Organizational behavior chapter 1 7 review

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Chapter 1-Test Bank W Answers

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Organizational Behavior, 18e

[Robbins]Chapter 1What Is Organizational Behavior?True or False Questions

1.The planning function involves defining an organization's goals and establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals. Answer: TRUE 2.A degree in architecture will provide a student with the human skills required for a job. Answer: FALSE 3.Organizational behavior applies the knowledge gained about individuals, groups, and the effect of structure on behavior in order to make organizations work more effectively. Answer: TRUE 4.Psychology seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals. Answer: TRUE 5.Entomology is the study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities. Answer: FALSE 6.Workforce diversity refers to how organizations are becoming more homogeneous in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity. Answer: FALSE

MCQ Questions

1.________ get things done through other people. They make decisions, allocate resources, anddirect the activities of others to attain goals. A] Assistants B] Managers C] Secretaries D] Interns Answer: B2.Lesley Torres is a project manager for the campaign "Action against Deforestation in Indonesia." She recently faced a glitch when the campaign could not be launched publicly according to schedule. Torres monitored the schedule to find the cause of the delay before speeding up the implementation process by allocating more members for the implementation phase. By doing this, which of the following functions is she performing? A] controlling

  1. planning C] formulating D] leading E] organizing Answer: A 3.Ellen Ortiz works as a sales manager at a telecom firm. The company has recently launched anew product in the market. Her work in the next few weeks involves sharing knowledge about the product with her team members. She will also need to inspire them to reach their sales targets and clarify any doubts about the new product. Which of the following roles is Ortiz playing? A] leader B] liaison C] disseminator D] spokesperson Answer: A 4.The ability to understand, communicate with, motivate, and support other people, both individually and in groups, may be defined as ________. A] human skills B] technical skills C] conceptual skills D] cognitive skills Answer: A 5.Melissa Woods was recently hired as the campaign manager at an environmental organization. She has a degree in environmental sustainability and possesses substantial knowledge about the issue of global warming. She has the knowledge to lead the public relations team of the organization. However, a few months later, the board of directors of the organization expressed dissatisfaction with Melissa's performance and asked her to resign. Which of the following, if true, best explains this situation? A] Melissa had no prior experience in research and development. B] Melissa had weak interpersonal and networking skills to run the project. C] Melissa focused on the results her team achieved rather than how they achieved those results. D] Melissa is not up-to-date about the feasibility of using different modes of renewable energy. Answer: B 6.Joann Hayes is currently working on a project to tackle climate change. During the project, she needs to find different options to replace the use of non-renewable energy and check the feasibility of different renewable energy options before choosing the most practical one. Which of the following skills does Hayes primarily need to use for these tasks? A] human skills B] interpersonal skills C] conceptual skills D] communication skills Answer: C

7.Which of the following best defines organizational behavior? A] It involves the study of groups of people coming together for collective bargaining. B] It involves the study of what people do in a company and how it affects the company's performance. C] It involves analyzing different people in an industry with independent profit-centered motives. D] It involves developing exclusively the knowledge of managers and senior-level employees. Answer: B 8.Which of the following determinants of behavior does organizational behavior study? A] profits B] job satisfaction C] perks D] individuals Answer: D 9.________ seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals. A] Meteorology B] Anthropology C] Sociology D] Psychology Answer: D10.Which of the following disciplines blends concepts from both psychology and sociology to focus on people's influence on one another? A] social psychology B] cosmology C] parapsychology D] anthropology Answer: A 11.Which of the following is a difference between sociology and psychology? A] Sociology studies humans and animals whereas psychology focuses exclusively on humans. B] Sociology studies people in relation to their social culture whereas psychology focuses on the individual. C] Sociology incorporates research from social sciences, philosophy, and natural sciences; psychology does not. D] Sociology uses various methods of empirical investigation whereas psychology uses limited critical analyses. Answer: B 12.________ is the study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities. A] Anthropology

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What is organizational behavior organizational behavior chapter 1?

Organizational behavior: a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organisations for the perps of applying such knowledge toward improving and organisations effectiveness.

What is the summary of organizational behavior?

Organizational behavior is the study of human behavior in an organizational setting. This includes how individuals interact with each other in addition to how individuals interact with the organization itself. Organizational behavior is a critical part of human resources, though it is embedded across a company.

Is OB a science as well as an art?

A Science as well as an Art:Organisational behaviour is a science as well as an art. The systematic knowledge about human behaviour is a science and the application of behavioural knowledge and skills is an art.

What is organizational behavior class about?

Organizational Behavior will explore human behavior at the individual, interpersonal, and group levels including effects of organizational structure on behavior. The emphasis will be on managerial roles, historical evolution of management, ethics, and behavior in multi-cultural contexts.

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