Python print list in one line

I'm new to python and I'm trying to scan multiple numbers separated by spaces [let's assume '1 2 3' as an example] in a single line and add it to a list of int. I did it by using:

#gets the string 
string = input['Input numbers: '] 
#converts the string into an array of int, excluding the whitespaces
array = [int[s] for s in string.split[]] 

Apparently it works, since when I type in '1 2 3' and do a print[array] the output is:

[1, 2, 3]

But I want to print it in a single line without the brackets, and with a space in between the numbers, like this:

1 2 3

I've tried doing:

for i in array:
    print[array[i], end=" "]

But I get an error:

2 3 Traceback [most recent call last]:

print[array[i], end=" "]

IndexError: list index out of range

How can I print the list of ints [assuming my first two lines of code are right] in a single line, and without the brackets and commas?

asked Jun 4, 2016 at 0:30


Yes that is possible in Python 3, just use * before the variable like:


This will print the list separated by spaces.

[where * is the unpacking operator that turns a list into positional arguments, print[*[1,2,3]] is the same as print[1,2,3], see also What does the star operator mean, in a function call?]


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answered Aug 19, 2018 at 5:35


You want to say

for i in array:
    print[i, end=" "]

The syntax i in array iterates over each member of the list. So, array[i] was trying to access array[1], array[2], and array[3], but the last of these is out of bounds [array has indices 0, 1, and 2].

You can get the same effect with print[" ".join[map[str,array]]].

answered Jun 4, 2016 at 0:38

Nick MatteoNick Matteo

4,30721 silver badges31 bronze badges


these will both work in Python 2.7 and Python 3.x:

>>> l = [1, 2, 3]
>>> print[' '.join[str[x] for x in l]]
1 2 3
>>> print[' '.join[map[str, l]]]
1 2 3

btw, array is a reserved word in Python.

answered Jun 4, 2016 at 0:56

Corey GoldbergCorey Goldberg

57.1k27 gold badges123 silver badges141 bronze badges


Try using join on a str conversion of your ints:

print[' '.join[str[x] for x in array]]

For python 3.7

answered Jun 4, 2016 at 0:38


5,1751 gold badge18 silver badges31 bronze badges


You have multiple options, each with different general use cases.

The first would be to use a for loop, as you described, but in the following way.

for value in array:
    print[value, end=' ']

You could also use str.join for a simple, readable one-liner using comprehension. This method would be good for storing this value to a variable.

print[' '.join[str[value] for value in array]]

My favorite method, however, would be to pass array as *args, with a sep of ' '. Note, however, that this method will only produce a printed output, not a value that may be stored to a variable.

print[*array, sep=' ']

answered Jun 4, 2016 at 1:45


3,2216 gold badges22 silver badges40 bronze badges


If you write

a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print[*a, sep = ',']

You get this output: 1,2,3,4,5

answered Nov 30, 2019 at 13:40

# Print In One Line Python

print['Enter Value']

n = int[input[]]

print[*range[1, n+1], sep=""]

Suraj Rao

29.1k11 gold badges95 silver badges100 bronze badges

answered Mar 4, 2019 at 14:57



print[*lstofGroups, sep = ',']

don't forget to put * before the List

answered Apr 7 at 0:57

For python 2.7 another trick is:

arr = [1,2,3]
for num in arr:
  print num,
# will print 1 2 3

answered Feb 7, 2019 at 4:30

elad silverelad silver

8,5294 gold badges41 silver badges63 bronze badges

you can use more elements "end" in print:

for iValue in arr:
   print[iValue, end = ", "];

answered Sep 25, 2020 at 10:03

Maybe this code will help you.

>>> def sort[lists]:
...     lists.sort[]
...     return lists
>>> datalist = [6,3,4,1,3,2,9]
>>> print[*sort[datalist], end=" "]
1 2 3 3 4 6 9

you can use an empty list variable to collect the user input, with method append[]. and if you want to print list in one line you can use print[*list]

answered Jul 3, 2020 at 3:53


1821 silver badge8 bronze badges

How do you print multiple lines on one line in Python?

To print multiple expressions to the same line, you can end the print statement in Python 2 with a comma [ , ]. You can set the end argument to a whitespace character string to print to the same line in Python 3.

How do I print a list like a string in Python?

The most pythonic way of converting a list to string is by using the join[] method. The join[] method is used to facilitate this exact purpose. It takes in iterables, joins them, and returns them as a string.

How do I print a list side by side in Python?

You can use the zip[] function to join lists together. The zip[] function will iterate tuples with the corresponding elements from each of the lists, which you can then format as Michael Butscher suggested in the comments. Finally, just join[] them together with newlines and you have the string you want.

How do you print a list and a string on the same line?

To print a list and display it in a single line, a straightforward solution is to iterate over each element in a for loop and print this element into the same line using the print[] function with the end=' ' argument set to the empty space.

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