new trier là gì - Nghĩa của từ new trier

new trier có nghĩa là

Ode to New Trier -- A place full of popped collars, Juicy tube tops, and wannabe goths that hang out in the scrounge. Froshies go to a different campus, Lag/Pot makes sense to all of us, and the senior parking lot is full of BMW's and Jeeps that willingly pay $300 for a spot. Kate Spade, Seven jeans, Lacoste will be found no matter where you turn. We win everything, are smarter than you, and look better while doing it. Oh yeah, and Mean Girls was based off New Trier. BEAT THAT BITCHES!!


I love New Trier because I love being better than everyone else...while looking damn good

new trier có nghĩa là

A place where you won't find too many black people.


George: Hey Paul, do you ever see any black people here at New Trier?
Paul: Nope.

new trier có nghĩa là

New Trier is a place unlike anywhere else. Not only do all the girls have kate spade or herve chapelier bags, they have louis vuitton day planners, that rest inside them. If we were to add up the outfit of a typical trevian girl on a "dress down" day, it would cost as much as some people's monthly salaries, probably becasue they needed to spice it up with a few pieces from theri tiffany's jewlery collection. It's also funny how some people think they're ghetto, when in reality they're blasting rap from their $70,000 Range Rover in Kenilworth. It is NOT abnormal to get a Hummer Limo for freshman year Homecoming. Every senior trevian has AT LEAST two friends going to ivy league schools, it's a given. It's definitly a wake up call when you go to college and not everyones daddy works in the sears tower. A rich bitch bubble to say the least.


New Tier kids wear white gowns and white tuxedos to graduation...aka too stuck up for caps and gowns.

new trier có nghĩa là

New Trier is a high school located in Winnetka, Illinois. It has over 4,000 students and is exceedingly wealthy. It cannot be denied that almost all the students are very rich, but the definitions describing the Louis Vuitton dayplanners, etc., are pretty extreme. There probably is someone at New Trier with a Louis Vuitton dayplanner, but that's one person. In essence, almost everyone is rich, but most don't go so far as to use designer dayplanners.

New Trier kids usually get very good test scores, and the usual 3-level class would be pretty accelerated in most other places. The Science Olympiad team has won state for the past six years. Sometimes the real intelligence of students at the school is questioned.

There was an article in Time magazine in the '90s called "High Times At New Trier High." This accurately sums up the drug usage at New Trier. Many students at New Trier are users. Many also drink.

The sports teams are usually quite good, and therefore hard to make. This is discouraging for some, but there are alternatives, like Night League [a basketball organization of New Trier kids that plays on Wednesday nights]. Also, this excellence at sports cause other schools to have a hatred for New Trier. However, this is not without cause; some students at the school display a cocky, egotistical attitude.


New Trier student : Go Trevs!
Student from other school : I hate New Trier.

new trier có nghĩa là

Where the grades are high and the kids are higher.


Dude: I saw u got an A+ on that level 4 math test. Bro: I am so freakin baked!!!! Dude: Typical New Trier.

new trier có nghĩa là

It is true, New Trier is located in one of the most affluent suburbs in the famed North Shore of Chicago. Many of the kids are extremely rich, have BMWs, Kate Spades, Tiffanys, expensive clothes, etc, etc. It also cannot be disputed that there is a large population of the school that like to pretend to be ghetto. They drive down the streets of Wilmette in their brand new Jeeps, blasting 50 cent, and flashing non-existent gang symbols. [ironic to say the least] Also at New Trier is a large population of subculture children, not a surprise since there are over 4,000 students. Currently, New Trier is home to many emo kids.

At New Trier, Wilmette [a very rich town, though the least extreme of the township] is considered "ghetto" by a some of the richest kids. Many of the kids that live in Kenilworth or Glencoe are scared of venturing into Evanston after dark, much less Chicago. However, those that do feel extremely cool to be hanging out "down town."

Another trademark of New Trier High School is the students' nauseating sense of pride. As a Trevian, it feels GREAT to be better than everyone else, but when you are "everyone else" it is more than frustrating. New Trier currently has extreme rivalries with Loyala and ETHS, and consistently beats them at everything, further secluding them from the surrounding areas.

One of the more surprising things about New Trier is the drug culture. New Trier has had one of the worst drug problems in the area, with a majority of students admitting to using marijuana regularly. It is not unheard of for a freshman to dabble in cocaine and herion. By sophomore year, most students are nearly alcoholics. This problem is probably fueled by kids having waaaaaay too much money, free time, and parents that are always working. New Trier is trying to fight the drug problem with little success [though the administration claims otherwise].


New Trier: where the grades are high and the kids are higher!

Glencoe kid: Do you live in Wilmette?
Wilmette kid: yeah...
Glencoe kid: OMGZZZ, do you have like drug connections?!
Wilmette kid: no...
Glencoe kid: But aren't you like right next to Evanston
Wilmette kid: so....?

new trier có nghĩa là

new trier is a place where everyone thinks they are the best when in reality they suck. No one is jealous of them but themselves [which is really sad by the way] and they are completely self absorbed with things that are not fixable, [like their ugly faces]. They cheat at their sports, and know it, anything to win [which is beyond lame and just pathetic]. They are the fucking Trevians which is basically a gay to think that anyone is jealous of that? Please, dont make me laugh. Its actually sad that they think they are so cool. I feel bad for them. When they go out of their retarded drug filled bubble [which by the way new trier has one of the highest drug rates, if not the highest drugs rate in the whole area..haha guess their parents hate them to!] they will come to discover how little they really are. No one cares about them. No one wishes they were them. They over rate themselves which is so unbelievably lame it's not even funny. So bottom line, new trier is basically the scum that infects the germs that infects a cut...just to break it down for you.


New Trier sucks, just to sum it all up.

new trier có nghĩa là

New Trier is a high school located in Winnetka, Illinois. It has over 4,000 students and is exceedingly wealthy. It cannot be denied that almost all the students are very rich, but the definitions describing the Louis Vuitton dayplanners, etc., are pretty extreme. There probably is someone at New Trier with a Louis Vuitton dayplanner, but that's one person. In essence, almost everyone is rich, but most don't go so far as to use designer dayplanners.

New Trier kids usually get very good test scores, and the usual 3-level class would be pretty accelerated in most other places. The Science Olympiad team has won state for the past six years. Sometimes the real intelligence of students at the school is questioned.

There was an article in Time magazine in the '90s called "High Times At New Trier High." This accurately sums up the drug usage at New Trier. Many students at New Trier are users. Many also drink.

The sports teams are usually quite good, and therefore hard to make. This is discouraging for some, but there are alternatives, like Night League [a basketball organization of New Trier kids that plays on Wednesday nights]. Also, this excellence at sports cause other schools to have a hatred for New Trier. However, this is not without cause; some students at the school display a cocky, egotistical attitude.


New Trier student : Go Trevs!
Student from other school : I hate New Trier.

new trier có nghĩa là

A place where there is a girl with a $2000 phone Louis Vuitton phone case.


New trier is rich

new trier có nghĩa là

New Trier is a rich ass school that doesn't accept any students that are not white, jewish, or fucking wealthy as hell. The girls are all right, that is, if you have horrible taste in gross bitches. New Trier kids often have faggot ass clothes and then make fun of [the much better and school thats actually worth four years of your life] Loyola Academy, when New Trier kids where polos and khakis every day. Loyola Students often harass New Trier kids but after all they are easily intimidated because they are racist rich white people and Loyola is diverse. They do have a nice campus and and up to par education- for a public school. They often make fun of loyola Academy students for having to pay a tuition, little do they know we are paying for their bitch ass's to even go to that fucking school. Nobody is quite sure where the rivalry started between these two schools but all that is known is that 79.375% of the kids who go there are pussy ass bitches who are rich as hell and stereo-type the fuck out of people who arnt exactly the same as them.


Shawnday- Hey I'm black can i go to new trier?
Administrator of Admissions- Sorry we have detected a problem in your seem to be brown and you do not have sufficient amounts of money. Shawnday- Oh well that school is for a pussy anyways. See faggot queer or north shore for more basic information on this sickening school.

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