Hướng dẫn pinyin.get python - con trăn pinyin.get

13 ví dụ về mã Python được tìm thấy liên quan đến "Nhận pinyin".Bạn có thể bỏ phiếu cho những người bạn thích hoặc bỏ phiếu cho những người bạn không thích và đi đến dự án gốc hoặc tệp nguồn bằng cách theo các liên kết trên mỗi ví dụ. get pinyin". You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.

ví dụ 1

def GetPinyin[self, filename]:
		file_obj = open[filename,'r',encoding='UTF-8']
		txt_all = file_obj.read[]
		txt_lines = txt_all.split['\n']
		for line in txt_lines:
			if[line == '']:
			pinyin_split = line.split['\t']
			if[list_pinyin not in dic and int[pinyin_split[1]] > 1]:
				dic[list_pinyin] = pinyin_split[1]
		return dic 

Ví dụ 2

def get_pinyin_first_letters[chinese_characters]:
    Get fist letters of pin yin of chinese characters, if there's any 多音字
    All combinations will be returned, for example for "调向"
    Result of dx|tx will be returned.
    :param chinese_characters: Chinese characters to get pinyin. 
    :return: first letters of pin yin of the letters
    pys = _get_pinyin_all[[], chinese_characters]
    result = ''
    for py in pys:
        for p in py:
            result += p
        result += "|"
    result = result.rstrip['|'] #  1:
                dic[list_pinyin] = pinyin_split[1]
        default_logger.debug['Loaded: %s, size: %d' % [filename, len[dic]]]
        return dic 

Ví dụ 4

def get_pinyin[self, chars=u'你好', splitter=u'-', show_tone_marks=False]:
        result = []
        flag = 1
        for char in chars:
            key = "%X" % ord[char]
                    0].strip[].lower[]] if show_tone_marks else self.dict[
                flag = 1
            except KeyError:
                if flag:
                    result[-1] += char
                flag = 0

        return splitter.join[result] 

Ví dụ 5

def get_pinyin[s]:
    """This function is only for backward compatibility, use `get` instead.
    import warnings
    warnings.warn['Deprecated, use `get` instead.']
    return get[s] 

Ví dụ 6

def get_homophones_by_pinyin[input_pinyin]:
    :param input_pinyin:
    result = []
    # CJK统一汉字区的范围是0x4E00-0x9FA5,也就是我们经常提到的20902个汉字
    for i in range[0x4e00, 0x9fa6]:
        if pinyin[[chr[i]], style=pypinyin.TONE2][0][0] == input_pinyin:
            # TONE2: 中zho1ng
    return result 

Ví dụ 7

def get_tone_number_pinyin[syllable]:
    assert isinstance[syllable, str]

    if [
        search[TONE_NUM_REGEX, syllable]
        or search[BOPOMOFO_REGEX, syllable]
        or is_punc[syllable]
        return syllable

    if has_ruby[syllable]:
        s = ruby_bottom[syllable] + '['
        syllable = ruby_top[syllable]
        s = ''

    tone = '5'
    for c in normalize['NFD', syllable]:
        if name[c] in DIACRITIC_NAME_TO_NUM:
            tone = DIACRITIC_NAME_TO_NUM[name[c]]
            s += c

    if '[' in s:
        s += ']'

    return normalize['NFC', s + tone] 

Ví dụ 8

def get_same_pinyin[self, char]:
        :param char:
        return self.same_pinyin.get[char, set[]] 

Ví dụ 9

def get_pinyin[self, word, type_, prefer_tw=False, word_len=4]:
        p = self._get_word_pinyin[word, type_, prefer_tw]
        if p:
            return p
        if len[word] == 1:
            return self._get_char[word, 'pinyin']

        # Try each 4-character sequence in turn, then 3-sequence, then
        # 2-sequence and if those fails, do unit lookup.

        result = ''
        word = word[:]
        last_was_pinyin = False
        while len[word] > 0:
            word_was_found = False

            while word_len > 1:
                p = self._get_word_pinyin[word[:word_len], type_, prefer_tw]
                if p:
                    result = add_with_space[result, p]
                    word = word[word_len:]
                    last_was_pinyin = True
                    word_was_found = True
                word_len -= 1

            if not word_was_found:
                p = self._get_char[word[0], 'pinyin']
                if p:
                    result = add_with_space[result, p]
                    last_was_pinyin = True
                    if last_was_pinyin:
                        result += ' '
                    result += word[0]
                    last_was_pinyin = False
                word = word[1:]
        return result 

Ví dụ 10

def get_pinyin[sentence]:
    ret = []
    for s in re_zh.split[sentence]:
        s = s.strip[]
        if not s:
        if re_zh.match[s]:
            ret += pin.get[s]
            for word in s.split[]:
                word = word.strip[]
                if word:
    return ret 

Ví dụ 11

def get_pinyin[sentence]:
    ret = []
    for s in re_zh.split[sentence]:
        s = s.strip[]
        if not s:
        if re_zh.match[s]:
            ret += pin.get[s]
            for word in s.split[]:
                word = word.strip[]
                if word:
    return ret 

Ví dụ 12

def get_pinyin_first_letters[chinese_characters]:
    Get fist letters of pin yin of chinese characters, if there's any 多音字
    All combinations will be returned, for example for "调向"
    Result of dx|tx will be returned.
    :param chinese_characters: Chinese characters to get pinyin. 
    :return: first letters of pin yin of the letters
    pys = _get_pinyin_all[[], chinese_characters]
    result = ''
    for py in pys:
        for p in py:
            result += p
        result += "|"
    result = result.rstrip['|'] # 

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