newfoundland & labrador là gì - Nghĩa của từ newfoundland & labrador

newfoundland & labrador có nghĩa là

The kindest province in Canada, with the wildest people who only start partying at 2:30 in the morning and don't stop until 5 the next day. Recently described by a survey as having the kindest, most polite people who are the most sexually active in Canada. Newfoundland is the best place in the world.


I live in Newfoundland, or as some people like to call it, the Rock.

newfoundland & labrador có nghĩa là

The only place in the entire world where kids got to leave school early to watch the 2006 Olympic curling game. Also the only place where people actually watched the 2006 Olympic curling game at all.


Newfoundland sure likes curling.

newfoundland & labrador có nghĩa là

The most easterly province in Canada, alos is home to the most Easterly Point in North America [Cape Spear]. The provincial animal is the Puffin, but it should be the Moose! [even though it was only introduced in the 70's]. Rich in cultural heritage, and it's natives are the proudest people in the world, as well nicest, and hard working. The women are beautiful and plentiful. It has a breed of dog named after it, Newfoundland Dog. It has the most bars per capita in Canada ... George Street. Here is where you can find the infamous Newfie Screech. The actual Screeching in ceramony is one that is practiced hundreds of thousands of times a year, both in Newfoundland and abroad.


Newfoundland joined confederation in 1949.

newfoundland & labrador có nghĩa là

Canada’s eastern-most province and the last to join confederation. Also the most misunderstood province in Canada. They have a rich culture and a vibrant arts community. Many of Canada’s most prominent actors, writers and musicians are from Newfoundland. It’s capital is the oldest city in North America as well. Newfoundlanders are known for being friendly, disarming, unpretentious and hard working. They couldn’t make it as an independent country because they ran a huge debt after helping out England during the Second World War, where they suffered tremendous casualties at Beau Mont Hamel. The anniversary of this battle is July 1, also known as Canada day. They opted to join Canada for financial security, though some believe the vote was fixed. Canada had much to gain from Newfoundland’s rich resources. In fact their resources [fish, oil, energy and population] have been hijacked by Canada. They are self-deprecating and they never complain. They are unfortunately the butt of many stereotypes and crude jokes. They are fiercely patriotic and even have their own independence movement. Hopefully one day they will get the respect they deserve.


Newfoundland is the home of the oldest settlement in North America: L’Anse aux meadows by the Vikings 999-1001.

Newfoundland has a high rate of out-migration. Alberta’s workforce would collapse without Newfoundlanders.

The weather tends to be wet, windy and foggy in Newfoundland, however the temperature very rarely goes below 0 in the winter.

newfoundland & labrador có nghĩa là

The birth-place of the hardest working people on earth. Not only will Newfies labour for up to 20 hours per day, they will often do it for months on end. The only catch is that they will insist on having every one of their friends and family members working with them. This is often why entire city blocks were built by people from Newfoundland.


Did you get a job with that construction company? Are you kidding? Every damn one of those guys is from Newfoundland.

newfoundland & labrador có nghĩa là

The first province to respond to the Titanic distress signal, The first to vaccinate for smallpox, The first to host a transatlantic flight, The first to have wireless communication in the world, The first place to discover proof of the theory of continental drift.
The oldest street in North America and the oldest city in North America. The oldest rock in the world
The oldest.................. continuous sporting event [Regatta Day rules! ] The largest university in Atlantic Canada, the most pubs per square foot in Canada [George Street] The longest running radio program in North America, caught the world's largest invertebrate [giant squid] Newfoundlanders are...the funniest people in Canada [ask anybody] The sexiest people in Canada [MacLean's magazine survey] The only Province that has four identifiable flags, the only Province able to land the space shuttle [Stephenville] The most giving people in Canada [Stats Canada] The most sexually active people in all of Canada [what else are we gonna do!!] A NEWFOUNDLANDER. . . . . built the world's first artificial ice arena, invented the gas mask, was once governor of northern Rhodesia, was with Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg THE ONLY PROVINCE TO HAVE IT'S OWN. . . . . . . . encyclopedia, dictionary pony, dogs, cultural publication


Newfoundland has the most easterly point in canada

newfoundland & labrador có nghĩa là

Newfoundland is an island of the east coast of Canada, possibly the best place on earth. contrary to popular belief there is no inbreeding what so ever. as a matter of fact, Newfoundland has the most beautiful woman on the face of the planet. Newfoundlanders are smart, hard working, funny, and like nothing more than to have a good drink after a long weeks work. A.K.A PARTY THEIR ASSES OFF! Newfoundland has put out such comedians as Rick Mercer, Mary Walsh and Cathy Jones. They are possibly the nicest people in the world. Sure the weather sucks, but obviously who ever actually cant take it is a pansy ass. All to the point of this guy " notnuffie " who obviously is a huge ass hole and thinks that Newfoundland is a shit hole well news for you dick head...they're amazing people, and just by seeing what you wrote, id rather die than have a conversation with you . The Seal Hunt for Newfoundlanders is a way of life, it keeps people going and has been a source of food, and profit for over 100 years...and up until the 90's they cought a load of fish, and are still working hard to contribute to the worlds oil supply.

Basics, Newfoundland is beautiful, amazing and arguably the funnest place on earth. and a lot of them are very proud and will gladly kick someones ass any day to fight for it.


Man i just got back from Newfoundland, that place kicks ass!

newfoundland & labrador có nghĩa là

St. John's is the capital of Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada.

The town was named after John the Baptist from The Bible.


St. John's Newfoundland and Labrador has:

Roman Catholic 83,615 48.9%
Protestant 77,880 45.5%
Anglican 39,495 23.1%
United 25,670 15.0%
Salvation Army 5,645 3.3%
Pentecostal 3,865 2.3%
Presbyterian 1,220 0.7%
Baptist 495 0.3%
Jehovah's Witness 425 0.2%
Other Protestant 1,540 0.9%
Christian, not included elsewhere 1,310 0.8%
Hindu 355 0.2%
Other religions 460 0.3%
No religion 6,990 3.9%
Muslim 0 0.0%

newfoundland & labrador có nghĩa là

the eastermost province, way out there in the atlantic. has its own special timezone, cause it makes em bad ass. newfies is the pejoritive word for them, it stereotypes them as hick fisherman. they're not, but it is true that they live liqour. and curling, which is actually as popular as hockey there. newfoundland is an interesting story. it was a country for a bout 15 years in the early 1900s, then ran itself into the ground financially. their gov't asked the brits the make them a colony again in the 1930s, which they did. then the brits asked canada if they wanted newfoundland and canada said "why the hell not?" and took it.


newfoundland is the only country in world history to voluntarily give up independence and become a colony.

newfoundland & labrador có nghĩa là

An Island on the Atlantic east coast of Canada. In 1949 they became Canadians but before that they were administered by U.K. Economy based on natural resources and tourism. Fishery collapsed in the 80's and never recovered. Fortunately oil exploitation expanded and helped the province finances a little bit but prices fell in the last 4 years and the province struggles financially again. Most folks in NFLD are nice but not more than any other places in Canada just the same. Also like any other place in Canada, NFLD has its quota of complete assholes and racist idiots just the same.


Newfoundland can be a really fun place but it can also be a hell hole filled grumpy folks constantly complaining about mainlanders.

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