Làm thế nào để bạn chuyển đổi rgb sang hex trong python?

Đưa ra ba đối số r, gb là các số nguyên từ 0 đến 255 đại diện cho các giá trị RGB, hãy chuyển đổi chúng thành một chuỗi thập lục phân có sáu chữ số [không đệm]. Các giá trị không hợp lệ [ngoài phạm vi] cần được làm tròn thành giá trị gần nhất

Mật mã

nhập khẩu

# pypi
from expects import equal, expect

Nộp hồ sơ

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]


lựa chọn thay thế

Một số lượng người đáng ngạc nhiên đã sử dụng định dạng chuỗi - {:02X} để chuyển đổi các số thành hệ thập lục phân. Tôi nghĩ đó là một vấn đề với những câu đố trước đó - có một câu hỏi lớn về việc bạn nên sử dụng bao nhiêu chức năng tích hợp sẵn của python. Tôi đoán vì tôi sử dụng định dạng chuỗi rất nhiều có thể có ý nghĩa như một lối tắt trong trường hợp này

Cho ba màu, chẳng hạn như R, G và B, hãy chuyển đổi các màu RGB này thành mã màu hex. Nếu không thể chuyển đổi, hãy in -1

ví dụ.  

Đầu vào. R = 0, G = 0, B = 0 
Đầu ra. #000000

Đầu vào. R = 255, G = 255, B = 256 
Đầu ra. -1 
Giải thích.
Không thể sử dụng mã màu 256 vì chỉ có dải 0-255 cho một màu.

Khuyến khích. Vui lòng thử cách tiếp cận của bạn trên {IDE} trước, trước khi chuyển sang giải pháp

Tiếp cận

  1. Trước tiên, hãy kiểm tra xem mỗi màu đã cho có nằm trong khoảng 0-255 hay không
  2. Nếu không, hãy in -1 và thoát khỏi chương trình vì không thể chuyển đổi trong trường hợp này
  3. Nếu chúng nằm trong phạm vi, thì đối với mỗi màu, hãy chuyển đổi mã màu đã cho thành số thập lục phân tương đương của nó
  4. Nếu giá trị thập lục phân là 1 chữ số, hãy thêm 0 vào bên trái để tạo thành 2 chữ số
  5. Sau đó, trong câu trả lời cuối cùng, hãy thêm '#' ở đầu, theo sau là các giá trị thập lục phân của R, G và B tương ứng

Dưới đây là việc thực hiện các phương pháp trên.  


// C++ code to convert the given RGB

________số 8



HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]


HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
5 // C++ code to convert the given RGB0

// C++ code to convert the given RGB1

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____73

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2// C++ code to convert the given RGB5 // C++ code to convert the given RGB6


// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____78

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
5 // color code to Hex color code1

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2// color code to Hex color code3 // color code to Hex color code4


// color code to Hex color code5// color code to Hex color code6

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
5 // color code to Hex color code9


// color code to Hex color code5#include 1

// color code to Hex color code5#include 3


// color code to Hex color code5#include 5

// color code to Hex color code5#include 7 #include 8

#include 9

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

#include 9

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
06 // C++ code to convert the given RGB1

#include 9

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

#include 9

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]


// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____104


// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____119

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2#include 7

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____104

________ 72 ________ 106 ________ 97 ________ 134

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____104

________ 72 ________ 106 ________ 97 ________ 146

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]


// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____152

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____154

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____156

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]


HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB00

// C++ code to convert the given RGB01

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
5 // C++ code to convert the given RGB03
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
5 // C++ code to convert the given RGB05
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
5 // C++ code to convert the given RGB07

// C++ code to convert the given RGB1

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2#include 7 // C++ code to convert the given RGB11

// color code to Hex color code5// C++ code to convert the given RGB13

// color code to Hex color code5// C++ code to convert the given RGB15


// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
19// C++ code to convert the given RGB18
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5// C++ code to convert the given RGB21

// color code to Hex color code5// C++ code to convert the given RGB23

// color code to Hex color code5// C++ code to convert the given RGB25


// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____104


// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____732

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____106

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
56 // C++ code to convert the given RGB37
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]


// C++ code to convert the given RGB40

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
5 // C++ code to convert the given RGB42

// C++ code to convert the given RGB1

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____15 // C++ code to convert the given RGB46

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____748


// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____750

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____748


// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____754

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____748


// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____758

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____748


// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____762

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____748


// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____156 // C++ code to convert the given RGB67

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]


// C++ code to convert the given RGB69

________số 8

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71


// C++ code to convert the given RGB72 // C++ code to convert the given RGB73


// C++ code to convert the given RGB74 // C++ code to convert the given RGB75

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB78 // C++ code to convert the given RGB79

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
5 // C++ code to convert the given RGB0

// C++ code to convert the given RGB1

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____73

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2// C++ code to convert the given RGB5 // C++ code to convert the given RGB87// C++ code to convert the given RGB88 // C++ code to convert the given RGB5// C++ code to convert the given RGB90// C++ code to convert the given RGB91// C++ code to convert the given RGB92

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____78

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
5 // C++ code to convert the given RGB98// C++ code to convert the given RGB99
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____83 // color code to Hex color code03// C++ code to convert the given RGB99// color code to Hex color code05

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

// color code to Hex color code5// color code to Hex color code6

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
5 // color code to Hex color code11// C++ code to convert the given RGB99
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

// color code to Hex color code5#include 1

// color code to Hex color code5// color code to Hex color code18// color code to Hex color code19

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

// color code to Hex color code5#include 5

// color code to Hex color code5#include 7 // color code to Hex color code26// color code to Hex color code27// color code to Hex color code05

#include 9// color code to Hex color code30// C++ code to convert the given RGB5______832// color code to Hex color code33// color code to Hex color code34

#include 9

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
06 // C++ code to convert the given RGB1

#include 9// color code to Hex color code30// C++ code to convert the given RGB5// color code to Hex color code32// color code to Hex color code46// color code to Hex color code34

#include 9

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

// color code to Hex color code5// color code to Hex color code54____819

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____104

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____861

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2#include 7 // color code to Hex color code66// C++ code to convert the given RGB91// color code to Hex color code05

// color code to Hex color code5// color code to Hex color code70____799// C++ code to convert the given RGB92

// color code to Hex color code5// color code to Hex color code70____875// C++ code to convert the given RGB92

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____104

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____106 #include 7 // color code to Hex color code66// color code to Hex color code75// color code to Hex color code05

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5// color code to Hex color code70____799// C++ code to convert the given RGB92

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____104

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2______106 #include 7 // color code to Hex color code66// C++ code to convert the given RGB99#include 00

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____152

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____154

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____156

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB00

// C++ code to convert the given RGB78 #include 18

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
5 // C++ code to convert the given RGB03
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
5 // C++ code to convert the given RGB05
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
5 // C++ code to convert the given RGB07

// C++ code to convert the given RGB1

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2#include 7 #include 28// C++ code to convert the given RGB99 #include 30#include 31#include 00

// color code to Hex color code5#include 34// C++ code to convert the given RGB99 #include 36#include 31#include 00

// color code to Hex color code5#include 40// C++ code to convert the given RGB99 #include 42#include 31#include 44

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

// color code to Hex color code5// color code to Hex color code61// C++ code to convert the given RGB18

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5// C++ code to convert the given RGB21

// color code to Hex color code5// C++ code to convert the given RGB23

// color code to Hex color code5// C++ code to convert the given RGB25

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____104

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____732

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____106

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
56 // C++ code to convert the given RGB37
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

// C++ code to convert the given RGB40

#include 74 // C++ code to convert the given RGB78 #include 76 #include 77

// C++ code to convert the given RGB1

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
5 #include 81// C++ code to convert the given RGB99#include 83// C++ code to convert the given RGB99#include 85// C++ code to convert the given RGB99
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____989______990// color code to Hex color code34

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2______981#include 31#include 96#include 31#include 98#include 31

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____989______990// color code to Hex color code34

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2______981

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
008#include 96
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
010#include 98
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____989______990// color code to Hex color code34

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2______981// C++ code to convert the given RGB91#include 96

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
023#include 98
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____989______990// color code to Hex color code34

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2______981#include 31#include 96#include 31#include 98

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____989______990// color code to Hex color code34

// C++ code to convert the given RGB71

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]


HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]


HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]


HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]


// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____1054

________ 72

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
057 ________ 790
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
061 ________ 1062



// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____1066____1057 // C++ code to convert the given RGB99

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2// color code to Hex color code3

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
057 // C++ code to convert the given RGB99
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]


// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
057 // C++ code to convert the given RGB99


// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
088 // color code to Hex color code19


// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5#include 7 // color code to Hex color code26// color code to Hex color code27

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

#include 9

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
102 // color code to Hex color code33#include 00

________ 99

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
057 ________ 1066
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
102 _______ 875


// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

#include 9

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
102 // color code to Hex color code46#include 00

________ 99

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
057 ________ 1066
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
102 _______ 875


// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
133 // color code to Hex color code19#include 00


// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____1137____1057

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2#include 7

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
057 // C++ code to convert the given RGB91
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
152// C++ code to convert the given RGB99
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
152// color code to Hex color code75
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]


// C++ code to convert the given RGB2______1164

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
057 // color code to Hex color code75
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
152// C++ code to convert the given RGB99
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]


// C++ code to convert the given RGB2______1164

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
057 // C++ code to convert the given RGB99
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]


// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____1194

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____1196

// C++ code to convert the given RGB2____156

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]


HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]


// C++ code to convert the given RGB2#include 7

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
057 // C++ code to convert the given RGB99
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
057 #include 31#include 00
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
057 // C++ code to convert the given RGB99
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
057 #include 31#include 00
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

// color code to Hex color code5

HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
057 // C++ code to convert the given RGB99
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]
057 #include 31
HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF"
RGB_TO_HEX = dict[zip[range[len[HEX_DIGITS]], HEX_DIGITS]]
HEX = 16

def rgb[r: int, g: int, b: int] -> str:
    """Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

    If the values are out of bounds they will be set to the nearest limit

    e.g. -1 becomes 0 and 2919 becomes 255

    Non-integers will raise an error

     r: red channel [0-255]
     g: green channel [0-255]
     b: blue channel [0-255]

     6-digit hexadecimal equivalent of r, g, b
    colors = [max[min[color, 255], 0] for color in [r, g, b]]
    converted = [[RGB_TO_HEX[color//HEX], RGB_TO_HEX[color % HEX]]
                 for color in colors]
    return "".join[[y for x in converted for y in x]]

Làm cách nào để chuyển đổi RGB sang hệ thập lục phân?

Chuyển đổi RGB sang hex .
Chuyển đổi các giá trị màu đỏ, lục và lam từ thập phân sang hex
Nối 3 giá trị hex của đỏ, lục và lam với nhau. RRGBBB

Làm cách nào để chuyển đổi RGB thành tên màu trong Python?

Một chức năng đơn giản để chuyển đổi các giá trị RGB thành tên màu cho nhiều cách kết hợp khác nhau. .
RGB →[0. 255. 0], Mã Hex →#00FF00, Tên màu →lime
RGB →[178,34,34], Mã Hex →#B22222, Tên màu →firebrick

Màu hex có hoạt động trong Python không?

Rùa trăn có các sắc thái được xác định trước như 'đỏ' và 'trắng' nhưng bạn cũng có thể sử dụng mã màu hex [bạn có thể nhìn thấy . ] Sử dụng mã màu hex chắc chắn là linh hoạt nhưng chúng khó nhớ.

Làm cách nào để chuyển đổi RGB sang HSV trong Python?

Trong OpenCV, để chuyển đổi hình ảnh RGB sang hình ảnh HSV, chúng tôi sử dụng cv2. hàm cvtColor[] . Chức năng này được sử dụng để chuyển đổi một hình ảnh từ không gian màu này sang không gian màu khác.

Chủ Đề