Hướng dẫn python append bytes - python nối thêm byte

First of all passing an integer[say n] to

>>> bytes[chr[5], 'ascii']
0 simply returns an bytes string of n length with null bytes. So, that's not what you want here:

Either you can do:

>>> bytes[[5]] #This will work only for range 0-256.


>>> bytes[chr[5], 'ascii']

As @simonzack already mentioned, bytes are immutable, so to update [or better say re-assign] its value, you need to use the

>>> bytes[chr[5], 'ascii']
2 operator.

>>> s = b'\x01\x02\x03'
>>> s += bytes[[5]]     #or s = s + bytes[[5]]
>>> s

>>> s = b'\x01\x02\x03'
>>> s += bytes[chr[5], 'ascii']   ##or s = s + bytes[chr[5], 'ascii']
>>> s

Help on

>>> bytes[chr[5], 'ascii']

>>> print[bytes.__doc__]
bytes[iterable_of_ints] -> bytes
bytes[string, encoding[, errors]] -> bytes
bytes[bytes_or_buffer] -> immutable copy of bytes_or_buffer
bytes[int] -> bytes object of size given by the parameter initialized with null bytes
bytes[] -> empty bytes object

Construct an immutable array of bytes from:
  - an iterable yielding integers in range[256]
  - a text string encoded using the specified encoding
  - any object implementing the buffer API.
  - an integer

Or go for the mutable

>>> bytes[chr[5], 'ascii']
4 if you need a mutable object and you're only concerned with the integers in range 0-256.

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