How to extract a single letter from a string in python

Is there a possibility to extract single letters out of a string that the user of the program defines in python? For example i want to extract the single letters of this string:

     x = raw_input["Letters i want to extract"]

asked May 8, 2013 at 23:38


A string is a sequence in Python the indexing starts from zero. To get a specific element or [character] of a string just use the following:

>>> x = "This is a string"
>>> first_letter = x[0]
>>> second_letter = x[1]
>>> last_letter = x[-1]
>>> print first_letter
>>> print last_letter

You can also loop through it very easily like so:

>>> for index, letter in enumerate[x]:
    print index, letter

0 T
1 h
2 i
3 s
5 i
6 s
8 a
10 s
11 t
12 r
13 i
14 n
15 g

answered May 9, 2013 at 0:27

>>> s = 'test'
>>> s[0]
>>> list[s]
['t', 'e', 's', 't']
>>> for ch in s:
...     print ch

answered May 8, 2013 at 23:42

Bibhas DebnathBibhas Debnath

14.2k17 gold badges67 silver badges96 bronze badges

A variable has a name and a value.

A dictionary is a collection of names associated with values. So, for your purposes you might be able to make a dictionary and treat it as "a collection of variables".

For example, if you want the "single variables" for each letter in x to be counters, then you could use this code:

def stats[]:
    x = raw_input["Letters i want to extract: "]
    data = raw_input["Text I want to do some stats on: "]

    # make a dictionary of letters in x
    d = {}
    for chr in x:
      d[chr] = 0 # initialize counter

    # collect stats
    for item in data:
      if item in d:
        d[item] += 1

    # show results in a couple of ways
    print "The full tally: %r" % d
    for chr in x:
      print "There were %d occurrences of %c in the text" % [d[chr], chr]

Here's an example run.

>>> stats[]
Letters i want to extract: bell
Text I want to do some stats on: hello world
The full tally: {'b': 0, 'e': 1, 'l': 3}
There were 0 occurrences of b in the text
There were 1 occurrences of e in the text
There were 3 occurrences of l in the text
There were 3 occurrences of l in the text

answered May 9, 2013 at 0:05


2,29316 silver badges18 bronze badges


x = raw_input["Letters i want to extract"]

for i in x:
    print i 
    #or do whatever you please

I think this is what your looking for. The code snip-it iterates through the string and outputs each letter. Instead of printing you could do what ever you would like.

You can also access each letter individuality through the syntax x[index_value].


x[0] would yield 'L'
x[1] would yield 'e'

answered May 8, 2013 at 23:42


17.2k15 gold badges77 silver badges113 bronze badges


You can use a for loop like this

x = raw_input["Letters i want to extract"]
for ch in x:
    print x

You can also get individual characters like this

x[0] # first character
x[1] # second character

You can convert to a list like this

char_list = list[x]

answered May 8, 2013 at 23:41

John La RooyJohn La Rooy

286k51 gold badges358 silver badges498 bronze badges

How do I extract certain text from a string in Python?

You can extract a substring from a string after a specific character using the partition[] method. partition[] method partitions the given string based on the first occurrence of the delimiter and it generates tuples that contain three elements where.

How do I get individual letters from a string?

Using String..
Get the string and the index..
Create an empty char array of size 1..
Copy the element at specific index from String into the char[] using String. getChars[] method..
Get the specific character at the index 0 of the character array..
Return the specific character..

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