL. Now I need to retrieve the parameters log_id and dogID onto the next page to process a form.
But I can retrieve the first parameter but i cannot retrieve the second parameter.

Im using

    $log_id= $_SESSION["userid"]; 
    $dogID = $_SESSION["dogID"]; 

Is there another way to get this?

Edited 5 Years Ago by happygeek because: moved

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can you show the previous step, i.e. the code used to set the session variables?

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If you append parameters to the landing page:


Then you can access those values by using $_GET:

$user  = $_GET['u'];
$dogID = $_GET['dogID'];

$_SESSION, instead, is reserved to values set in the session handler.


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All 6 Replies

cereal 1,524 Nearly a Senior Poster Featured Poster

5 Years Ago


can you show the previous step, i.e. the code used to set the session variables?

5 Years Ago

Hello there

The previous step was this to get to the other page


Add Your Review


I tried using this as well but nothing seems to work..

$dogID = $_GET["dogID"];

cereal 1,524 Nearly a Senior Poster Featured Poster

5 Years Ago

5 Years Ago

that still doesnt seem to work
I keep getting the error:

Column 'dog_reviewed' cannot be null.

My code to insert into the db is :
if[$stmt = mysqli_prepare[$mysqli,"INSERT INTO DOG_REVIEW[dog_reviewed,id,disciplineComments, challengesFaced,comments,Temperament,healthConcerns]VALUES[?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?]"]]

Where im getting the values from the url for the dog [dog_reviewed] thats being reviewed, and the user[id] that is revewing.

Am I missing something? Or doing this completly wrong?

Im new to php and learning as I go along.

cereal 1,524 Nearly a Senior Poster Featured Poster

5 Years Ago

Am I missing something? Or doing this completly wrong?

It's difficult to say because I don't see the current code you are using. On top of dogReview.php page, right after session_start[] set var_dump[] to show $_GET and $_SESSION contents:

echo "
var_dump[$_GET, $_SESSION];
echo "

You should be able to see what is sent through the GET request [appending the parameters to the url] and the contents of the current session. If it does not help show the code of this page.

5 Years Ago

How about when you get to your page dogReview.php
the u=$username and the dogID the should show the current value of the up in the brower url

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How can I pass multiple values from URL in PHP?

$vars = array['email' => $email_address, 'event_id' => $event_id]; $querystring = http_build_query[$vars]; $url = "//localhost/main.php?" . $querystring; Additionally, if $event_id is in your session, you don't actually need to pass it around in order to access it from different pages.

How do I pass multiple values in a URL?

Any word after the question mark [?] in a URL is considered to be a parameter which can hold values. The value for the corresponding parameter is given after the symbol "equals" [=]. Multiple parameters can be passed through the URL by separating them with multiple "&". Read more about passing parameter through URL.

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Hello readers, Below example will help you to "Get Multiple Parameters with same name from a URL in PHP"..

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