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Pro tips Master online ascii tools

You can pass input to this tool via


query argument and it will automatically compute output. Here's how to type it in your browser's address bar. Click to try!




Coming soon These ascii tools are on the way

ASCII Art Editor

Draw ASCII art in a neat browser-based editor.

ANSI Art Editor

Draw ANSI art in a neat browser-based editor.

Show NFO Files

Draw the contents of NFO files.

Convert ASCII to JPG

Create a JPG image from ASCII art.

Convert JPG to ASCII

Create ASCII art from a JPG image.

Convert ASCII to PNG

Create a PNG image from ASCII art.

Convert PNG to ASCII

Create ASCII art from a PNG image.

Convert ASCII to GIF

Create a GIF image [single frame] from ASCII art.

Convert GIF to ASCII

Create ASCII art from a GIF image.

Create an ASCII Animation

Create an animated GIF from multiple ASCII art frames.

Convert ASCII to Chemical Elements

Use chemical element names for ASCII values.

Convert ASCII to Scan Codes

Convert ASCII characters to scan codes.

Convert Scan Codes to ASCII

Convert scan codes to ASCII characters.

Convert ASCII to BCD

Convert ASCII code to BCD code.

Convert BCD to ASCII

Convert BCD code to ASCII code.


Convert ASCII charset to EBCDIC charset.


Convert EBCDIC charset to ASCII charset.


Convert ASCII data to PETSCII [CBM ASCII] data.


Convert PETSCII [CBM ASCII] text to ASCII text.


Convert ASCII data to ATASCII [ATARI ASCII] data.


Convert ATASCII [ATARI ASCII] data to ASCII data.

Rotate ASCII Characters

Rotate ASCII chars to the left or to the right.

Truncate ASCII Data

Make the input ASCII data shorter.

Slice ASCII Data

Extract a slice from ASCII data.

Clamp ASCII Data

Set upper and lower ASCII code bounds.

Randomize ASCII Order

Randomize the order of ASCII characters.

Reverse ASCII Characters

Reverse the order of ASCII chars.

Convert ASCII to Integer

Convert ASCII characters to integers.

Convert Integer to ASCII

Convert integers to ASCII values.

Convert ASCII to Keycodes

Convert ASCII characters to keyboard keycodes.

Convert Keycodes to ASCII

Convert keyboard keycodes to ASCII values.

Find ASCII Sum

Calculate the sum of individual ASCII code points.

Find ASCII Difference

Calculate the difference of individual ASCII code points.

Find ASCII Length

Calculate the length of an ASCII string.

Create a Table

Draw a table using ASCII characters as border elements.

Draw ASCII Tree

Draw a folder structure or a binary graph.

Draw ASCII Waves

Generate digital waveforms with ASCII characters.

Draw PETSCII Table

Draw a PETSCII [CBM ASCII] character set table.

Draw ATASCII Table

Draw an ATASCII [ATARI ASCII] character set table.

Draw an ASCII Spiral

Make all ASCII symbols go in a spiral.

Draw an ASCII Art Smiley

Draw various ASCII art smiley faces.

Debug ASCII Data

Visualize ASCII data at the byte and bit level.

Let Zalgo Damage ASCII

Unleash Zalgo on ASCII data.

Pro tips Master online ascii tools

You can pass input to this tool via


query argument and it will automatically compute output. Here's how to type it in your browser's address bar. Click to try!




Coming soon These ascii tools are on the way

ASCII Art Editor

Draw ASCII art in a neat browser-based editor.

ANSI Art Editor

Draw ANSI art in a neat browser-based editor.

Show NFO Files

Draw the contents of NFO files.

Convert ASCII to JPG

Create a JPG image from ASCII art.

Convert JPG to ASCII

Create ASCII art from a JPG image.

Convert ASCII to PNG

Create a PNG image from ASCII art.

Convert PNG to ASCII

Create ASCII art from a PNG image.

Convert ASCII to GIF

Create a GIF image [single frame] from ASCII art.

Convert GIF to ASCII

Create ASCII art from a GIF image.

Create an ASCII Animation

Create an animated GIF from multiple ASCII art frames.

Convert ASCII to Chemical Elements

Use chemical element names for ASCII values.

Convert ASCII to Scan Codes

Convert ASCII characters to scan codes.

Convert Scan Codes to ASCII

Convert scan codes to ASCII characters.

Convert ASCII to BCD

Convert ASCII code to BCD code.

Convert BCD to ASCII

Convert BCD code to ASCII code.


Convert ASCII charset to EBCDIC charset.


Convert EBCDIC charset to ASCII charset.


Convert ASCII data to PETSCII [CBM ASCII] data.


Convert PETSCII [CBM ASCII] text to ASCII text.


Convert ASCII data to ATASCII [ATARI ASCII] data.


Convert ATASCII [ATARI ASCII] data to ASCII data.

Rotate ASCII Characters

Rotate ASCII chars to the left or to the right.

Truncate ASCII Data

Make the input ASCII data shorter.

Slice ASCII Data

Extract a slice from ASCII data.

Clamp ASCII Data

Set upper and lower ASCII code bounds.

Randomize ASCII Order

Randomize the order of ASCII characters.

Reverse ASCII Characters

Reverse the order of ASCII chars.

Convert ASCII to Integer

Convert ASCII characters to integers.

Convert Integer to ASCII

Convert integers to ASCII values.

Convert ASCII to Keycodes

Convert ASCII characters to keyboard keycodes.

Convert Keycodes to ASCII

Convert keyboard keycodes to ASCII values.

Find ASCII Sum

Calculate the sum of individual ASCII code points.

Find ASCII Difference

Calculate the difference of individual ASCII code points.

Find ASCII Length

Calculate the length of an ASCII string.

Create a Table

Draw a table using ASCII characters as border elements.

Draw ASCII Tree

Draw a folder structure or a binary graph.

Draw ASCII Waves

Generate digital waveforms with ASCII characters.

Draw PETSCII Table

Draw a PETSCII [CBM ASCII] character set table.

Draw ATASCII Table

Draw an ATASCII [ATARI ASCII] character set table.

Draw an ASCII Spiral

Make all ASCII symbols go in a spiral.

Draw an ASCII Art Smiley

Draw various ASCII art smiley faces.

Debug ASCII Data

Visualize ASCII data at the byte and bit level.

Let Zalgo Damage ASCII

Unleash Zalgo on ASCII data.

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