Is mongodb and mongodb atlas same?

MongoDB AtlasAmazon DocumentDBCosmos DB Emulation API
Choice of cloud providers


AWS, Azure & Google Cloud, including multi-cloud clusters spanning all three cloud platforms

No No
Integrated text search, geospatial processing Yes

Limited Data must be replicated to multiple adjacent AWS services for text search, only basic geospatial operators, driving up cost and complexity

Limited Some support for geospatial data, but with limited indexing

Supports all MongoDB features with full application compatibility


Runs native MongoDB


Claims compatibility with v4.0 API, actually closer to 3.0/3.2. No MongoDB server side code

Fails 66% of compatibility tests.


Claims compatibility with v4.0 API, actually closer to 3.6. No MongoDB server side code.

Fails 67% of compatibility tests.

Access to the latest MongoDB version


Run v5.0, v4.4, v4.2 or v4.0.


Claims compatibility with v4.0 API, actually closer to 3.0/3.2.


Claims compatibility with v4.0 API, actually closer to 3.6.

Free Tier


Storage: 5 GB, RAM: Variable



Just for the first 400 RU/s. Not sandboxed, so no way to avoid cost if usage increases beyond the 400RU limit

Live migration Yes


Available as separate paid service


Only for eligible accounts

Choice of instance configuration


Multiple instance sizes and classes


Around a dozen instances only, all of a single AWS class, limiting flexibility in accommodating different workload profiles


Configuration based on provisioned throughput. No way to independently select underlying hardware configurations

Support for MongoDB multi-document ACID transactions Yes


Missing features, fail over half of transaction tests in standard MongoDB test suite


Multi-document transactions are supported only within a single, unsharded collection; almost all of MongoDB's transaction tests fail

JSON data type support


[Binary JSON] Regular JSON + longs, doubles, floats, decimal, dates, and times

Primitive JSON

and some advanced data types, but does not support decimal


Some data types have restrictions, including the inability to modify them once set

Maximum document size 16MB 16MB 2MB
JSON schema for data governance controls Yes


All schema controls must be written in the app tier


All schema controls must be written in the app tier

Integrated text search and graph queries


MongoDB aggregation pipeline and Atlas Search


No integrated text search


No integrated text search

Integrated querying of data in cloud object storage


Atlas Data Lake

No No

Online Archive

Automatically tier data out from database to cloud object storage


Online Archive

No No
Blend data with joins and unions for analytics queries Yes No No
Automatic Performance Recommendations


Performance Advisor with schema and index recommendations

No No
Replica Set Configuration

Up to 50 replicas

All replicas configured as data-bearing nodes

Up to 15 replicas

Replicas are not data-bearing. DocumentDB maintains 6 copies of data at the storage layer

3 data-bearing nodes
Automatic Sharding Support


Scale writes horizontally across multiple nodes. Store multiple TB of data on a single shard.

Ability to refine shard key as application requirements evolve.

No sharding support

All writes must be made to a single primary node only.


However, no support to refine the chosen shard key, forcing a full database migration should the shard key need to change in any way.

Hedged Reads

Queries submitted to multiple replicas for consistent low latency

Yes No No
Pause and resume clusters Yes Yes No
Data Explorer


Directly in Atlas UI, or via MongoDB Compass

No Yes
SQL-based BI Connectivity


MongoDB SQL Connector



Power BI and Qlik Sense only

Native data visualization without 3rd party BI tools


MongoDB Charts

No No
Database supported in on-premise and hybrid deployments


MongoDB Enterprise Advanced

No No
Embeddable database with sync for mobile devices


Atlas Device Sync

& Realm

No No

MongoDB Atlas
Choice of cloud providers


AWS, Azure & Google Cloud, including multi-cloud clusters spanning all three cloud platforms

Integrated text search, geospatial processing Yes
Supports all MongoDB features with full application compatibility


Runs native MongoDB

Access to the latest MongoDB version


Run v5.0, v4.4, v4.2 or v4.0.

Free Tier


Storage: 5 GB, RAM: Variable

Live migration Yes
Choice of instance configuration


Multiple instance sizes and classes

Support for MongoDB multi-document ACID transactions Yes
JSON data type support


[Binary JSON] Regular JSON + longs, doubles, floats, decimal, dates, and times

Maximum document size 16MB
JSON schema for data governance controls Yes
Integrated text search and graph queries


MongoDB aggregation pipeline and Atlas Search

Integrated querying of data in cloud object storage


Atlas Data Lake

Online Archive

Automatically tier data out from database to cloud object storage


Online Archive

Blend data with joins and unions for analytics queries Yes
Automatic Performance Recommendations


Performance Advisor with schema and index recommendations

Replica Set Configuration

Up to 50 replicas

All replicas configured as data-bearing nodes

Automatic Sharding Support


Scale writes horizontally across multiple nodes. Store multiple TB of data on a single shard.

Ability to refine shard key as application requirements evolve.

Hedged Reads

Queries submitted to multiple replicas for consistent low latency

Pause and resume clusters Yes
Data Explorer


Directly in Atlas UI, or via MongoDB Compass

SQL-based BI Connectivity


MongoDB SQL Connector

Native data visualization without 3rd party BI tools


MongoDB Charts

Database supported in on-premise and hybrid deployments


MongoDB Enterprise Advanced

Embeddable database with sync for mobile devices


Atlas Device Sync

& Realm

Amazon DocumentDB
Choice of cloud providers No
Integrated text search, geospatial processing

Limited Data must be replicated to multiple adjacent AWS services for text search, only basic geospatial operators, driving up cost and complexity

Supports all MongoDB features with full application compatibility


Claims compatibility with v4.0 API, actually closer to 3.0/3.2. No MongoDB server side code

Fails 66% of compatibility tests.

Access to the latest MongoDB version


Claims compatibility with v4.0 API, actually closer to 3.0/3.2.

Free Tier No
Live migration


Available as separate paid service

Choice of instance configuration


Around a dozen instances only, all of a single AWS class, limiting flexibility in accommodating different workload profiles

Support for MongoDB multi-document ACID transactions


Missing features, fail over half of transaction tests in standard MongoDB test suite

JSON data type support

Primitive JSON

and some advanced data types, but does not support decimal

Maximum document size 16MB
JSON schema for data governance controls


All schema controls must be written in the app tier

Integrated text search and graph queries


No integrated text search

Integrated querying of data in cloud object storage No

Online Archive

Automatically tier data out from database to cloud object storage

Blend data with joins and unions for analytics queries No
Automatic Performance Recommendations No
Replica Set Configuration

Up to 15 replicas

Replicas are not data-bearing. DocumentDB maintains 6 copies of data at the storage layer

Automatic Sharding Support

No sharding support

All writes must be made to a single primary node only.

Hedged Reads

Queries submitted to multiple replicas for consistent low latency

Pause and resume clusters Yes
Data Explorer No
SQL-based BI Connectivity No
Native data visualization without 3rd party BI tools No
Database supported in on-premise and hybrid deployments No
Embeddable database with sync for mobile devices No
Cosmos DB Emulation API
Choice of cloud providers No
Integrated text search, geospatial processing

Limited Some support for geospatial data, but with limited indexing

Supports all MongoDB features with full application compatibility


Claims compatibility with v4.0 API, actually closer to 3.6. No MongoDB server side code.

Fails 67% of compatibility tests.

Access to the latest MongoDB version


Claims compatibility with v4.0 API, actually closer to 3.6.

Free Tier


Just for the first 400 RU/s. Not sandboxed, so no way to avoid cost if usage increases beyond the 400RU limit

Live migration


Only for eligible accounts

Choice of instance configuration


Configuration based on provisioned throughput. No way to independently select underlying hardware configurations

Support for MongoDB multi-document ACID transactions


Multi-document transactions are supported only within a single, unsharded collection; almost all of MongoDB's transaction tests fail

JSON data type support


Some data types have restrictions, including the inability to modify them once set

Maximum document size 2MB
JSON schema for data governance controls


All schema controls must be written in the app tier

Integrated text search and graph queries


No integrated text search

Integrated querying of data in cloud object storage No

Online Archive

Automatically tier data out from database to cloud object storage

Blend data with joins and unions for analytics queries No
Automatic Performance Recommendations No
Replica Set Configuration 3 data-bearing nodes
Automatic Sharding Support


However, no support to refine the chosen shard key, forcing a full database migration should the shard key need to change in any way.

Hedged Reads

Queries submitted to multiple replicas for consistent low latency

Pause and resume clusters No
Data Explorer Yes
SQL-based BI Connectivity


Power BI and Qlik Sense only

Native data visualization without 3rd party BI tools No
Database supported in on-premise and hybrid deployments No
Embeddable database with sync for mobile devices No

Which is better MongoDB Atlas or MongoDB?

To Summarize: I would recommend MongoDB Atlas to every person/company who have a significant need in the NoSQL database and do not want to manage their infrastructure. Using MongoDB Atlas can significantly reduce your management time and cost, which saves valuable resources for other tasks.

What is MongoDB and Atlas?

MongoDB Atlas is a fully-managed cloud database that handles all the complexity of deploying, managing, and healing your deployments on the cloud service provider of your choice [AWS , Azure, and GCP]. MongoDB Atlas is the best way to deploy, run, and scale MongoDB in the cloud.

Is Atlas a MongoDB product?

MongoDB Atlas is a multi-cloud developer data platform. At its core is our fully managed cloud database for modern applications. Atlas is the best way to run MongoDB, the leading non-relational database.

What type of database is MongoDB Atlas?

MongoDB Atlas is a developer-oriented cloud service provided by MongoDB. It is open-source in nature and is a NoSQL database. MongoDB Atlas has dynamic schemas which use JSON documents, and it acts as an alternative for table-type databases like SQL.

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