importance of holistic well-being


On par with the advancement of technology, medical science has achieved great heights. Today’s medical science boasts of having found a cure for many diseases except for a few such as cancer, HIV AIDS, and in fact coronavirus. All these illnesses are associated with the physical aspect of health. Modern medical science can prevent, treat and cure over ninety-nine percent of diseases of the human body. 

A healthy person is defined as someone void of any physical sickness. This is true to some extent since this is a deep-rooted belief in society. Yet, does this include all aspects of health? Do you see something is lacking in this definition? Certainly yes! Taking only the physical aspect of health into consideration lacks a comprehensive approach to health. 

What is holistic health? 

The holistic approach to health and wellness has gained popularity in the modern world. It takes the concept of ‘person as a whole’ into consideration, not just the physical aspect of health. The holistic approach to health pays attention to the person’s physical, emotional, social as well as spiritual wellbeing to produce an overall healthy person. The wisdom behind this allencompassing concept is to address all the areas concerning a person’s overall health. A person with damaging mental and behavioural issues which are the underlying features of psychology, cannot be regarded as healthy. 

Although addiction and behavioural disorders etc. do not appear to be physical issues pertaining to health, they too can make a person sick and such a person cannot be called healthy. Such issues cannot only be treated by prescribing pills, injections, etc. A holistic approach becomes the path to recovery. The aspects of holistic health include physical health, but that is not the only thing. 

Apart from that, nutritional, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual and environmental aspects should be incorporated into the holistic health approach. The intensity of requirement of each aspect or pillar may vary according to the age, gender, health, etc. of an individual. 

Some may require more attention for emotional wellbeing than physical or nutritional pillars of holistic health while others, may require attention to nutritional aspects rather than spiritual. Everyone may not require attention to each pillar in equal density. Even one person may not require equal attention to each pillar. It is important to explore which area requires more attention. That is to say, when your body, mind, and soul are holistically cared for to achieve holistic health, the goals of life can be achieved with less effort and resistance. 

The physical aspect- The main aspect of holistic health is physical wellness. What does your body need to be healthy? A good sleep, exercise, and a balanced diet. Many people ignore these requirements due to their busy lifestyles. Keeping vigil till late hours in the night and not having adequate sleep, tight schedule, ignoring main meals and depending on junk food often, sitting for long hours, immobility, and not exercising, are destructive habits that make a person physically ill. Apart from that addiction to smoking, drugs, and liquor are injurious to health. 

Nutritional aspect- Nutrition and physical health are intertwined. The food that we eat should not only alleviate our hunger but also support the growth of body and physical wellbeing. It is essential to eat a good diversity of fruits, vegetables, cereals and pulses regularly and to avoid red meat as much as possible. 

Protein is required for the regeneration of tissues, vitamins for enhancing immunity, fiber for digestion, carbs for energy and fat for energy and cell growth. Water is essential for keeping the body hydrated. Junk and processed food should be avoided. Medical research reports that the majority of the population does not take the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables. 

Emotional aspect- This aspect is often disregarded when talking about health. To achieve holistic health, emotional wellbeing should also be taken into consideration. Prolonged damage to emotional wellbeing can weaken physical health. Suppression of strong emotions is dangerous. It is advisable to often release such strong and compulsive emotions in the form of writing them down, talking in front of a mirror, talking to a family member, counsellor or a trustworthy friend. 

Social aspect- Humans are social animals. Humans cannot completely withdraw from society and live except for sages and hermits. It is important to connect with people and form positive and constructive relationships. At the same time avoiding toxic relationships are equally important. Through social relationships, we learn to support each other in mutually beneficial relationships. Connecting with people expel boredom, isolation and monotony while helping to grow in life. A good company gives happiness and satisfaction. 

Spiritual aspect- Spiritual should not be mistaken as religious. The spiritual aspect helps a person attain the purpose and meaning of his life. Although this aspect is often ignored by the youth and highly welcomed by the aged people, it is important to cultivate good spirituality for anyone despite his or her age. Meditation, prayer, contemplation, etc. help a person calm his burden down and become physically and mentally healthy. 

Intellectual aspect- Studies have shown that constant engagement of the faculties of mind can help a person remain in good intellectual condition as he ages. Acquiring new skills such as learning a foreign language, learning to write and engaging in some creative activities can sharpen a person’s intellect. This also helps a person grow. Conversations rich in intellectual content are also a good way to maintain a healthy intellect. Reading books written on different subjects can also enhance a person’s intellect. 

Environmental aspect- A healthy environment is also one of the important aspects of healthy living. A clean, serene, tranquil, calm, and inspiring environment can infuse good vibes. The environment aspect does not only include the physical surrounding but also the community that you live in. 

If a person is compelled to work in a toxic environment at work with a lot of pressure from seniors, cut through competitions from peers, etc. the person cannot be productive and that also affects his mental and physical health. If the family environment is not supportive and toxic, that too can lead to ill-health.

“The part can never be well unless the whole is well.”- Plato. Whether the smallest or the bigger ones, every unit comprises a system that works together in harmony to achieve the stability needed to function well. The same goes for your health. Read on to know why a holistic approach to health is the way to achieve your optimum, well-energized state.

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What is Holistic Health?

When one hears of an illness or disease, the conventional immediate response is to address the specific part showing symptoms or abnormalities. This approach is more of focusing on the part rather than the whole.

The holistic approach to health focuses on the treatment of the whole person, considering mental and social aspects, not only the symptoms of the disease. This view emphasizes the importance of the whole body system rather than pieces and sections that are treated individually. This includes the connection of mind, body, spirit.

What are the 5 Areas of Holistic Health Care?

The five main holistic health areas are physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual [mental]. Since a holistic approach to health focuses on the body’s integrative systems, each of these areas must be in good condition, and none should be neglected.

Why is a Holistic Approach to Health Important?

A holistic approach to health is essential to address the leading cause of the problem rather than just the symptoms. It takes everything into account and encourages people to take charge of their health and well-being.

It is also essential to prevent illnesses and find long term solutions for existing illnesses. For instance, if you are experiencing low energy, the immediate response might be to take caffeine or energy drinks. This may be a band-aid solution. However, the lack of energy may be a symptom of underlying disease that needs to be addressed. Taking into account the aspects of holistic health, lack of energy may be caused by anxiety, depression, sleep deprivation, low testosterone levels, and even diabetes. The idea is to appraise as a whole.

What is a Holistic Diet?

It has been established that gut health affects one’s overall health. A healthier gastrointestinal tract is essential for the mind and body in sync.

In a holistic diet, food is seen not only as fuel but also as a medicine for the body. This approach focuses on the consumption of whole and unprocessed foods, varied fruits and vegetables, grains, fiber-rich foods, fortified plant-based alternatives, and low fat or fat-free dairy products.

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How do You Develop a Holistic Lifestyle?

The first step to a holistic approach to life is to have the mindset that your health encompasses all five components; therefore, to function optimally, you have to consider and nurture each aspect of the components.

Aside from a holistic diet, you can develop an integrated lifestyle with the following:


Meditation is a powerful tool that involves training the mind to achieve long-lasting mental clarity, balance, and mindfulness. It has been proven to be an effective way to manage stress, anxiety, depression, and promote overall well-being. Meditating for as brief as 15 minutes may improve emotional processing aspects and help you become more focused and peaceful.


Sleep is that part of the day where you can recharge physically and mentally. To achieve a high-quality sleep, stick to a sleep schedule, avoid naps in the afternoon, and alcohol intake and heavy meals in the evening.

Temporary insomnia is caused by stressful times and events or simply by the disruption in the sleeping pattern. On the other hand, chronic insomnia may be caused by underlying health problems such as aging, medications, anxiety, and mental health disorders. While it may be an alternative to taking sleeping pills, a holistic approach encourages the problem’s root cause to be addressed. Talk to your doctor to find out the underlying causes so it can be addressed.

Practice Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating encourages a healthy relationship with food by trusting your body to make the right choices instead of the diet fads with food and time restrictions. In this approach, an intuitive eater pays attention to body cues, mainly to eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. This is achieved by learning how to distinguish the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger.

Physical hunger is when the body sends signals such as growling stomach, irritability, and fatigue, which tells you to replenish nutrients for energy consumption. Meanwhile, emotional hunger is driven by emotional need due to loneliness, boredom, and sadness, leading to cravings and excessive food consumption.

Studies have shown that intuitive eating can be a holistic approach to weight loss control, blood pressure, eating disorders, and self-esteem. 

Focus on Positive Relationships

Your social health affects physical and mental health, behavior, and mortality. People with fewest social ties tend to have twice the risk of death than adults with the most social ties.

Positive relationships are proven to provide significant health benefits such as lower cardiovascular disease, healthy immune system development, and reduced physiological responses to anticipated and existing stressors. 

Be Active

Physical exercise may be one of the most cost-effective methods to improve overall health, with many benefits ranging from a lower risk of heart diseases, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. Mentally, exercise has shown to improve sleep quality, boost self-esteem, mood, reducing the risk of stress, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia.

According to the National Health Service, adults should work out every day to achieve at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week.

People who work out regularly are reported to have a more positive outlook about themselves, sharper memories, and better sleep at night. Finding a physical activity that you enjoy increases motivation and consistency in doing the activity.

A holistic approach to life means taking care of all the aspects that make you, you. The more you adopt a more integrated outlook as your lifestyle, the more you will be able to enjoy the most out of your health and well-being.

Need assistance in kicking off a holistic approach in your lifestyle? Opt Health cares for your overall health, happiness, strength, and sexual vitality. Get personalized support and insight from top-tier physicians available for you 24/7. Contact us today.

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