Matlab convert python list to array

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This example shows how to use Python® list variables in MATLAB®.

To call a Python function that takes a list input argument, create a py.list variable. To convert a list to a MATLAB variable, call the cell function, then call the appropriate conversion function for each element in the list.

Call Python Function That Takes list Input Arguments

The Python len function returns the number of items in a container, which includes a list object.

Help on built-in function len in module builtins:

len[obj, /]
    Return the number of items in a container.

Call os.listdir to create a Python list of programs named P.

P = py.os.listdir["C:\Program Files\MATLAB"];

Display the number of programs.

ans = 
  Python int with properties:

    denominator: [1×1]
           imag: [1×1]
      numerator: [1×1]
           real: [1×1]


Display one element.

ans = 
  Python str with no properties.


Index into Python List

Use MATLAB indexing to display elements in a list. For example, display the last element in the list. MATLAB returns a Python list.

ans = 
  Python list with no properties.


You also can iterate over the list in a for loop.

  Python str with no properties.


  Python str with no properties.


  Python str with no properties.


  Python str with no properties.


  Python str with no properties.


  Python str with no properties.


  Python str with no properties.


  Python str with no properties.


  Python str with no properties.


Convert Python list Type to MATLAB Types

This code displays the names in list P using MATLAB variables. Call cell to convert the list. The list is made up of Python strings, so call the char function to convert the elements of the cell array.

Each cell element name is a Python string.

Convert the Python strings to MATLAB data.

Display the names.

for n = 1:numel[cP]


Use Python List of Numeric Types in MATLAB

A Python list contains elements of any type and can contain elements of mixed types. The MATLAB double function used in this code assumes that all elements of the Python list are numeric.

Suppose that you have a Python function that returns a list of integers P. To run this code, create the variable with these values.

P = py.list[{int32[1], int32[2], int32[3], int32[4]}]

P = 
  Python list with no properties.

    [1, 2, 3, 4]

Display the numeric type of the values.

Convert P to a MATLAB cell array.

Convert the cell array to a MATLAB array of double.

Read Element of Nested list Type

This code accesses an element of a Python list variable containing list elements. Suppose that you have this list.

matrix = py.list[{{1, 2, 3, 4},{'hello','world'},{9, 10}}];

Display element 'world', which is at index [2,2].

Display Stepped Range of Python Elements

If you use slicing to access elements of a Python object, the format in Python is start:stop:step. In MATLAB, the syntax is of the form start:step:stop.

li = py.list[{'a','bc',1,2,'def'}];

ans = 
  Python list with no properties.

    ['a', 1.0, 'def']

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Hello All,

I would like to convert the python list type to matlab double.

I have tried the following,

First approach

out = cell[out[1:end-1]];

out = cellfun[@double,out];

Second approach

out = func.convlisttoarray[out]

out_double = double[out];

Although the length of the list is 1x150, in both the approaches, Matlab is taking a lot of computation time and the system hangs for a while. This is wierd to me, as a couple of days earlier everything worked fine and it could solve the problem in milli seconds.

Could anyone of you please help me with a faster approach to convert the python list to matlab double?

I am using Matlab 2019b.

Thank you in advance.


Sai Krishna

Answers [1]

q = py.list[{1,2,3}]

q =

Python list with no properties. [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]

See Also


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