Should i learn bootstrap after html css?

If you have learned about HTML CSS and JavaScript and wondering about what should I learn after HTML CSS and JavaScript then you have come to the right place.
So there several Languages that you can learn after Learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript but we recommend you to Learn PHP.

Learn Designing After HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Web Designing and Development are two Different Things. SO if you Like to Develop Website then you should learn some Programming Languages like PHP after HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

But if you Like to Design Modern, Good Looking Websites then you should Learn Web Designing after HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Top Framework to Learn for Website Designing

Frameworks Help us to Design Websites with less Code. So if you Hate to Code then These Frameworks are made for you.

In these Frameworks, you will get 3rd party Library, Where all the Tough Codes are Pre Codded so you don’t have to Write or Remember those Big and Complex codes.

Learn Bootstrap and Materialize CSS after HTML and CSS

Bootstrap and Materialize CSS Frameworks have predicated Styles for Almost every HTML Elements. We just have to write the Class-name to perform a Specific Task or Style without using or Writing CSS and JavaScript Code.

By learning Web Designing Frameworks [ like Bootstrap and Materialize CSS ] you have to Learn about its Pre Declared Classes [Which includes all the Complex coding]. After learning about Bootstrap Materialize CSS you just have to Write the Class name inside your HTML Element and Bootstrap and Materialize CSS will do the rest of the Work.

Because for every HTML Element Style Bootstrap Have its Class Name. To Style your HTML Element using Bootstrap, you need to Write the Class name for that Style you want to Appy in your HTML Element.

Learn Development

If you want to Customize your Website and make your Website more Programmeble. Then you need to Learn Web Development. Where Languages like PHP and JQuery will let you Program and Customize how your Website Interact and Work in the Back End.

How it shows Data to User and How it Get and Store Data from Users and Much More just Using jQuery and PHP.

Learn JQuery after HTML and CSS

jQuery is a JavaScript library produced to simplify HTML DOM manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax.

JQuery is a JavaScript Library but more Simple and Powerful then JavaScript. So by Learning JQuery, you can do more stuff with less Code. Because JQuery Library includes some Pre-declared functions so you don’t have to write the whole code and just by calling that function you can perform a specific task.

JQuery Ajax can run PHP without refreshing the Page. SO you can Get and Send Form Data without Reloading like

Why PHP after HTML, CSS and JavaScript?

Because Languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript are used for Website Purposes. Whereby using HTML, CSS and JavaScript you can create, Style and Program a Webpage.

But that’s not enough for a Web Developer. To take your Web Developing Skills to a Next Level you should learn PHP after HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Learn MySQL after HTML and CSS

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system. Which can store, Return, Delete, Replace and Update User Data like Username, Passwords, Links, Paragraphs, passKeys and Much more…

SO if you want to create a Social Networking site where you have to Store Username and Password then make sure you know about MySQL.

what to learn after html and css

If you are wondering about “what to learn after HTML and CSS” and don’t know much about JavaScript, Then you must consider learning JavaScript.
Because with HTML you can Include Elements inside your HTML Document, with CSS you can style those HTML Elements but with JavaScript you can do so many things That are impossible to do with HTML and CSS.

If you know Well enough about HTML and CSS then JavaScript can take your Web-development Skills to next level.

You can Change HTML Elements using JavaScript, include new Elements to HTML Document, Get and Send Form/SQL Database Data Without Refreshing the Page and Much more.

what to learn after css

You can Learn JavaScript if you think that you are good at Web-Designing and want to work on your Web Development and Programming Skills.

But if you like to style HTML Elements and want to something new and Modern in the Field of Web Designing.
Then you much check Other Styling frameworks like bootstrap. Where you have some Bootstrap library that make your Work easier and Fast.
You just need to add a Bootstrap class in your HTML Element and bootstrap will take care of other Long CSS Code.

What to do after learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript

If you know pretty much everything about HTML, CSS and JavaScript and wondering about what to do after learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Then you must learn about Back End Programming Language Like :
Pick one Language and start building a Fully working Responsive Beautiful Website. Also learn MySQL and database to add Login, Comment or E-Commerce Features.
If you do all of this then you will be able to build a complete website that looks good and Includes Addictive Features like Product Buying, Social Networking Sharing, Comments and TC.

Should I learn HTML and CSS before Bootstrap?

You technically don't need to learn CSS at all if you're using Bootstrap but that will limit what you can do if you don't. I'd advise checking out the Bootstrap docs on how to get started with it and go from there.

Can I learn Bootstrap after HTML and CSS?

You should learn HTML and CSS first before learning Bootstrap. With Bootstrap, you can easily structure a website just by calling classes from Bootstrap. Beside calling, you can also customize its classes.

Should I learn Bootstrap if I know CSS?

You should definitely learn Bootstrap. It is easy to pick up and remains the most used CSS framework in the world. It's also a fantastic entry point to CSS frameworks if you haven't learned one before and has great documentation.

What should I learn after HTML CSS Bootstrap?

Learn Bootstrap and Materialize CSS after HTML and CSS After learning about Bootstrap Materialize CSS you just have to Write the Class name inside your HTML Element and Bootstrap and Materialize CSS will do the rest of the Work. Because for every HTML Element Style Bootstrap Have its Class Name.

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