Hướng dẫn remove alphanumeric words python

Use a two-way approach: split and analyze the words:

import re

strings = ["3n3k game gnma34 xbox360 table", "the a22b b3kj3 ps4 2ij2aln potato"]
exceptions = ['xbox360', 'ps4']

def cleanse[word]:
    rx = re.compile[r'\D*\d']
    if rx.match[word] and word not in exceptions:
        return ''
    return word

nstrings = [" ".join[filter[None, [
    cleanse[word] for word in string.split[]]]] 
    for string in strings]
# ['game xbox360 table', 'the ps4 potato']

Additionally, I changed the regular expression to


and try to match them at the beginning of each "word" [with re.match[]] as \w contains digits as well.

If you are able to upgrade to the newer regex module, you could use [*SKIP][*FAIL] and a better expression without the need of a function:

\b[?:xbox360|ps4]\b   # define your exceptions
[*SKIP][*FAIL]        # these shall fail
|                     # or match words with digits

See a demo on regex101.com and the complete Python snippet here:

import regex as re

strings = ["3n3k game gnma34 xbox360 table", "the a22b b3kj3 ps4 2ij2aln potato  123123 1234"]
exceptions = [r'\d+', 'xbox360', 'ps4']

rx = re.compile[r'\b[?:{}]\b[*SKIP][*FAIL]|\b[A-Za-z]*\d\w*\b'.format["|".join[exceptions]]]

nstrings = [" ".join[
    filter[None, [rx.sub['', word] 
    for word in string.split[]]]] 
    for string in strings]
# ['game xbox360 table', 'the ps4 potato 123123 1234']

  1. HowTo
  2. Python How-To's
  3. Remove Non-Alphanumeric Characters From Python String

Created: May-28, 2021

  1. Use the isalnum[] Method to Remove All Non-Alphanumeric Characters in Python String
  2. Use the filter[] Function to Remove All Non-Alphanumeric Characters in Python String
  3. Use Regular Expressions to Remove All Non-Alphanumeric Characters in Python String

Alphanumeric characters contain the blend of the 26 characters of the letter set and the numbers 0 to 9. Non-alphanumeric characters include characters that are not letters or digits, like + and @.

In this tutorial, we will discuss how to remove non-alphanumeric characters from a string in Python.

Use the isalnum[] Method to Remove All Non-Alphanumeric Characters in Python String

We can use the isalnum[] method to check whether a given character or string is alphanumeric or not. We can compare each character individually from a string, and if it is alphanumeric, then we combine it using the join[] function.

For example,

string_value = "alphanumeric@123__"
s = ''.join[ch for ch in string_value if ch.isalnum[]]



Use the filter[] Function to Remove All Non-Alphanumeric Characters in Python String

The filter[] function is used to construct an iterator from components of the iterable object and filters the object’s elements using a function.

For our problem, the string is our object, and we will use the isalnum[] function, which checks whether a given string contains alphanumeric characters or not by checking each character. The join[] function combines all the characters to return a string.

For example,

string_value = "alphanumeric@123__"
s = ''.join[filter[str.isalnum, string_value]]



This method does not work with Python 3.

Use Regular Expressions to Remove All Non-Alphanumeric Characters in Python String

A regular expression is an exceptional grouping of characters that helps you match different strings or sets of strings, utilizing a specific syntax in a pattern. To use regular expressions, we import the re module.

We can use the sub[] function from this module to replace all the string that matches a non-alphanumeric character by an empty character.

For example,

import re
string_value = "alphanumeric@123__"
s=re.sub[r'[\W_]+', '', string_value]



Alternatively, we can also use the following pattern.

import re
string_value = "alphanumeric@123__"
s = re.sub[r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', string_value]



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