Lists cartesianProduct Java

/** Returns the Cartesian set of the possible cache configurations. */ @SuppressWarnings["unchecked"] private Set combinations[] { Set asyncLoading = ImmutableSet.of[true, false]; Set statistics = filterTypes[options.stats[], cacheSpec.stats[]]; Set keys = filterTypes[options.keys[], cacheSpec.keys[]]; Set values = filterTypes[options.values[], cacheSpec.values[]]; Set computations = filterTypes[options.compute[], cacheSpec.compute[]]; Set implementations = filterTypes[ options.implementation[], cacheSpec.implementation[]]; if [isAsyncOnly] { values = values.contains[ReferenceType.STRONG] ? ImmutableSet.of[ReferenceType.STRONG] : ImmutableSet.of[]; computations = Sets.filter[computations, Compute.ASYNC::equals]; } if [isAsyncOnly || computations.equals[ImmutableSet.of[Compute.ASYNC]]] { implementations = implementations.contains[Implementation.Caffeine] ? ImmutableSet.of[Implementation.Caffeine] : ImmutableSet.of[]; } if [computations.equals[ImmutableSet.of[Compute.SYNC]]] { asyncLoading = ImmutableSet.of[false]; } if [computations.isEmpty[] || implementations.isEmpty[] || keys.isEmpty[] || values.isEmpty[]] { return ImmutableSet.of[]; } return Sets.cartesianProduct[ ImmutableSet.copyOf[cacheSpec.initialCapacity[]], ImmutableSet.copyOf[statistics], ImmutableSet.copyOf[cacheSpec.weigher[]], ImmutableSet.copyOf[cacheSpec.maximumSize[]], ImmutableSet.copyOf[cacheSpec.expiry[]], ImmutableSet.copyOf[cacheSpec.expireAfterAccess[]], ImmutableSet.copyOf[cacheSpec.expireAfterWrite[]], ImmutableSet.copyOf[cacheSpec.refreshAfterWrite[]], ImmutableSet.copyOf[cacheSpec.advanceOnPopulation[]], ImmutableSet.copyOf[keys], ImmutableSet.copyOf[values], ImmutableSet.copyOf[cacheSpec.executor[]], ImmutableSet.copyOf[cacheSpec.scheduler[]], ImmutableSet.copyOf[cacheSpec.removalListener[]], ImmutableSet.copyOf[cacheSpec.population[]], ImmutableSet.of[true, isLoadingOnly], ImmutableSet.copyOf[asyncLoading], ImmutableSet.copyOf[computations], ImmutableSet.copyOf[cacheSpec.loader[]], ImmutableSet.copyOf[cacheSpec.writer[]], ImmutableSet.copyOf[implementations]]; }

In this page you can find the example usage for Lists cartesianProduct. public static List cartesianProduct[List prop : properties] { List vals = Lists.newArrayList[]; vals.addAll[prop.getValues[]]; separatedValues.add[vals];//from ww w . j av a 2 s . com } List valueLists = Lists.cartesianProduct[separatedValues]; for [List valueList : valueLists] { Map property = properties.get[i]; Object value = valueList.get[i]; valueMap.put[property, value]; stateMaker.setState[property, value]; } stateMap.put[valueMap, stateMaker]; } } if [stateMap.isEmpty[]] { // No properties. stateMap.put[new LinkedHashMap[], new BlockState[blockType]]; } for [BlockState state : stateMap.values[]] { state.populate[stateMap]; } return stateMap; }

From source

public static List calcArmourStats[] { getUniqueItemsByInfix get = new getUniqueItemsByInfix[]; ArrayList myList = get.JustArmour[]; List cartesianProduct = Lists.cartesianProduct[myList]; // System.out.println[cartesianProduct.toString[]]; System.out.println[cartesianProduct.size[]]; // Object[] toArray = cartesianProduct.toArray[]; return cartesianProduct; }

From source

public static ArrayList CartesianSetBuilder[ArrayList list1, int limit] throws IOException { List cartesianProduct = Lists.cartesianProduct[list1]; ArrayList uniqueSets = new ArrayList[]; ArrayList uniqueStats = new ArrayList[]; // System.out.println[cartesianProduct.toString[]]; System.out.println[cartesianProduct.size[]]; int index = 0; if [limit == 0] { limit = cartesianProduct.size[]; }/*from w ww .ja va 2 s . c o m*/ while [index != limit] { List mysets = cartesianProduct.get[index]; itemSet myItemSet = new itemSet[mysets]; myItemSet.calcSetStats[]; scoreValues setValues = myItemSet.getSetValues[]; //ListOfSets.add[myItemSet]; if [uniqueStats.contains[setValues]] { System.out.println["stat set already exists"]; } else { uniqueStats.add[setValues]; uniqueSets.add[myItemSet]; System.out.println["UNIQUE SET ADDED - SIZE: " + uniqueSets.size[]]; } // DbConnect con = new DbConnect[]; // con.storeItem[myItemSet]; System.out.println[index + " OF " + limit]; index++; } //myItemSet.calcscore[values]; // Object[] toArray = cartesianProduct.toArray[]; return uniqueSets; }

From source

/** * Generates different relation patterns variants as a cartesian products of provided id configurations. * * [ [role label]: $x, [role label]: $y, ...] {T1[x], T2[y], ...}, {[x/...], [y/...], ...} * * NB: only roleplayer ids are involved in the Cartesian Product * * Example:/*from www . ja va 2s. com*/ * [someRole, someType, {V123, V456, V789} ] * [anotherRole, x, {V123}] * [yetAnotherRole, x, {V456}] * * Will generate the following relations: * * {Type cartesian product}, * {Role Player Id cartesian product} * {Rel id variants} * * [someRole: $genVarA, anotherRole: $genVarB, yetAnotherRole: $genVarC], someType[$genVarA] * [someRole: $genVarA, anotherRole: $genVarB, yetAnotherRole: $genVarC], [$genVarA/V123], [$genVarB/V123], [$genVarC/V456] * [someRole: $genVarA, anotherRole: $genVarB, yetAnotherRole: $genVarC], [$genVarA/V456], [$genVarB/V123], [$genVarC/V456] * [someRole: $genVarA, anotherRole: $genVarB, yetAnotherRole: $genVarC], [$genVarA/V789], [$genVarB/V123], [$genVarC/V456] * * @param spec roleplayer configuration in the form {role} -> {type label, {ids...}} * @param relationIds list of id mappings for relation variable * @return list of generated patterns as strings */ private static List generateRelationPatterns[ Multimap spec, List relationIds] { Statement relationVar = !relationIds.isEmpty[] ? new Statement[new Variable[].asReturnedVar[]] : Graql.var[]; Statement[] basePattern = { relationVar }; List rpTypePatterns = new ArrayList[]; List rpIdPatterns = new ArrayList[]; spec.entries[].forEach[entry -> { RelationProperty.RolePlayer rp = entry.getKey[]; Statement role = rp.getRole[].orElse[null]; Statement rolePlayer = new Statement[entry.getKey[].getPlayer[].var[].asReturnedVar[]]; Label type = entry.getValue[].getKey[]; List ids = entry.getValue[].getValue[]; basePattern[0] = basePattern[0].rel[role, rolePlayer]; //rps.put[role, rolePlayer]; List rpPattern = Lists.newArrayList[rolePlayer]; List typePattern = Lists.newArrayList[rolePlayer]; if [type != null] typePattern.add[rolePlayer.isa[type.getValue[]]]; ids.forEach[id -> { Statement idPattern =[id.getValue[]]; rpPattern.add[idPattern]; }]; rpIdPatterns.add[rpPattern]; rpTypePatterns.add[typePattern]; }]; List relIdPatterns = new ArrayList[]; relationIds .forEach[relId -> relIdPatterns.add[Graql.and[basePattern[0],[relId.getValue[]]]]]; List patterns = new ArrayList[]; Stream.concat[Lists.cartesianProduct[rpTypePatterns].stream[], Lists.cartesianProduct[rpIdPatterns].stream[]] //filter trivial patterns .map[l ->[] .filter[p -> [p instanceof Conjunction] || [[Statement] p].properties[].stream[].findFirst[].isPresent[]] .collect[Collectors.toList[]]] .forEach[product -> { Pattern[] pattern = { basePattern[0] }; product.forEach[p -> pattern[0] = Graql.and[pattern[0], p]]; if [!patterns.contains[pattern[0]]] patterns.add[pattern[0]]; }]; return Stream.concat[[],[]].collect[Collectors.toList[]]; }

From source

private static Map laskeParhaatHinnat[Ostoskori ostoskori] { Map ostoksenHintatiedot = new LinkedHashMap[]; /* Listn ostoksille niiden hintatiedot. */ for [Ostos ostos : ostoskori.getOstokset[]] { /* Listn kaikkien ostoksen tuotevaihtoehtojen hintatiedot yhteen * yhdeksi listaksi. *//*from w w w .j a v a 2 s. co m*/ List yhdistetytHintatiedot = new ArrayList[]; for [Tuote vaihtoehto : ostos.getVaihtoehdot[]] { yhdistetytHintatiedot.addAll[vaihtoehto.getHintatiedot[]]; } /* Poistetaan hintatiedot, joiden suodatettua hintaa ei ole * mritetty [kauppa on suodatettu pois tai postikuluja ei * tiedet]. */ yhdistetytHintatiedot.removeIf[[Hintatieto ht] -> !ht.getSuodatettuHinta[].isPresent[]]; /* Optimointi: Poistetaan ostoksesta ne hintatiedot, joiden * postikuluton hinta on suurempi kuin halvimman hintatiedon * suodatettu [postikulullinen] hinta. */ Optional halvinSuodatettu = ostos.getHalvinSuodatettuHintatieto[] .flatMap[Hintatieto::getSuodatettuHinta]; if [halvinSuodatettu.isPresent[]] { yhdistetytHintatiedot .removeIf[[Hintatieto ht] -> ht.getHinta[].onEnemmanKuin[halvinSuodatettu.get[]]]; } /* Jos hintatietolistassa on hintatietoja jljell, listn ne * mappiin. */ if [!yhdistetytHintatiedot.isEmpty[]] { ostoksenHintatiedot.put[ostos, yhdistetytHintatiedot]; } } Map halvinYhdistelma = null; List ostokset = new ArrayList[ostoksenHintatiedot.keySet[]]; List hintatietoListat = new ArrayList[ostoksenHintatiedot.values[]]; /* Kydn lpi kaikki mahdolliset hintatietoyhdistelmt ja valitaan * niist halvin. Tm prosessi on erittin raskas suurilla tuote- ja * hintatietomrill, joten aiemmassa vaiheessa tehty optimointi on * hyvin trke. Esimerkkin 15 kpl 10:n hintatiedon tuotteita vaatisi * ilman optimointia jopa tuhat biljoonaa kokeilua. */ for [List yhdistelmanHintatiedot : Lists.cartesianProduct[hintatietoListat]] { Map yhdistelma = new HashMap[]; /* Muodostetaan yhdistelm hintatietoja. Tiedetn, ett * yhdistelmanHintatiedot- ja ostokset-listojen indexit vastaavat * toisiaan. */ for [int i = 0; i < ostokset.size[]; i++] { yhdistelma.put[ostokset.get[i], yhdistelmanHintatiedot.get[i]]; } /* Testataan, onko muodostettu yhdistelm halvempi kuin thn asti * halvin yhdistelm. */ if [halvinYhdistelma == null || kokonaisHinta[yhdistelma].onVahemmanKuin[kokonaisHinta[halvinYhdistelma]]] { halvinYhdistelma = yhdistelma; } } return halvinYhdistelma; }

From source

/** * Generate all linear expressions of size up to {@code maxExpressionSize} * with coefficients in {@code allowedCoefficients}, * over the variables returned by {@link #getVarsForNode[CFANode]}. *//*from ww w.ja v a2s. c o m*/ private Set generateTemplates[final CFANode node] { Set varsForNode = getVarsForNode[node]; Set vars =[].filter[this::shouldProcessVariable] .map[d -> new CIdExpression[FileLocation.DUMMY, [CSimpleDeclaration] d]] .collect[Collectors.toSet[]]; int maxLength = Math.min[maxExpressionSize, vars.size[]]; allowedCoefficients =[].filter[x -> !x.equals[Rational.ZERO]] .collect[Collectors.toSet[]]; // Copy the {@code vars} multiple times for the cartesian product. List lists = Collections.nCopies[maxLength, vars]; // All lists of size {@code maxExpressionSize}. Set product = Sets.cartesianProduct[lists]; // Eliminate duplicates, and ensure that all combinations are unique. // As a by-product, produces the expressions of all sizes less than // {@code maxExpressionSize} as well. Set combinations =[].map[HashSet::new] .collect[Collectors.toSet[]]; Set returned = new HashSet[]; for [Set variables : combinations] { // For of every variable: instantiate with every coefficient. List out = variables .stream[].map[x ->[] .map[coeff -> LinearExpression.monomial[x, coeff]].collect[Collectors.toList[]]] .collect[Collectors.toList[]]; // Convert to a list of all possible linear expressions. List linearExpressions = Lists.cartesianProduct[out].stream[] .map[list ->[].reduce[LinearExpression.empty[], LinearExpression::add]] .collect[Collectors.toList[]]; Set generated = filterToSameType[filterRedundantExpressions[linearExpressions]].stream[] .filter[t -> !t.isEmpty[]].map[Template::of].collect[Collectors.toSet[]]; returned.addAll[generated]; } if [generateDifferences] { returned.addAll[generateDifferenceTemplates[vars]]; } return returned; }

From source

/** * This is called when we encounter an expression that is not an "or", for example an "and" expressio. For these * expressions, we process the children and create copies with the cartesian product of the updated * arguments./*ww w . j av a 2 s.c o m*/ * * Example: * * g.V[].and[or[has['x],has['y'], or[has['a'],has['b']]] * * Here, we have an "and" expression with two children: * * 1] or[has['x],has['y'] * 2] or[has['a'],has['b']] * * We first process these children. They each yield 2 expressions: * * 1 -> [ has['x'], has['y'] ] * 2 -> [ has['a'], has['b'] ] * * The cartesian product of these gives this: * * [ has['x'], has['a'] ] * [ has['x'], has['b'] ] * [ has['y'], has['a'] ] * [ has['y'], has['b'] ] * * So the overall result is: * * g.V[].and[has['x'], has['a']] * g.V[].and[has['x'], has['b']] * g.V[].and[has['y'], has['a']] * g.V[].and[has['y'], has['b']] * * * @param source * @param context * @return expressions that should be unioned together to get the query result */ private List processOtherExpression[GroovyExpression source, OptimizationContext context] { UpdatedExpressions updatedChildren = getUpdatedChildren[source, context]; if [!updatedChildren.hasChanges[]] { return Collections.singletonList[source]; } List result = new ArrayList[]; //The updated children list we get back has the possible values for each child //in the expression. We compute a cartesian product to get all possible //combinations of child values. List updateChildLists = Lists .cartesianProduct[updatedChildren.getUpdatedChildren[]]; for [List updatedChildList : updateChildLists] { result.add[source.copy[updatedChildList]]; } return result; }

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